I can feel it in the air. The overwatch team is looking over the hills to see the success of Marvel Rivals and watching their once loyal fans and content creators leave for greener pastures.
Overwatch 3 will soon be announced to steal thunder and claw back their customers as a last desperate attempt. Overwatch 2 hasn’t been well received throughout its live service no matter the updates or new heroes.
We need excitement and overwatch 3 is the only way to make it happen now.
They haven’t been building it… so, it isn’t going to happen.
By the time they get OW3 out the door, OW2 would have absolutely died, and they would struggle to get any players on board for 3.
A rebranding of Overwatch is definitely needed.
The “Overwatch 2” brand is very damaged.
But there is also an alternative scenario where Microsoft will not care less about this IP and will keep it in maintenance mode and milk the existing player base.
So, a rebranding only makes sense if there is a real plan to make Overwatch great again.
That never stopped them before.
I’m not entirely sure what op means but if I give them the benefit of the doubt then maybe PvE as OW3 would make more sense? They had been building that and I’m sure they have it stored somewhere just in case. Who knows how much of it was complete though or how long it would take to actually get it finished from where they last left off.
This is all a fantasy I know but it’s the season of hope, give me a break
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I think you feel a fart… Blizzard barely survived 2023… they are at their lowest point in history right now… they dont have the manpwer to release an entire new project after multiple layoff sessions and downsizing… the only thing that is in the future is blizzard starts shutting down their IPs one at a time until they fall entirely as a franchise…
A better option would be to drop the 2 not to make another ‘sequel’ and bring out more cinematics and more replayable pve events.
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just like OW2, who said anything about making a whole new game. Lol!
They can just rebrand to OW3 and call it a day. a literal new title. thats all OW2 was to an extent. ( obviously me disregarding the many bugfixes and new characters. LOL! )_
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Abandoning the 2, openly acknowledging and apologizing for there failures and a multi year road map of what they actually want to do with the game and how they’re going to make up for broken promises is what I’d need.
Ow3 would just show me it’ll be the same greedy tactics and Ana biased balancing again.
No amount of format changes will fix all the cooldowns that are easy to land and make playing tank a nightmare. There’s a good reason why rivals has no anti heal mechanic in place.
how exactly is that gonna help their situation? considering how amazingly wonderful the transition from OW to OW2 was… just gonna be history repeating itself
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eh who knows TBH. i was just throwing garbage at the wall and seeing what sticks. hahahah.
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In OW3 they will cancel PVP.
The OW brand is damaged beyond repair. Nobody wants more OW. Let’s let the game slowly die with some dignity and pretend the “2” never happened.
Is there a mccree in ow3?
Not a bad theory OP. Something as big as an OW3 announcement would reinvigorate the fandom in the face of MR, but who knows how far a long they are in that pipeline.
But, what big feature would they have for OW3? OW2 it was supposedto be pvp, but we all know how that turned out. I think that the big feature this time around will be dynamic weather effects lmao. With OW2 they made a big deal about how maps would take place at different times of the day, but now theyre gonna expect us to cream ourselves over the fact that now its going to be raining or snowing on some maps.
Nice troll ahah keep dreaming
OW3, coming soon with a $20 monthly subscription and mythic shoes, gloves and horse armour****.
**** horse not included in game and visible on website only. Only 100 mythic points, on sale from 300 mythic points.
we should point out that the game currently does not exactly have the prerequisites to be called “2”: it is a live service pvp game that is constantly updated (heroes, maps, etc.) as the technologies improve, and over time it has adapted to the needs of the market (monetization, f2p, crossplatform, etc.), and every now and then it needs bugfixing.
in short? it is the exact same duty as ow"1", where all the attention is on pvp.
the difference between 5v5 and 6v6 is a thing that developers and players have exasperated to “we deny you one to affirm the other” (practically the exact opposite of the openq / roleq approach that at least initially was available in unranked)… but this is not enough to make it a “2”.
if these are the logics to give a number to the title of the game we are already in “ow3”: ow1 originally had the double pick, it didn’t have any type of roleq, there was the defender class, it didn’t have replay codes, nor deathmatches.
Changing “2” to “3” with even greedier monetization won’t cut it.
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Naaah ow2 and 5v5 is already stupid in retrospect… it would be worse if they try ow3.
They can try the nostalgia card like warcraft tho, overwatch classic but with MR it’s kinda late and pointless, most of us have moved on