Overwatch 2 will be at its best in Season 6

Yes everyting they showed plus leak shows the game is gonna be goated i can’t wait ether it’s good to be a mech boy atm not gonna lie fromsoft and mech don’t dissapoint

I’m so excited I started goofin’ around


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If there is one thing Ive learned about gaming in general is to have low expectations. I don’t even get hyped for stuff anymore, I do my research instead. When something sounds too good to be true then there is a catch, there is always a catch.

Ill prob try to remake white glint costplay her in pvp or maybe going for king in ac4fa going the evil route XD

Hey man theyve been working on that for years. Its going to be SO good!

Literally was fighting Old King in the Orca arena last night lmfao. The rest were so easy up until him.

Cant wait until 3rd path so I can murder millions on ships that look like they carry thousands lmao

i mean, it’s the second time blizzard tried to relaunch the game.
if diablo 4 is any indication even if it is miraculously good blizzard will push a patch that makes it unfun

Yeah…for me that patch was OW2 XD

In all seriousness though, I want OW to do well, but it has a long way to go to gain back player faith.

If Blizzard in 2019 would have said

“Alright Everyone, OW is going F2P, but were adding more microtransactions to fund the game” and then proceeded to just keep the game alive, without even thinking about PvE, it would have been much better.

I wouldnt have been mad at them if they wanted to make more money with a great game, the opposite id buy more skins to support them but now?

5v5 dumbed down the game and made tank unenjoyable, the ranked System is trash, removed Account Levels, no incentive to play except the Battle Pass, shop prices are a joke, the list goes on

I dont know who decided to go from GOTY 2016 → Let it die and stop making content for it to create a sequel nobody asked for, but that person has to be fired

If we kept getting content and F2P in 2020 and they started to better the game, maybe then in 2022 or 2023 you can start thinking about PvE, but abandoning one of the most popular games at the time to work on PvE and then not finish it id just idiotic managment of a game.

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its also gonna be at its worst in ssn 6 and then its joever


Yes lmfao on hard mode the final mission with king is kinna pain it’s the only one i didn’t s rank back in the day 5v1 is allways a fair odds
XD king dies so quick but man when you clear it it feels so good

So to clarify is season six our “official” release?

I’m not sure if it’s really the “official” release since we’re still missing teased features but it’s definitely closer to an official release

So I guess we’ll see the full official game in 2049

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Hard to gauge since what was promised was partially cancelled. But I wouldn’t consider 3 story missions the official/full release. Other teased things are still missing too

official release was in 2016. the sequel is just a rebrand and the “early access” was just blizzard covering its butt. They knew already pve was not gonna happen

Me too, and I’m glad somebody else around here is brave enough to say it. I get the frustration, I wanted the fully fledged PvE just as bad as everybody else, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still excited for a new hero, two new maps on a new mode, hero mastery, hero progression, and a small set of campaign missions that will at least advance the story forward finally.

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It must feel nice to like this game. As for me, I despise Push and everything you mentioned so I’ll sit on copium and hope you’re right.

The only good thing this game did was my waifu Kiriko.