Are we still getting new heroes for OW2? Haven’t heard any updates outside of OW2 maps and updates for existing heroes.
Are we still getting new heroes for OW2? Haven’t heard any updates outside of OW2 maps and updates for existing heroes.
we are. we will see them in time
Yes there will be multiple new heroes, likely at least 5 based on what we know. The only one we know for sure so far is Sojourn, a DPS.
Not certain but I recall Jeff having said there were 6+ Tank and Supports in development, but that might be so old it’s including Sigma, Baptiste and Support-Echo.
Here are the known facts.
Right now we know there are going to be new heroes (note the plural). Right now we only have seen Sojourn confirmed so far. Unfortunately we have NOT seen any details to other new heroes including if there are going to be any more tank or support heroes. Furthermore, we may not even see new heroes when they start teasing Overwatch 2 with the start of the 2022 season of the Overwatch League which will be using an “early build” of the game.
Here is my speculation.
I anticipate there will soon be a slow reveal of heroes across the next few months. I also hope that closed beta programs will be starting for selected members of the community to join in on.
My bet remains that they are holding off for next blizzconline, possibly next February.
My second (and perhaps less likely) bet is that the new heroes will be able to fill a full team composition so anyone can fill as a new hero on launch day. 1-2-2 (thought there might be two tanks who knows)
At Blizzcon 2015, 1 year after Overwatch’s announcement, they revealed 3 new heroes with their abilities before the game released a year later. They had a panel after revealing them that went through their artwork, concept etc. I think we’ll get something like that with the next Blizzcon where they show us what Sojourn is like plus at least 2 more new heroes. Then after this Blizzcon hopefully release the game in the middle of 2022 with a beta/closed beta before it released or announced at Blizzcon.
AndyB confirmed on Reddit yesterday that new heroes aren’t gonna be talked about until closer to the game’s release.
Heroes are very big, they aren’t just gonna talk about it unless the release date is very soon. It is infect bigger than maps.
That’s what I’m hoping for but I’m still managing expectation.
Right on. Thanks guys!!
I’ll put the quote here:
"I think most folks understand this, but just to state the obvious (and to manage expectations): new Heroes are something we wouldn’t really be talking about until we’re closer to the public getting hands on with the game.
Y’all understand games marketing to some degree, so I won’t go too deep into the why’s."
A big bummer but understandable. But with this in mind i guess we shouldnt expect much from those “previews” of OW2 in the second artbook coming out later this month.
But with Andy mentionning we might be a long way before a beta so i assume a full release is still a long way ahead… and so will new heroes reveals.
What a way of killing a game. Trully professionals
Devil’s advocate and only partially defending Blizzard.
If they were to reveal new heroes, that would be the only thing the player-base would want. The reason we don’t get more new heroes? Due to the changes to the engine and in general how many of the development things work differently in OW2. They would essentially need to make 2 versions of whatever they decide to add to the game and port to the Live game.
Thus why when Echo was released, it was noted that she may have the least amount of changes model / look wise when compared in OW2 as she was essentially ported from OW2 to the Live game with her release. To my understanding…
Also ironically, keeping a lot of the information to themselves while not helpful for the playerbase right now. Considering it’s been 3 years, but in the long run the amount of info we presumably will get in 2022 for Beta / Launch.
Will resurrect any “hype” for the game that players may yet have.
Everything kills the game to these forums.
blizzcon this year is cancelled right? so november is just another empty month huh?
It is. They have plans for “something” in 2022 that is supposed to be a mix of an online presentation and “small in-person gatherings”, but it is not BlizzCon like we used to know it. Here is the exact statement from Blizzard:
As a personal hot-take, I fear I may have attended the last BlizzCon, but that is purely speculation and I hope that I am damn wrong on that.
So if rumor is true and we get OW2 during summer 22. We should get at least 7-8 new heroes.
That is what we normaly would get if updates for first game wouldn’t be halted.
We know that there will be Sojurn DPS. We know there will be tanks and supports, but in recent reveals I dobout we can name them that. They will be more of Brawlers and healing DPSes.
0 content for 2 years is not killing the game? A service game? A online pvp game? This is 2021 not 1990
Didn’t you just say them waiting until later to talk about the OW2 heroes is killing the game…?
Can’t wait for the next update
I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I’m thinking more like 4 new heroes on release. 1 tank, 1 support and 2 DPS. With other new heroes being released quarterly for 2 years. Then the go dark as they start development for OW3. Big news returning to their roots of 6v6. Releasing in 2028.