Overwatch 2 will be at its best in Season 6

If they give Mercy 5 more bullets then maybe.

Eh the new devs donā€™t really seem to want to do much with the PVE content at this point, they inherited a headache of a project that just hurts the base game more then anything.

Itā€™s become a side project at this point.

The main focus now is the new hero, gamemode (with two maps), training range, Botw like shrines for each hero acting as both training and challenge rooms you can speed run.

Like there is a lot this season. on top of the PVE stuff.

Plus hopefully a revert to the mei/sym stuff.

Did they ever make it so that people can unlock multiple heroes at once, or is it still one at a time?
Because that system really incentivizes new players to spend money and speed up the process. And every season after a new hero comes out, new players need to spend more time/money to keep get their options up to par or just be at a handicap.

I wish they went back to heroes being free and moved some PVE events/rewards to battle pass.

At one point there was a hero pack unlocking Kiriko, Ramattra, Junkerqueen & Sojourn for like $5-$10

It might have even included Lifeweaver? I donā€™t remember

Either way, that pricing is way better than any other character based F2P game I can think of. I donā€™t know any others essentially selling new characters for $2-$2.50 each

I think the addition of a whole new game mode is huge for this game. No, Iā€™m not saying itā€™ll save the game, but itā€™ll definitely be a much needed breath of fresh air.

Also curious about this new ā€˜sun-themedā€™ support.

Have an upvote for some positivity.

Iā€™m excited for august too. Armored core 6 is coming out waited a decade for a new good entry cant come soon enough


A fellow Raven I see

Iā€™d agree. Over the last few seasons, things have been getting better with a new mode, PVE, and hero itā€™s gonna be a peak season for OW2.

Still, though I donā€™t think itā€™ll matter to a lot of people as itā€™s still not OW1 and is still missing things that were in OW1.

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season 6 for 6v6 in arcade open queue

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Yes indeed cant wait to be back on the field!!!

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That ā€œleakedā€ arena clip is looking sick im so excited

Wait for the disappointment to settle in, and then:

No no no, itā€™ll be better in season 8!

no wait, itā€™ll be better in season 10!

just wait guys, season 12 is REALLY gonna make OW2 better!


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I had some time to think about whatā€™s wrong with this game, and many things come to mind. Most notable lately being the loss of the much-promised PVE.

However, I believe one of the biggest flaws with this game is the matchmaker. Just 2 days ago, I was fortunate to have, imo, my greatest match of S5, possibly my greatest match overall. Therein lies the problem. That match boosted my confidence, was genuinely fun. It made me want to play more OW.

If only matches like that could happen more often, but they do not. :disappointed:

As I said, I admire your enthusiasm, but it is enthusiasm I do not share. I am not a doomsayer. I want OW to be successful. I count it, despite its many flaws, among my favorite games. Most importantly, I want OW to be fun.

Because right now, more often than not, it isnā€™t. Maybe S6 will change that. Only time will tellā€¦ :pleading_face:

If they bring back 6v6 in any way i will play again and spend money on the game.

You can throw facts and definitions but its impossible to convince the dude about anything. When someone is arguing in bad faith and claiming having access to a bit more heroes or less grants you a relevant advantage or a ā€œwinā€, theres nothing you can do.

As per topic (because the P2W is totally spam and offtopic), Flashpoint seems to be a mode that will require a lot of split and speeding between parts. IDK how much impact will a single hero have in back capping points etc, but for sure balancing those numbers will be tricky.

iā€™m not reinstalling the game if thereā€™s nothing positive for torbjorn and moira in the patch notes. iā€™m sick of this balance team.

Smite. Smite is better in that regard.

Itā€™s a flat, unchanging price for all current and future gods.
Also the god pack goes on sale multiple times a year. I believe I got all gods for $10 or $15 at most. Iā€™ve seen it go for around $8.
[EDIT: I checked my steam history and I got it for $9.90]

Additionally, smite battle passes reimburse players 200 gems which is 1/3 of normal pass pricess. So for every 3 you buy you get one free.

ā€¦also they give gems just for logging in, so over the course of a year you get enough for a free pass or two.

They also give out a ton of free loot boxes over the course of a year.

Edit: The premium currency also goes on sale multiple times a year

If you pay for the pve that is and even then it is 1,5 h of gameplay.

The new mode and a hero is good and all but nothing to lose seep over. For all we know it may be another Push mode situation where the mode is generally disliked.


I have been cautiously optimistic for far too many of these ā€œnext season will be betterā€ claims (always mind-numbing hype and hollow promises when itā€™s coming from the devs). Now Iā€™m all out of optimism and cringe at these kinds of posts for being little more than toxic positivity trolling.

Personally, at this point, I am simply just tired.

I used to be excited for upcoming content with each patch. The excitement turned more and more to dread as patches became for too focused on ridiculous character nerfs + buffs for the sake of shifting metas without actually striving for true balance. Never looked forward to potentially having my favorite heroes gutted or their play styles deleted by reworks, either directly or indirectly.

Now that all the worthwhile collectible content is money-gated and outrageously priced, the gameplay dumbed down significantly with 5v5, social features and player engagement cut back (Oh boy! But itā€™s slowly being added back! Pleaseā€¦), and ā€œfreeā€ new content being time-of-day cycled maps, new maps of questionable fun, and time/money-gated hero releases of questionable quality, it seems all we have to look forward to is overhyped content-skimpy roadmaps. That is not even getting into the PVE cancellation, awful matchmaking, worsening quality control and increasing introduction of bugs big and small, and the increasingly lack of any meaningful communication from the devsā€”outside of hype and hollow apologies followed up by more hypeā€”aside from their usual avoidance for addressing community concerns.