Overwatch 2 stats are just completely inaccurate

The in game stats for overwatch 2 won’t update properly. They’ll subtract time from my time played. My friends have said that the stats are not even mathematically possible sometimes. Stats are just broken for everyone I’ve talked to


It’s like they got my stats mixed up with someone else’s . It says I have hours on heroes I don’t play and all the hours I put into widow are gone. Gimme my stats back bliz :frowning:


Only my PC stats are showing, my ps4 stats are not added. It says 15 minutes on Brig when i had 8 hours alone on ps4.

Stats are also not adding now in OW2, possibly because im on console.


My stats won’t even update anymore because I’m plat 3 rn but it’s doesn’t even say I’ve played any ranked games or have any hours on it either. Plus my hours won’t update as well


Its not adding time on mine either, however oddly enough - when i win it subtracts a loss instead of adding a win. Also subtracts a game played…lol

Im permenantly between 96-99 games won. Im willing to bet winning a match is subtracting time played like it does a game. So if you win reguarly you’re losing time played.


My stats are mixed with someone else’s, it appears that I’ve played most with Reinhardt when the heroe I’ve played most was Moira and it says that I have played 77 hours when actually my old stats were above 100 hours :frowning:


My stats are all messed up also it said I’ve played 2 games as junkerqueen but I’ve won 3 so my win percentage is 136%


Agreed, I noticed that my stats weren’t tracking correctly yesterday as well. Thought I was off somehow, but nope, definitely not tracking correctly. I am on XBOX Series X. Hope they fix soon! CHEERS!


My stats are fine I feel like, but my friend’s stats are all over the place. They also need to fix the problem where it goes to competitive stats instead of all game mode stats.

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same my stats were alr messed up earlier but then it just went down again, yesterday i was at 914 hours in game total now im at 720something. Its a bit annoying cause i take a fair amount of pride in those stats my ana stats were crazy i had like 170hrs on her now it sits at just above 20hrs. my top three heroes arent even the same anymore.


yup same here. my supposed top 3 change like daily. can i please get my old stats back? i never played widow for 20h. played ana for over 80h but it shows me i did it for 3h & so on. i hope they fix this soon cos it’s very annoying tbh.


Same issue. Here are some similar posts about it.

Career profile no updating any progress since launch

Profile Stats Not Updating For Ranked/Competitive


Same; у меня тоже старички почему то убавляется, и нету всех часов которые я наиграл на трейсер. У моего друга тоже самое, он играет уже более 15 часов, а в статистике написано всего 3

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Yeah my kiriko stats say 2 hours and 92 kills and hasnt changed in days of playing

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Same here.
My stats just simply aren’t correct and aren’t updating.

I’ve put 1 day & 18hrs into OW2
and my in game time says I have played 5hrs!

Not only that in game, it says I have 38 wins - when I’ve won way more, was checking after every game cause I was grinding for comp. - My Xbox seems to think I only have 12 wins.

And yet today I hopped on and see that I can now play comp. - Again with only 38 by the games stats.

None of my “Most Played Heroes” are correct either.

I’m personally on Xbox Series S
I seriously hope they can resolve this issue.


despite having 1500+ hrs on OW1, my career profile keeps fluctuating between 200 and 300 hours played… every time I log in it displays a different number of hours. lately it’s said I have played 12 minutes in unranked total which is obviously just wrong. also it doesn’t seem to track any new stats. 0 hours recorded as Kiriko for example when I’ve played her more than most other characters.

I’m on ps5. I don’t know why the game is still so broken more than 2 weeks after release.


I’m on ps5 as well, I had around 500 total hours in the game but it originally was at 394 now it’s at 377 every time I play junkerqueen it doesn’t track and seems to get rid of hours on other hero’s, but when I play sigma or roadhog my mains the game takes away time from junkerqueen I used to have 97 hours on hog and 74 on sigma now I have 59 on hog and 17 on sigma… so hopefully it gets fixed soon… it makes playing the game feel pointless if you don’t know how much time you’re putting in, same with comp all prior seasons are gone and the stats don’t track correctly either, honestly nothing about my career profile is correct

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So I play on PS5 and my stats are on zero since ow2 my play time on ranked is not even there but I have played for several hours since ow2 and also my hero Play time is not showing up but I have Played for many hours….I just want my stats back pls fix this


Is there going to be a fix for this soon Blizzard? :sob:


The lack of response or acknowledgement of these stat bugs is very frustrating