Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

but i only have 1 phone number…


Amazing that I’m watching streamers get in with little to no issues at all, yet I tried to play at launch and I get shafted. I’m just going to play something else. Thank god I didn’t pay money for this dumpster fire of a second launch.


I picked sojourn in the practice range after playing a bunch of other characters (haven’t tried JQ but kiriko works) and it instantly black screened me so hard (did not press alt tab, it was selecting sojourn that triggered this) that I had to restart my pc because it wouldn’t let me select anything outside of the game - not even task manager to force it to close since it wouldn’t on its own…

A Blizzard Entertainment game having trouble on launch day?

Who would of thought… :smirk:


I played 2 matches at 12:30 pm MST that’s it.


They work on PST, so it isn’t even 5 yet, also if you think they don’t plan to work late on a release date, you are mistaken. Not just devs though, lot of operational server staff I am sure is running around trying to put out fires.

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Known issue : cant play the game.


I am on Xbox series X, using an Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller and every time I play on a new map, in the first minute or so my controller completely stop working, I either go standstill or I’m spinning in circles and none of my buttons work. I can;t even access the xbox menus and my mic stops working as well.
I haven’t had an issue on old maps yet, and a normal xbox controller works fine on the new maps.
This was a bug on beta as well which I saw being posted, and it’s disappointing that it’s still in the game as I can’t play competitively with a controller I’m not used to.


Been trying to play for almost 5 hours now, yet streamers have little to no problem. Effing stupid


This made me laugh harder than it should have!

same here, this whole thing just shows how blizzard doesn’t care about the community at all


It’d be different if we were kept in the loop but its been silence from everyone since they posted this.


If your reason for it being a good launch regardless of player being to get in, is that it isn’t even 5pm their time. They have had over a day to prepare, and still after an entire average workday have made no improvement on server status. Big sadge Blizzard


In classic blizzard form.

You won’t see blizzard employee in these comments I bet you

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So I don’t seem to be getting put in queue anymore

Is there ever going to be a status update on any of the known launch issues? My husband merged his PC and console accounts, so he has been unable to log in all day. We would really like to be able to play together!

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Even the Overwatch twitter is dead silent!

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over 3 hours and not even a “we are still working on the issue” just silence. =/

It’s crazy, not like you guys had a release date or anything, surely there would have had time to test the feature to see if it worked, no?