Can’t login server error lc-208 or whatever…
Never got my watchpoint pack. Paid 40$, Blizzard please REFUND
hi! i have a problem in the launch of overwatch 2 i buy junker queen golden weapon with competitive points now i enter in this new patch and is gone…i dont have it in my inventory pls i need back and other bug i have, my widowmaker noire skin is in my ps4 inventory but not in my pc inventory
help me pls
I’m missing my twitch rewards for pink mercy and some skins after the transfer
Seems to be happening to a decent amount of console players for some reason. And the odd thing I’ve read from other players with this problem is that people getting this error can play their accounts just fine on PC. So it’s an issue on console for specific accounts, rather than just a console issue or an account issue.
Every single time I play a competitive match or two the game decides to disconnect me and take me back to the screen that asks for Email and password or gives me a error
LC-201 or 202 It’s caused me to get to the point I have been penalized for 15min afraid this will lead to a competitive ban… haven’t even been able to get placed yet. Wonder if this can be fixed soon, completely disconnects OBS for a moment as well while my connection remains connected not sure if this has something to do with each other but thought I should add that.
My game get crashed and after that gave me a penalty 2 times
any updates on when blizzard is gonna fix byfron being so trigger happy? its nearing a month now. its getting ridiculous.
Are you guys going to fix the LC-208 errors and game crashes that keep happening to everybody after today’s update?
Still waiting on when they are going to fix the heros time played data. I’ve been putting in a ton of time into the game. Go to career profile, has 0’s for everyhero. No competitive Stats or time played. Isnt accounting for any time played (All modes). As it’s been sitting at the same time without changing, no matter how much I play.
Hopefully this all gets fixed soon.
My xbox account had the noire widowmaker skin and i merged it with my pc and now it doesnt have the skin. Help.
Console Custom Games still cannot change respawn time scalar, ability cooldown scalar, ultimate generation scalar to a fine tuned amount. The “fine tuned” options are only available in increments of 100. So it’s pretty much double your cooldown, or have no cooldown at all in terms or customization. Please fix!
Are you fixing the inaccurate career profile info. It is showing changes on mine from before but not the right changes. It says I have only played 116 hours when I know it has been well over 460 hours at least. My hero stats are wrong too.
i still dont got like any of my overwatch legendary edition skins. Like blackwatch reyes, the soldier 76 one, the tracer one and any others that would also be included, but my mate has his, and another of my friends never played OW1 but he has the solider 76 skin
day 21 of no widowmaker noire skin.
low on water. food almost gone.
supplies dwindle each day as the bitter winds lash out at me. they afford me no mercy as they tear and chap my skin. but i don’t care about mercy - to me, “mercy” is just a mediocre pocket healer for people who wanna feel like they’re doing something beneficial while they hold down left click the entire match, then whine on mic about how their team didn’t do enough damage.
As for my chapped skin? that doesn’t matter either. The only ‘skin’ that matters…is widowmaker noire.
if i die before i have a chance to reunite with my beloved Widowmaker Noire, you tell her i said…Omelette du Fromage (but also make sure you’re playing the Terminator 2 theme when you say it).
It depends on how many losses you have before the 7 wins, its not much different to the old system. SR gain for a win, SR loss for a loss. So if you went 7 wins 10 losses, you’re probably staying in bronze 5.
There’s a whole thread out there about this:
i didnt lose any games in 8th placement, ELIM 3k5 and deaths 294, imagine that
Still cant log in dot dot dot
Eeee eeeeeeeeee eeeee e