Overwatch 2 vs overwatch 1

Yes because adding endless content has kept OW alive and nobody complains about a dead playerbase at all…

They do this anyway. But OW2 is coming with it’s own cosmetics and this doesn’t solve that it would add no new cosmetics into OW2?

Or it’s not a waste of time. Queue times are a problem. Tank balance is a problem. 5v5 is a solution to both, if it requires time and effort (to implement a new deisgn philosophy less shields less CC) THAT EVERYONE ASKS FOR ANYWAY.

They are literally doing everything everyone wants and people complain.

Either way you have to develop maps and heroes for the new engine or you have to completely redo them and you’ll just be kicking the can down the road.

You think you have it solved but you don’t.
Everyone will just complain about everything they’ve been complaining about in OW1 for ages.
Queue times
Tanks feel horrible
Making an effort to actually solve all this in a new format takes time. And whether you like it or not it is a GOOD business strategy to do a HUGE content dump to raise interest and get new players (another complaint), something which adding steady content doesnt do.

Can’t tell yet. I despised the Mei change, but enjoyed Winston change and Sombra’s rework and felt neutral about Bastion’s rework. Need more info to decide if it’s an improvement or downgrade

The last time we got new gameplay content added to the main modes of the game was one and a half years ago.

no new content → people leaving → dead game

I don’t really understand this.
Maybe it’s my fault. Not a native speaker.

I never wanted 5v5 and I am apparently not alone with that opinion.
If it will fix Queue times will depend on if 5v5 will be more fun to play for Tanks and Supports.

Up to now every single change seems to cater to the DPS experience - and that is the Role I will switch to after 1500 hours of Tanking, because otherwise I can’t play with my former Tank Duos anymore.

It’s an updated engine, not a completely new one.
They also already confirmed that - if the change them at all - the changes to the old maps will be very minor.

Aren’t fixed by catering DPS players and making the Tank and Support experience worse.

How 5v5 is doing anything about that is beyond me.
Solo Tanking has and will always suck.

Should have been addressed a long time ago.
Also you don’t need 5v5 to reduce CC.

Could have been nerfed without 5v5 as well.
They could have slapped the Reinhardt changes on the live servers right now and it would most probably have worked out really well with some minimal fine tuning.

It would take less time and effort without the new format which - again - isn’t necessary to achieve any of this.
Also if 5v5 flops it will take even more time and effort to revert it.

Thanks to their “good business strategy” players are leaving the game in droves right now and they are actually risking to lose many of them permanently.

If they find a new game to play shortly before OW2 release, then 6 new heroes and some maps won’t be enough to bring them back and by far not everyone cares about PvE.

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Stage 1: Denial
(20 characters)

It won’t change much because it’ll be released in next 12 months.

UI is almost identical to the one we saw in 2019.

They’re just polishing all stuff now (mainly reworks)

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agree here. the ui seems a little bloated.
if ui has customize options that will be stronk.

In general, the OW2 visuals seem thick, rich, overdone and probably under-necessary. If a game is fun and competitive, it can look like factorio and still succeed. many pvp’ers will be running at lowest settings for best fps to avoid all the visual clutter.

it could be we hate being dislodged from our comfort zone.
some ppl resist change at all costs.

recall ow2 was a kind of make-work project to keep a bunch of mediocres employed, training them up internally, and handing over the reigns to intermediates who should still be juniors.

it was meant to regurg some old ideas leftover from titan that were never baked into ow1 and hash out other ‘nice to haves’.

They redid all their workflows, tooling, idea-to-compile pipelines, and global “supply chain” in the sense of getting chinese artwork firms (those horrendous mercy haircuts). lots to streamline and collab, particularly during covid19.

And then for no real reason except to flex their AAA relevance, they redid the entire engine top/bottom (instead of basic overhaul/optimize). Probably same goes for servers, one can only hope for increased tickrates and something on east.

Superimpose onto all that the PvE campaigns with cinematics, next-gen AI, all the social/bnet integration (guilds?), rpg elements talent trees, unlocks, hardmode achievements, etc.

Seems like they promised the moon “redefining a sequel”
when pmuch no1 asked for it.
we would have settled for dlc or expansion packs.


I don’t even despise 90% of it. Just two things that effect me greatly:

1.) Overwatch 2’s gameplay losing its uniqueness. Now its just a shooter with abilities (Which is outclassed by Titanfall 2 IMO).

2.) Overwatch 2 will remove Overwatch 1, so I lose one game I did like and get one game I don’t want.

Though, I have a few ideas to fix that last one. Can’t mention them though.


I absolutely resist change when it comes to losing something that I paid for. I will always resist that change and go through great lengths to avoid it.

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totally get this pov
(in general)

but it’s a GaaS

just how much playtime of “things being the same” did u expect for ur $40.

Honestly? 90% of it. I expected balance changes, not to lose my entire game I paid for, and I don’t think that should be normalized. Can Overwatch just turn into an Overwatch themed puzzle game one day and everyone will just accept that? Yeah, that’s intentionally hyperbolic.

Besides, I’ve never had a game completely reinvent itself like this whether the playerbase liked it or not.

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A lot of people are complaining about the UI, but the UI is probably not finished. The game isn’t even on Beta yet.
Look at some old videos of Overwatch, the UI wasn’t finished when they introduced Overwatch. And I don’t think OW2 UI is finished yet.

Would be nice if Classic mode in arcade was just OW1 as it ends before becoming OW2. Just leave up some OW1 servers. No need to balance or anything (assuming they didn’t totally screw the balance more before then). At least for those that end up not liking 5v5 (looking at lots of tank players possibly) there is somewhere to go. Even make it open queue if that helps if less people are playing so the queues are not too long.

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You’re not alone brother.

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Wasn’t referring to UI elements lol

I’m still not convinced those are finished yet.

I hope so. I really do. Because I highly dislike them, specially comparing them to the current OW visual effects.


I love the visual aspect of the game (maps, aesthetics, heroes…)
But this new visual effects (damage boost, nano, taking damage…) They look so unpolished and horrible. I 100% like way more the current visuals. I will miss seeing thunder bolts around my screen when I’m nanoed or when using Primal Rage. Instead, it seems they’re going for this “modern” and “clean” look and visual effects look horrible, like floating clouds. They all look like the same variant but with different colours or a bunch of PNGs floating. It looks cheap, it looks lazy, and it looks unfinished. I really really hope they update those before OW2 comes out.


Neat, never saw that. A lot nicer less cluttered UI than we have now. Why’d they change it?

couldnt agree more with this statement

Ah suddenly now that OW2 is revealed everyone loves OW1, when before these forums were nothing but complaining about how much OW1 sucks. I don’t believe any of you. I think everyone here just hates everything and comes here to complain about the next new thing.