Overwatch Anniversary 2022 is a mess, and here is why

I will be speaking in behalf of multiple people in this post, because me and my friends all agree with these opinions I’m going to write here. We think that this year’s Anniversary Event is quite a mess and there are many things that Blizzard could’ve made differently to make it better.

Point 1: Old Weekly Challenge Skins
Blizzard bringing back some of the old weekly challenge skins is kinda okay in our opinion, but the fact that we who ALREADY have everything from those weekly challenges, get nothing as compensation. Like, can’t we even get some loot boxes or gold? We have no interest playing this event, since there is literally nothing for us to gain from it.

This whole situation gives me flashbacks from 2019 Halloween week 3 challenge, where Blizzard just decied to give everyone who played 9 games Demon Hunter Sombra for FREE. Like, I bought the 2018 Blizzcon virtual ticket thinking the skin would be exclusive ONLY to Blizzcon, like all the previous Blizzcon skins. When I completed my 9 matches and got nothing in return, I just felt stabbed in the back.

Point 2: New Remix Skins
Where do I even begin with these? We were quite exited when we first heard that Blizzard is going to recolor some of the old Legendary skins. We started thinking which skins would be cool to recolor. Perhaps a brown version of the Snow Owl Ana skin? Maybe Dune Buggy Bastion in not so bright colors? Or my personal favorite, Orange version of Null Sector Orisa skin, like the OR14 we see in the ‘Honor and Glory’ short.

But what we got instead, was bad white recolors of random skins over the years. Like seriously, why make ALL of them white? And the worst of all, is the quality of these recolors. I have my graphics set on Ultra, and I can see PIXELS in the Reinhardt skin, more specifically in his visor, gauntlet lights and back engine. And Blizzard expects us to pay 3000 gold from these?! (Genji skin is fine tho. Can’t believe I’d ever compliment a Genji skin, LOL)

Point 3: The Lack Of Effort
And lastly, the effort put to this event seems so minimal. We only got 6 bad white recolors from random Legendary skins that propably took 1-2 hours each to make. No new emotes, highlight intros or victory poses. We didn’t even get any voice lines or sprays.

If you read all the way to the end, thank you :slight_smile:


I don’t know why people are surprised by not getting much when Blizzard informed us that we’d not be getting much :woman_shrugging:

If you don’t like 'em, don’t buy 'em? I don’t buy anything from LNY ever 'cause there’s nothing in that event I want. Big deal. There’ll be other stuff later.


Okay, I didn’t see the post where they mentioned we wouldn’t get much so that’s my mistake. But do you think it IS okay that all the recolors are the same color and look like they were made by an intern during a weekend?

And my point wasn’t JUST the skins. My bigger point was my 1st one regarding the fact that we who already have the weekly challenge skins and sprays and stuff from back then, don’t get anything.


If the world went with that mentality we would all be doomed, just want to say that


I personally don’t care. Why? – and I’ll be blunt, because I am not a child. I understand that crap happens and that’s just life. You can’t always get what you want. Nobody and nothing is ever gonna be 100% at their best. Life is just full of disappointments.

This is just a video game. Some of you guys need some perspective. There are far, far, farrrrr more pressing things in life to worry about. Trust me.

I truly hope some of you look back on this time in your life when you’re complaining about not getting stuff in a video game and just smack yourself in the forehead when you realise just how silly you were being.


Have you looked at news at all…?

What we are doing pales in comparison to whats going on in the real world

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Which is exactly my point. Thanks.

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What I don’t like about the remix is that it reduces the possibility of fully customizable skins in OW2. I want to pick multiple colors from a palette of colors in various ways to any skin to my liking in any fun, ridiculous, cool or unique way. Will they now pick it for us?

I also wonder, we’ll also have to wait for waves of color skins to come out? What if the skins they chose aren’t the ones I want in that color? And of course, I’ve studied and done a bit of 3D modeling for fun and it just feels that they’re releasing the skins in loot boxes, double dipping, as new skins that they changed colors in like substance painter or something. It’s underwhelming and cheap to me.


Well this will never happen. This will also not work cause the devs using a different skin pipeline for the engine.

My guess is that the “remix” skins are some teases how some “Battle Pass” cosemtics could looks like. These are easy ways for the devs to add new cool skins in a different color palette.

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My complete thoughts on the subject can be found here…

The “lack of effort” is the whole point. They’re focusing their development resources on getting OW2 out the door ASAP, so they deprioritized the live events. If skipping events moves the launch day forward by even one week then it’s worth it.


What if they made remixes of the challenge skins and put them with said skins as a challenge for the people who already had the originals? :stuck_out_tongue:


That sounds possible. Likely what remix is, is just the introduction of the colors

Correct. I think they want to figure out how the community likes the details of the recolors to improve future remix skins. We know that the OW team is putting a lot of work, love and detail into the modeling and texturing process into skins and this is a fast way to make cool skins even cooler or even better with a fresh texture.

Idk this feels quite contradictory when they also said we’d get more skins than any other year, it’s kind of reasonable to assume we’d get more.

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People have been asking for a dye system in WoW since Wrath for gear.

Blizzard’s answer was “We make multiple colors of each set.”

Those colors have been usually brown, black, green, blue, and yellow.

I would very much get ready for them picking for you.

I think that they said that after delivering 3 or 4 of the 6 heroes that they had teased (maybe teased is not the right word. They said something along the lines of “we are working on 6 new heroes” before OW2 was something).
There is some back pedaling here. And nothing clear.

Like, if you finally buy the game because it looks cool, well… Sucks to be you, boy.
You should have looked for those lost interviews of a couple of years ago on those random websites before buying an abandoned game with not even balance patches.

What? You said that like as a serious thing to say? Omg who cares about the news. If you are worried about what the news says is important over your own life and what is important to you why live? I dont care if will smith smacked ukraine or if russia invaded chris rock. It has no affect on me at all.

Congratulations on making the dumbest argument for anything humanely possible. This argument is a nothing argument and can be used for absolutely every single possible thing in life.
“My car just broke down and it’s going to cost me alot to get it fixed”.
“Who cares, there are far more pressing things in the world that are wrong like starving people in Africa”.

“Lightening just hit a tree, knocking it down and breaking my roof”.
“Who cares, there’s a potential WW3 on the horizon. That’s far more pressing thing in life to worry about”.

“Someone just ran me over and broke both my legs but I’ll eventually heal and recover. But right now I’m in a serious amount of pain”
“Who cares? The Taliban has taken over eastern countries and is doing unspeakable things to the residents”

There will always be something more important in the world than what is annoying you at any given time, using this as an argument for why someone should be upset about something is ridiculous. Especially when you are using it when someone has a very valid complaint about a videogame in a forum about that videogame.

If someone can’t give an opinion about something in a game on a forum (not even an unreasonable opinion) about that game without you getting upset, why are you even on the forums other than to just tell people how they are being silly? If you care so much about what’s going on in the world, why are you here wasting your time when you could be out contributing to these much more important and pressing issues?

Nice novel for you trying to justify crying over a video game. I applaud you.