Overwatch anti-cheat system is useless

It just doesnt work
They keep updating the anti cheat system in every patch but it is always useless


Always going to be a losing battle, the best they can do is damage limitation.


Still better than what Bungie has for theirs.


It does work. There are ban waves happening. If you don’t believe that then that is your personal problem.

I mean what exactly is your suggestion ? That they just stop trying because it’s not 100% cheat proof ? Because that is impossible, you know …

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I can tell its 100% cheat, ive recorded some of the cheaters in comp

They’d do better targeting Smurf’s because they’re used on smurf accounts.


As soon as a patch comes out someone will be working on a work around. It’s always limited time, if at all, that a cheat circumvents updates.

All I know is this: people make money creating and selling cheat engines. They make a living off of it.

Blizzard shuts them down at every opportunity, of course. But these people, whose livelihoods depend on the income from their cheat engines, are very quick to rebuild the cheats so they work still.

Basically, it’s a never ending battle. There is money at stake, and neither side is ready to back down.

But I’ll tell ya this… if you can find a way to completely block cheats without totally ruining the game at the same time, then you can make more money than all of them combined.


Did you know people pay 800$ monthly for some ow cheats?


Well, they might be a problem, but the biggest problem now are smurfs, leavers and throwers.

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It is a never ending battle, but games like CSGO do a more admiral job in proactively going after cheaters.

Tbf, don’t they purposely hold off on banning until they can get a lot of people in one go?

I thought that was the whole logic behind ban waves. Wait for a cheat to spread and shut down as many people as possible.

Ofc cheaters will cheat, Blizz could make a system that’s 99% effective at blocking cheats but all the cheaters need is that 1% exploit chance.

You are report=ban people for throw/toxic and he gonna smurf and destroy everything (like me)


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Thank you dangerio for ruining people’s pleasure. I’m a PS4 player btw, we have smurfs like every 5 games or so.

Its not useless, they just prepare ban waves, so the cheaters cant warn each other and take counter measures.

When i started play in plat (gm smurf) my winrate on ORISA after 10 games — 80% XD. Just place orisa shield behind rein, shooting him head and bodyblock with shift)

Jeff, love you :wink:

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SavagePapi Jeff

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Did you miss the massive ban wave that happened recently?

The best way to get rid of smurf is to climb to the top of the food chain. But then cheaters will already begin to meet;). REAL cheaters, not smurfs who just know how to drive heads over their heads

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Look up the replay of YS7Y79 (Import this code) from Jay3’s stream earlier and watch the Soldier: 76 he was against.


Albeit the guy was banned during the game near the end and the match just ended for everyone no win, loss, or tie. They did play to tie from agreement though.