Overwatch 2 will be at its best in Season 6

Ah yes, hero mode was cancelled because of 2 forum users.

How rude of them.

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I didnt say it was because of them but, these pve missions will be garbage and frankly too easy even for me as a masters player. There is truth that because of these shillers blizzard can just charge 20 dollars for a skin and people wouldnā€™t even notice.


Yeah flashpoint looks pretty fun. Finally a new game mode with new maps! I donā€™t really enjoy push, but from what Iā€™ve seen of flash, it seems like my kind of mode.

And of course, Iā€™m always excited for new characters. Did they say this one is a support?

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be getting PvE. Iā€™ll wait and see some footage of it when people inevitably upload youtube videos, then decide if I want it. I might get it, donā€™t know.

And the hero mastery mode looks like a fun little challenge as well.

Oh, and steam adding new players, always a good thing also.

So, Iā€™d say yeah, Iā€™m looking forward to it. Even if the losers on these forums that sit around and complain about everything blizzard, arenā€™t.

Think about all the bad things that are going to happen to people in August. And youā€™re excited? How insensitive.

I donā€™t think we can be friends.

We have fundamentally different views of reality.

I too once dared to dream.

Be careful.

Remove push maps from this sentence and we might actually agree on something.

There you go, hoping again.

Thereā€™s a quote from Shawshank Redemption, where Morgan Freemanā€™s character Red says that ā€œHope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insaneā€.

Now Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re a man. But I believe you might be insane.

We look forward to you saying the same thing again and again for the next 10 years :+1:


Iā€™m not the biggest fan of push(honestly pretty indifferent to it) but Iā€™m VERY excited for Flashpoint.

ā€¦You mean how you could buy a tank who was terrible on launch? Or a support who was terrible on launch and still isnā€™t good??

actually, the game being called OW2 is a game that meets the defintion of pay to win, and as such, it is a pay to win game

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a game is pay to win when a player can pay for a match-impacting resource that another player who does not pay does not get

given that this is true of the game being called OW2, OW2 is a pay to win game; and further is becoming more strongly pay to win with each new season

Again, how does one have an advantage in OW2 over another beside skill/hero selection? How can one gain advance over another player simply by paying?

Its not pay to win, if you can eventually unlock it for free by playing. Itā€™s pay for early access.

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I have a suspicion that season 6 will be the last Overwatch season. With OWL folding at the end of its season, monthly OW player numbers trending down, and player spending trending down, Blizzard is hoping the season 6 content will rejuvenate the brand.

And people will show up for the burst of content. But I donā€™t think theyā€™ll stay. Theyā€™ll see the $15 for minimal PVE and peace out. The rest of the package doesnā€™t look strong enough for mass retention.

If season 6 doesnā€™t pop player numbers and spending sufficiently, I fully believe Overwatch will follow HotS into maintenance mode. I have complete faith that corporate will make the most short-sighted decision.

I request you stop making spam posts.

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The 'eventually unlock" is not part of the definition of pay to win

The game being called OW2 is a pay to win game by definition

having one or more additional heroes to select from is an in-match advantage, particularly in a game where swapping characters for advantage is a strongly featured

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There has been no spam on my part

I addressed the statement made in the title of this thread with my genuine opinion on the matter

I ask that the personal attacks cease

I ask that the bumping of threads cease

Which someone does all the time by constantly posting links to bump a thread.


I request that you CEASE the personal attacks!

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I would love positivity, seriously, but since butchering overwatch into overwatch 0.3, the game had 0 good changes, everything goes bad and the game has 0 intention to improve. Why should people except positivity? If after all what happened after overwatch ā€œ2ā€ people stay positive, I envy the amount of copium they stored in their bottles.

I request you cease requesting the ceasement of ceasing

I like 2CP more than push but the recent respawn timer change has made the mode better. Donā€™t know what to expect from flashpoint but it canā€™t be any worse than push was at launch.