Actually I’m curious if this means she won’t gain energy when she hits shields anymore. Probably not a big issue in your rank but in mid ranks Sojourn could just kind of spray her primary fire and build railgun off shields and then get her oneshot with railgun, which is pretty annoying.
That would just dumpster the hero. The rail gun is what makes Sojurn fun
So the Hog combo now does 185 damage if my math is right, discounting the meter difference in landing spot. Gonna be honest, I’m not impressed.
yeah but that’s funny
I actually think this is a nice idea to deal with damage boosting or debuffs. If I understand it correctly, like a mercy beam boosts the damage to players but doesn’t affect the rate at which you gain charges. So, at least the rate at which she gets it is a bit more stable regardless.
If you’re referring to getting one shot or something, I doubt they’ll ever remove that. I don’t mind it too much but the ultimate charge speed or how long or far her slide can go sometimes is a bit annoying, but we’ll see.
I don’t understand why these Roadhog changes couldn’t come sooner, it just seems like a return to some older gun changes he had a few years ago. (Looks like his reworks are coming much later)
Aren’t most of Hog’s changes just things they tried before that dumpstered him? Chain hook impact damage reduction is new though.
If she heals more than they want her to, then buff her freaking Kunai. This is stupid and I hate it.
Another dud balance patch. Also unnecessary nothing nerf to Orisa that only gets her killed in already unfavorable positions more often. And she’s not overpowered in the first place. What the Hell are they doing over there?
S to spit on Hog even if his take a breather should have also been nerfed as well.
but it doesn’t make sense in theory how it works… how does a railgun… charge… by having bullets hit things…? lol. Shoulda been an ultimate only ability to start.
Aren’t those Roadhog changes basically the changes he had when he was absolutely useless for 3 years? I do not want to dig up the old patchnotes but I kind of remember it being literally that exact set of numbers and he was basically a pick where you avoided anyone who made it.
It won’t pull people into melee range though so you have to walk forward more than you did before if you want to hook/fire/melee. It basically is giving people a chance to respond if they have quick reaction time.
Well. Hog gets slapped, Soj gets to continue being a S76 Hanzo hybrid, devs don’t like Kiriko healbotting for max value.
Maybe s4 will have a patch worth booting OW up again. If this is how they’re feeling right before s3 I’m not feeling much hope for s3.
Wow. We waited so long for this?
Kiriko and hog nerfs are welcomed but the sojourn/orisa changes don’t seem to be addressing the core issues with the characters kit.
Orisa is especially laughable. All for her CD’s are too short for how good they are. Nobody wanted a fortify hp nerf
Still a slap on the wrist nerf for sojourn gg.
This also kills roadhog gg.
A balance patch that buffs under performers would be nice for a damn change. It’s basically just the same heroes every time.
Orisa is fully going to be in any game. Also pocketing one shots will still be around. Lmao balancing patch
Other than the hook impact damage reduction, you are correct. This is indeed what dumpstered him before. I guess they think it won’t dumpster him in 5v5? I feel like such an extreme nerf is something that should be like, tested in an experimental mode or something. Too bad this game doesn’t have something like that.
Yeah most people can only reliably hit Kunai in 1 v 1s. They do so little body shot damage that it’s a waste of time to spam them to get ult or even use them to help kill an enemy hero who’s already fighting your team.
Bap and even MOIRAS do more damage than Kiriko in a single match. I’ve even seen Kiriko’s with less damage than Mercy. It isn’t even that people are playing the hero wrong, it’s just that in the healing vs damage department, healing is the right choice for her 90% of the match or more.
Mercy’s pistol is more consistent than Kunai for crying out loud.
season 3 is around the corner. might happen (2 weeks)
Read the patch notes. Disappointed.
Orisa one was OK.
Roadhog looks dumpstered. Looks like the same changes that dumpstered him a few years ago.
Sojurn got another nerf/buff, meaning her dominance should continue unabated.
Kiriko got yet another unnecessary nerf. That should help attract people to support role. Not.
Those Sojourn changes are… interesting. Not sure if it means she doesn’t hit barriers, but I like the idea of reducing how much charge she gets off damage boost. It’s still not going to matter though because she can still one-shot with a damage boost, which was the entire problem to begin with.
Kiriko getting a slap on the wrist I saw coming a mile away, but such a tiny Orisa nerf was not what I expected at all.
Yes, but it’s okay because " Chain Hook is still a powerful utility to forcibly reposition enemy players, so it will still often lead to eliminations". Alec said so, therefore it must be true!