Overwatch anti-cheat system is useless

Yeah, there is no one perfect anti-cheat system as far as I know. It’s a battle between programmers on both sides trying to beat each other at that game. They must always iterate and update, while implementing strategies that use multiple techniques to detect, remove and prevent those things. Just do your part in reporting it and keep hoping your games are cheat free in the meantime.

Smurfs are cheaters too, I’m on PS4 so cheaters aren’t a big problem but the gm smurfs are everywhere and basically free roaming around gold and plat.

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there is only one way out - to become gm.

Blizzard love money
People still play vs smurf (btw smurfs no so much)

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Smurfing on it’s own, or the act of playing a new or lower leveled account isn’t inherently cheating, and often the hidden MMR should adjust quickly enough to put them against adequate opponents since it’s like 3 numbers. But if they’re throwing to maintain a lower status or play rate, just so they can later out play lower levels, then obviously that is reportable as gameplay sabotage.

I wouldn’t say it’s useless, but it shouldn’t be the only thing…

I know it’s insane. Like I just don’t understand it. Being bad at aiming isn’t even a problem in this game cause there are character who don’t require aim and let you contribute.

I mean like the one or two times I got accused of cheating I’m like, as if I could afford to pay for them lmao.

Your answer does not relate to the contents of my post at all.

Smurfs actually throw and win to keep their acounts in gold or plat or diamond.

Sure, then it’s just a thrower, but people try to imply that a low level account on its own, without even the action of throwing, will just be enough to match them against noobs to bully. But even a high level account could just throw some games to bully low levels, I mean there are plenty of low mmr players with high level accounts anyway, no one would call those smurfs, just throwers.

Throwers and smurfs are both toxic for this game. They basically ruin everyone’s fun.

Not necessary. Someone simply offers to raise the rating to another (for example, to his friend). And someone just takes and plays on a new character for himself. Some sometimes exit the match a second before the word VICTORY.

P.S. if you do not annoy such a smurf, then you can play a very typical match. Not always, of course, but it happens.

And if you do not open your mouth once again with insults to the allies, and apologize for your shoals - then throwers will be several times smaller.

By the way, then this friend will fall down. And no, he will not intentionally lose the game. He just didn’t get his rating. But I think you yourself understand how it will look for others)

how is it useless when they sell the cheat? they make dough, its 60$ per motnh! if you tell me blizzard didnt make it, i wont believe you, the cheat is active since beta of the game and 4 years later still isnt shut down.

Do you know that people who make any cheat programs also have ability to patch their work?
Wild i know, cheats makers who try to make money off them are programmers who also work on what they do. Its so… unexpected.

This is called boosting and is actually even worse than smurfing.

When I’m talking about leavers, I’m actually talking about those who just quit in general, when theuy don’t like how you play or are just throwing games to derank.

So now I have to respect them and sugar coat things so these litlle stupid fellas don’t get upset.

How about being forced to give a phone number in order to play comp???
End of throwers or partially, very few leavers, cause everyone would like to keep their rank at what it is. Even smurfs are affected by this.

MANY times no one would ever complain and throwers be like “Ama throw this game cause I hate you for 0 reason”.

Sometimes you just also wonder what they’re doing here.
Had a 1k200 hours one trick main not being able to block one freaking shatter against a dva main with 50 hours on Rein who blocked 3 shatters out of the five our Rein did. We actually said: “can you please switch your rein for orisa or something???” He got mad, picked winston and started throwing.

No you can’t.

Most of the time you just get straight up outplayed… but your ego can not accept it, so you scream cheat.

The number of times I was 100% certain it was a cheat in a match, I can count on one hand. The number of times I have been outplayed… too many to count.

You drip of somebody wallowing in the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Quietly report where you think is a cheat if you feel the need but focus on improving your own play.

There is a difference between evaluation and action. You can relate differently - but provoking people is more expensive for yourself. Just advice from a smurf like me.

People themselves understand the most primitive mistakes. He himself is not enthusiastic about what is happening. What really would not hurt is the ability to predict enemy superpowers to warn about them in advance (before gm this is done more than calmly). Or to compensate for the mistakes of your tank. Ideally, this and that. Regarding bad shatters, this is not a big problem, this superpower is quite problematic for surrender, and its strength is rather situational (the higher the rank, the less benefit). And the offer to change the Rhine to Oris is somewhat … stupid.

Over more than 2000 fights, I met just a couple of people who intentionally lost. And then they had old scores with others. Makes me think? And all because I almost always take control of the team in my hands, so the number of errors in my team drops sharply.
And if you yourself at the same time show a good game - this allows you to maintain the will to win.

P.S. about ults
Ideally, be able to predict the use of superpower at least for a second (or better for 3). Here it was possible to describe how this is done, but … who needs it? It’s always easier to write that the opponents are from the top 500, and you have boosted throwers

P.P.S.Even cheaters at high ranks are calmly taken out through the bastion comp (if it has a place to be)

By the way, this is advice on how to counter cheaters (more than a dozen cheaters on this got burned)

The only thing I can agree with is that smurfs / throwers / boosted players make it difficult to enjoy the game. They really do not influence the progress in the ranking if a person plays more than a couple of games per season.

And something smurfs / throwers and boosted players is not enough.

Maybe someone just loves a little stigma? gave a couple of goals on a fresh account? Smurf Does every fight die first? Thrower. Raised the league for the season? Boosted

If you will make a contribution like this - the number of toxic throwers in your team will be reduced by 2 times.

By the way, then it was a game on dimond / low master and that day I ate 10 zarya ults like this

They actually don’t influence your growth (made it from silver to plat with so many smurfs on the enemy teams) but you can say goodbye to the word “fun” during that match.

For the Rein thing, I play support and everytime I would call the enemy rein already having his ult, by like 3 seconds or so, but 0 blocking. Also our rein was extra entitled, like he knew how to play the game better than us or something (he actually said he was a masters but by the way he played I thought he was silver, high silver at best).

But can you explain to me why do you enjoy smurfing. What does make it enjoyable to you???

Well, low ranks often will not notice the Smurf, if he does not notice all living things. Maybe a person has a bad day or something. Here I have fps drops, for example, start at a bad time - and all

Well, what should I do when my main account banned? This system is not able to immediately throw me at my desired rank, so you have to go over the heads.

I know some people don’t like it, but I don’t mind Valorant’s anti-cheat and I wish OW had a better anti-cheat.

If you want to talk about useless… let’s talk about how riot touted their anti-cheat system (that is potentially invasive to your pc) and then this happens in the highest rank of their game:

h ttps://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyLitigiousManateeEleGiggle

Game companies can only do do much but at least Blizzard isn’t lying to our faces that they can magically make it all better.
