Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Console Custom Games still cannot change respawn time scalar, ability cooldown scalar, ultimate generation scalar to a fine tuned amount. The “fine tuned” options are only available in increments of 100. So it’s pretty much double your cooldown, or have no cooldown at all in terms or customization. Please fix!

Are you fixing the inaccurate career profile info. It is showing changes on mine from before but not the right changes. It says I have only played 116 hours when I know it has been well over 460 hours at least. My hero stats are wrong too.

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i still dont got like any of my overwatch legendary edition skins. Like blackwatch reyes, the soldier 76 one, the tracer one and any others that would also be included, but my mate has his, and another of my friends never played OW1 but he has the solider 76 skin


day 21 of no widowmaker noire skin.
low on water. food almost gone.
supplies dwindle each day as the bitter winds lash out at me. they afford me no mercy as they tear and chap my skin. but i don’t care about mercy - to me, “mercy” is just a mediocre pocket healer for people who wanna feel like they’re doing something beneficial while they hold down left click the entire match, then whine on mic about how their team didn’t do enough damage.
As for my chapped skin? that doesn’t matter either. The only ‘skin’ that matters…is widowmaker noire.
if i die before i have a chance to reunite with my beloved Widowmaker Noire, you tell her i said…Omelette du Fromage (but also make sure you’re playing the Terminator 2 theme when you say it).


It depends on how many losses you have before the 7 wins, its not much different to the old system. SR gain for a win, SR loss for a loss. So if you went 7 wins 10 losses, you’re probably staying in bronze 5.

There’s a whole thread out there about this:

i didnt lose any games in 8th placement, ELIM 3k5 and deaths 294, imagine that

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Still cant log in dot dot dot


Eeee eeeeeeeeee eeeee e


Junkerqueen gold gun missing after new Halloween event


I´m not only missing the Origins skins. I´m missing almost every skin for Hanzo and his outros as well as some Genji and Reinhardt Skins. It´s very annoying to see them behind the paywall even if i owned them. I will wait for a fix and hope it comes fast.


There is still no response on the forced PC configurations on console that make the game unplayable. It’s been an issue since the launch of the game. I’ve tried contacting support on Twitter and nothing.

Theres A bug when you equip the Werewolf Winston skin and watch the “excuse me” Highlight Intro Winston stays red after transforming back from Primal

Is this why Mei’s wall bug isn’t being added?
Because it was present since the beta?


I have the same Error and I hate it. All my friends can play but I can´t


What about the hit registration bug, or the delayed shots being fired from weapons, and the horrendous aiming issues that thousands of players across ALL ranks have been mentioning… these are all core gameplay mechanics that are fundamentally broken… i mean how in Gods name can you release a game with these types of issues and be two weeks into the launch and still not have this fixed… this is ABSURD!!!

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Anyone Know how to get the game to stop closing itself after 3 minutes?

I got a response from blizzard last night on my ticket they looked into my account and said their last eat patch the added a boost to our sr and she assured me that next promotion I will see a difference and will rank up maybe submit a ticket ?

7 wins in a row and promoted from bronze 5 to bronze 5, amazing work!


Still missing all my stuff from ow1. At this point I think it’s just gone