Overwatch 2 rerank bug

A few days ago I tried contacting support about a bug but they said they couldn’t help there and told me to report the bug here so i am gonna copy paste what i wrote them:

“today while doing my ranked place ment in ow2 it changed my gold 4 support to silver 4 so instead of my placement being gold 4 to new rank it went silver 4 to silver 1 and I am extremely upset about this because it took me such a long time to reach gold.”

I thought this would be a one time thing so i did my placements again and landed gold 5 quick and i was happy about that however today when i decided to do my 7 placements again the bug happened again and instead of gold 5 to gold 1 it changed it to silver 5 to silver 1 mind you i only had one loss this placement which is extremely annoying to me especially with the current roadhog meta (support main) i am hoping that posting this here will solve my pain (i just want my right rank please i am on my knees) and many others who are having the same issue as me .


I have the same problem. My rank was silver 5 and after 7 games i reranked from bronze 5 (but i was silver 5) to bronze 2. It happened three times to now and it isn’t funny if it happens again and again and again and again :frowning:


La même chose, signalé 4 fois mais d’après le support il n’y a pas de bug connu de classement et les équipes sont occupées à travailler sur un autre jeu. Bref 2 mois que je tourne en boucle.
J’ai pourtant streamé et transmis une vidéo montrant le problème …


Hey all.

I am replying in this bug so I can keep up with it as it’s effecting me and all of my friends. Essentially I was Gold 2. After 7 games the screen said I went from Silver 4 to Silver 1. Obviously this is a huge issue as Im being stuck in lower ranks and the system is not working.


I’m having a similar issue. I ranked up to gold 5, than the next time I ranked it said I went from silver 5 to silver 1. I figured maybe I had lost a few too many rounds in between so whatever, I’ll just make it up again. I reranked up to gold 5 again. Then today, I ranked again and it said I went from silver 5 to silver 1 again. I can’t say for sure about the first time it happened, but I know for a fact I didn’t lose 20 games between rank updates and certainly not enough to drop from gold 5 to silver 5 twice within two days.


Same thing just happened to me, showed me that I was Bronze 4 moving up to Bronze 1 when I was actually already Silver 5. I Was Diamond rank in Overwatch 1 so I know it isn’t a performance issue.


Same happened to me. Was gold 5 and after 7 Wins the screen showed me going from Silver 5 instead to Silver 1


Update: Just did more matches and my rank stayed the same at Bronze 1 which I know is not my rank. This system is seriously broken.


I’m having the same issues, last season, i was high silver on tank and support. On both, I was re-ranked to bronze 5. Bronze 5 became bronze 3, and then bronze 4 for tank. While on support, I’m hard-sucking on bronze 5, and it won’t rank me up after winning 21 games.


Ive gotten the exact same bug with my tank role it keeos putting me bronze 5 instead of silver 5


Honestly don’t think this is a bug that affecting any of ya’ll.
Looking at your post count and making the assumption that ya’ll are newer players then yeah, the match maker is still trying to find your place.

The only way to reduce these heavy fluctuations of rank is by playing more / giving the game more data to more accurately judge your skills.

And to clarify while it takes specific amounts of losses / wins to receive the rank update that doesn’t mean that you’re going be ranked higher than previously even if you’ve won more games than you lost.


I was Diamond in Overwatch 1 and am not new to the game. Just the forums. I don’t believe I should be Diamond still but at least Gold. My support is gold but it’s the only one I did placement matches with in Season one since I got annoyed with the placement bug.


I think there is a server yesterday or the day before that affected my rank. The server kept being unable to find new game, and people keep getting booted when found.
I was in Plat 5 before the server issue. The rank went down to Gold 5 for no reason. I only realized today the rank went down when I was promoted from Gold 5 to Gold 2 after 7 games. Even if there is a drop, usually a drop wouldn’t drop 5 ranks (Plat 5 → Gold 5).


I Just had the same thing happen, I was gold 3 and when I had my rank update it dropped me to silver 3 then moved my rank up to silver 1. Not only has this happened to me but it has also happened to ppl I know and play with too. we’ve won 7 in a row before and its done this as well. something is bugged with the rank system in open que at least


I was a diamond 4 player on my support when I won 7 games to be replaced in competitive and see my rank go from plat 3 to plat 1. how is this possible when only I play this account and I was a diamond 4 why would it show as me being plat 3 and going up to plat 1


OW stage we’re at:

"The rules are made up and the points don't matter"


I had the same thing today. To those who had this problem before. Is the problem solved for you now?


i had the same problem. Its kinda frustrating because ive been grinding all day and instead of leveling up, i got demoted. I hope it gets fix


Also my problem, I wrote my current rank on my notebook. It’s really frustrating and I hope it will be finally fixed


Hey im gonna reply to keep this active, last week i had the same issue. ive bug reported and had no response from Devs.
I was sat at gold rank 5, got my adjustment time, wow your silver rank 5… um what? and congrats your now silver 1… how?