Overwatch 2 is a downgrade of Overwatch 1

We lost the Group Finder

We lost the Assault maps

We lost the Archives missions

We lost the 6v6 format

We lost the End Cards

We lost the Soundtrack


apart from 6v6, everything else is really minor.


That has been obvious since it launched.


We also left behind a lot of bs in the game too. The pros outweight the cons for me.


You can play assault maps. I didnt like every patch but I do like this one

We gained Score Cards

We gained a bunch of Push Maps (plus others)

We gained scoreboard

We gained a bunch of other heroes and maps

We gained an upgraded version of Archives with the campaign missions

We gained actual event content for the first time in 5 years

We gained 2CP being out of the game (addition by subtraction in the strongest way possible)


We lost profile borders

We lost free lootboxes for leveling up

We lost free challenge skins during events

We lost free legendary and top tier OWL skins

We lost the pretty ranked icons

We lost our OW1 ranked stats

We lost Copa Lucioball

We lost way, way more than we gained.


The current scoreboard is horrible.

  • Showing the stats of all players encourages toxicity
  • Players think more about increasing their damage stats than winning the match
  • Vertical design without symmetry looks horrible.

Archives missions didn’t return.

They could have added a third point or modified them to fix some areas as they are doing with other maps like Junkertown, but they preferred to remove all the maps (including Hanamura which no one complained about).


Archives probably needed a compatibility update and theres no money in it so they wont do it.

The company will be more money driven than ever going forward now that they are owned by MS

They have no nostalgia for ow1 or 6s or archives.

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Yup. We lost more than what we gained.


which added nothing but toxicity esp given how bare minimum it is for other roles than dmg.

replaced 2cp with a worse mode, and flash point practically is the worst mode of all.

apart from kiriko rammatra jq, everyone else has been poor design that break the game with slight change and become useless when not.

You mean the missions were they havnt learnt to code one single unique bot in 7 yrs

when the rest of the world has evolved to crazy good stuff

Losing iconic places like hanamura anubis isnt gaining anything.

The only real positive u have with ow2 was better q time by sacrificing matchmaking thats it.

  1. Very under used and much easier to find other better alternatives outside of client
  2. and gained Push then later Flashpoint
  3. and gained other events and modes
  4. and gained a better 5v5 game
  5. This I am sad about but we gained a score board
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  1. Gained a greatly improved and more in depth career profile with hero levels and more.
  2. Gained mythics and a non gambling monitization scheme in which is banned in many areas of the world. For example Overwatch would be banned in Australia today if lootboxes where re-introduced due to gambling laws.
  3. Can still get some skins through free battle pass plus ya I am sad OWL died also but this was more over ambition and covid related. Plus we gained cross over skins.
  4. New rank icons are fine not sure why everyone dislikes the new one plus gained a more indepth competitive display after each round showing why you gained/lost the amount you did.
  5. True we can’t see back into our OW1 stats anymore which is a little annoying I wish I could see all the season back to when overwatch first started. Reason for this is probably my number 1 answer.
  6. OK I loved Lucioball and I had a good grasp on the boop angles and hitboxes so I was great at this mode. So I will give you this one. Bring back Copa Lucioball!!!

We gained plenty more than we lost.

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True upgrades come with positive word of mouth and a better community. And I don’t see anyone speaking well of OW2, treating each other well, and the army of OW2 content creators have largely started playing other games.

But hey we got 5v5, push, flashpoint and insane monetization. Those are upgrades right? Right? When everyone mass leaves a game mode that’s a good sign right? Just like 2cp? Right? :confused:

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  1. Nobody used it because it was poorly introduced and managed.

  2. They sucked (eff hanamora)

  3. Cashgrab

  4. Actually missed

  5. Literally nobody stayed to see them.

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That’s on the beholder but the social elements have been completely removed which is a big deal. It forces people to get into games faster. The game ends after the POTG so you can’t even react to someone wanting to stay in a group. Everything gone, fun little things, are important for a game which is supposed to be that, fun! The only thing OW2 did better was pinging and look a little less clunky. I miss when my friend can go Rein and I can go Dva, I miss sharing screenshots of my medals to them.


Push is a horrible game mode. Best way to sum up push, it’s the only mode where you can be winning, but still feel like you’re losing. Flash point is pretty good, though, so that positive. The assault maps are far better than either, though. They need to throw them into role queue QP to get an idea of how they perform in that environment. Open queue isn’t a good measure.

I would say end cards have an unmeasurable impact of game positivity and community.

Also gave me extra time to finish writing the most toxic vitriol filth to the enemy team (jk I’m not toxic) roasting is fun tho

We lost Jeff and devs that love the game.


to avoid boosted player, troll player who get into group just to throw game, KSA players who want e-girls, and some group are just for create, not for game

Best thing for games. Enough for anubis and junkrat widow, mercy meta on this map

we got anothers missions, so it’s ok

and avoid double shield, ball-hog by DPS player who are enough to wait 15 minutes for game, and chaos ultimate. And more of that, avoid other team who insta pick offtank forcing the other tank to tale shield (who is boring to play, not Orisa really)

who cares about it