Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I’ve created a discord server for anyone that just wants to relax and know about further updates on the issues, maybe even make some friends! Let me know if you’re interested in joining with your tag :)) we’re all in it together!

could i join? im pretty lonely and scared rn ;;

I just crash often
sometimes its when im trying join friends
sometimes its when i press enter to send a message in chat
sometimes its at the end of a game that I lost
and sometimes its when im away from my pc while idling in lobby screen
I have a gtx 1060 3gb oc and OW1 worked fine on this rig.

I made a ticket but cant attach the dump data because its a TMP file.

You know of any work arounds?

Can’t click account migration button on PS5. I click it but nothing happens. I also don’t have a store and my progress is still completely wiped. Didn’t switch platforms or anything.

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same thing but for pc i think im supposed to do it on console but im an idiot and i cant think

Still no update on Xbox players being disconnected from the server every time they get an achievement? It’s ridiculous and completely kills the desire to play the game considering it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll get at least an hour long queue every time you get disconnected.

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Add me :slight_smile:

I asked them how could I send the memory dump… Now I’m waiting for the reply

And what about the players, like me, who are qualified to have received the Founder’s Pack but have nothing ingame, not even an acknowledgement or response from customer support.

I owned Overwatch 1 for much longer than the “June 2022” pre-mark purchase.


The update rolled out and I still don’t have my Noire Widowmaker skin on PC. Can you please address this?

I completely forgot about that… But unable to launch the game now cosmetics it’s the last thing I care about

My console account has long been linked to my battle net account. I’m unable to merge my accounts and all of my cosmetics and heroes are missing except for my twitch drop d.va sprays and origins skins.

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Wow its almost been like 3 days since launch and they still haven’t fixed the damn queue, way to go blizzard!

they’re fixing it tonight apparently.

Good, id really like to play the game.

fixing what the severs or all the comestic and progress or both hopefully both

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Can’t read this when there are thousands of people ahead of me

I I don’t know if it’s me or a soldier, I feel weird every time he shoots, as if the shots from a distance didn’t hit the target

I JUST GOT IN AFTER THE HR UPDATE. Instead with pc though. Not console. Currently trying to get in with console tho.