Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – January 24, 2022 [Not Fake]

Better dont play ow2 ever again. You will feel painful over and over again if you play this.

Dude, when is genji’s RIGHT click being bugged since holloween patch being addressed holy

I think Sojourn can be very fun and healthy hero for the game, just Railgun shouldn’t be able to headshot and in ultimate she shouldn’t get charge THAT fast. It’s Genji blade hitscan, can’t do *** against that. Either this or nerfing damage severly, like to 100 dmg with max charge.

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They need to just remove headshot from it outside of ult. No compensation. No complications. Just remove it.

Why Blizzard are acting like this is in any way difficult is beyond me. This is nothing but total incompetence.


Could you describe that or give a good example of that?

I saw one video before, and had no idea what I was looking at.

Removing hogs one shot without any compensation is idiotic. He wasn’t bad because he was strong, he was bad because of the specific ability. He doesn’t need a nerf, he needs a different ability set.

Oh yeah she can definitely be good for the game. It’s just that they can’t seem to balance her to get into that spot. So if she was removed until that ever happened…I wouldn’t cry about it :joy:

yep- between the balance limbo doom/jq are caught in, orisa’s soon-to-be funeral and hog’s current burial, we’re heading straight back to shield-bots

here’s to never doing my tank placements again i guess

Flats whining about Rein, nothing new

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Gotta look out for number one.

So let me egt thsi straight: Mercy sojourn was “adressed” by buffing sojourns matchup against armor? HAIYAAAAH

his right click has a slower animation it’s like 30fps or something it’s supper jarring to look at been an issue for MONTHS now


I find it odd that you think sojourn isnt nerfed enough, which could possibly be true, as she was/is the best dps. But at the same time think its not okay for the strongest support to get a nerf.

Thanks, noted.

I actually think Hog might perform better with that nerf this time around. The big thing about the nerf to Hog’s damage back in OW1 is that there were 2 tanks, lots of hard CC, and lots of barriers, all of which got in the way of Hog quite a lot, so making it so that he couldn’t confirm his own kill reliably when he had a lot more difficulty getting those hooks in the first place was brutal. In OW2, though, you only have 1 enemy tank to contend with, and only the enemy tank has a hard CC (unless Ana is around too). He can land his hooks much more reliably now, just now he’ll probably have to work more with the team rather than just going off doing his own thing fishing for one-shots like he used to.

I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, all I’m saying really is the situation is different this time, so we should at least wait and see what happens this time around.

How does a nuke sent off not kill everyone in the game, and only the enemy team. It’s a game dude. The changes to Sojurn made pocketing her way less valuable

Stop complaining dude, Sojurn has had three nerds in a row and is nowhere close to as good as she was from the start. Y’all just love to complain

So these are the real ones. Let’s see…

Good nerf.

And Hog lost his combo… this is a harsh nerf. This sure will kill Hog until his rework comes.

Nice. I hope this is enough, though.

Really? I thought her ofudas were one of the weakest part of her kit.

I do not know what to say… I was expecting Widow nerf to 175 HP, TBH.

If you look closely at the Sojurn charge change, it’s actually a buff. She’ll build charge faster off of things she previously got less charge off of like armor and shields. So instead of relying on headshots to build charge quickly, she’ll just farm charge off tanks. Balanced slightly by primary damage reduction.

And Kiriko didn’t really need a change at all.


you also have one less tank to defend you whilst you hook/breather and forgo the opportunity cost of every other tank- any team running hog is going to be down any real firepower or team protection in exchange for hog maybe being able to set his team up for a kill other tanks could just get themselves, it’s a precision throw pick

i love the optimism but there’s really nothing to see that we haven’t before unfortunately- another 3 years of shooting shields