Overwatch 2 rerank bug

I had a similar problem, however this is what I reported.

“Hi there! I have completed my competitive play, open queue placement matches and performed well. However, I was placed Bronze 1 despite winning 5 and losing 1. (I scored 30+ eliminations in my winning matches). I checked my match history and suddenly there were 4 abandoned games. I believe that these were all games played on my Xbox and of which I did not abandon, but they should be separate to my PC competitive matches. These apparent abandons have now affected my PC skill tier which should not have happened in the first place. And now, I am unable to play with my friends. I am asking if my PC competitive open queue matches can be reviewed and my skill tier re-determined. Or if not, that my PC comp. placement matches be reset. Many thanks.”


this just happened to me again.


I have experienced the exact same issue. I was gold 4 support. Logged my 5th win and it said I ranked up from SILVER 4 to SILVER 2.

Grinded my way back up to gold 4 only to have the exact same issue happen yesterday where I ranked up from SILVER 4 to SILVER 2 again.

The only thing I can think of is that I am also queued as damage which is silver in rank and its choosing the wrong rank based on role when doing the adjustment.

To be clear, this isn’t being downranked from GOLD 4 to Silver 2. You’re gold 4, but when you rank after 5 wins, you’re suddenly SILVER 4 ranking UP to SILVER 2.


I just got the same exact thing happening to me and was shocked! I was Support Gold 3 finished my 5 games (5 wins, 2 losses) and the animation of the rank was Silver 1 to Silver 2…
I am also suspecting it has to do with your other roles because on DPS I am Silver 1. It really sucks, especially now when we are at the end of the season.


Same thing here though potentially more upsetting. I was Gold 5 when I started playing comp today. I won my 5 games with only two losses in the mix (Every game I had the highest healing in the match and significant DPS on top) and went from Gold 5 to Silver 5…


Me too, happened to me 2 times. I’m always play on full party with 4 of my friends, only me got this unusual derank mid season. Firstly I was already on gold 5, then after matches it shows my rank gone up from silver 5 to silver 2. The second time i was in plat 5, after matches it shows my rank gone up from gold 5 to gold 2, meanwhile my friends rank up to further plat.


happened to me today too


I have the Same Problem doesn’t matter if u win 5 in a row u still got ur same ranekd as before. And it also startet with a massiv deranked, even when i had 5 wins 2 loses at first time. 5 rankes down instantly and now it won’t change a bit.


I can’t get out of bronze 4 because of this bug. It keeps demoting me to bronze 5 or does not rank me up at all. My win rate is over 50 percent each time I win 5 games. If I show up to my e-sports tryouts with a bronze 4 no one is going to take me seriously!


This happened to me last night as well. Has this issue been addressed by Blizzard at all? Makes ranked almost completely unplayable


April 11th patch notes

  • Fixed a bug in Competitive Modes that resulted in the rank-up animation playing when a player was actually ranking down

So the animation was just a bug, Me going 5-2 and being demoted 5 ranks is normal. Good to know! Excited to grind 3 days to get that Plat 1 back then play with Bronze players when the bug hits again a day later.


I wouldn’t consider a demotion of five subdivisions despite having a net 3 win record normal, but then again, this new obscured rank division system is designed to be vague and difficult to gauge.

While it seems I was wrong about the nature of the bug being system-wide and not just visual, it’s still good news that it’s finally being fixed. Let’s hope the devs did actually fix this for all the players affected, and that it won’t simply start affecting other players, or that this bug won’t resurface and cause more bugs to spawn…

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Had a similar experience tonight. Started plat 4, went 5-3 and on the rank screen the animation showed gold 4 → gold 1 :thinking:


I was masters 2 dps. (My rank would update and promote me 2 ranks at a time). I’m a casual player that didn’t play much in ow1 just did placements but ow2 makes me play competitive a lot more now because less fear. Anyway here’s what happened:

I was Masters 2 DPS. I start doing my next update placements. At 4/5 and my last placement I had to abandon a game because a family member was having an emergency medical issue. I come back and do another game to finish my 5/5 placement. I see the screen flash from Diamond 4 to Diamond 1? I thought wow they really derank you a whole tier for leaving one time in your whole Overwatch career. So I started ranking again…even though it was a week left, I hit masters 5 on next set of 5 games. Played 5 more but I unfortunately had to leave mid game to attend to my brother again (he’s special needs and lately his health has been in decline). This time I was able to rejoin THE SAME GAME and complete it. My next update flashes AGAIN Diamond 4 to Diamond 1. This has to be a bug right? I did 1 more set of 5 games and hit Masters 5 again but I am scared to do another set from now on….blizzard please address this.

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It absolutely is not an animation bug, the rerank system itself is bugged. I have been able to replicate this bug over and over since season 1.


Update !!
Comp is still ranking me at bronze 5, even though i’m playing with other people in qps that are gold + and out fragging them consistently. It’s really upsetting that Devs can’t acknowledge this as an issue, and I’m really hoping that with the new ranking system come the new system, that this can finally get put to rest and I can move ranks. Because being better than x% amount of players consistently is just wrong.
Not to mention that people in comp constantly throw, cheat, or mistreat others during games and seemingly nothing is being done to prevent these types of players from joining games.