Overwatch 2 Forecast: Festivities, friends, and a definite chance of Winter Wonderland!

The one decent thing you used to do was give those 5 lootboxes on Christmas day.


And here I was thinking that no event could have gotten lazier than the remix events, but you’ve done it again Ol’ Boy, you’ve done it again! You’ve proven me wrong once more! I was at least expecting a new mode, since that’s what Halloween Terror got us, but nope! Just one new free skin, and the rest are repeats. If you want anything else new, haha THREE new $20 bundles in the shop today, none of them even christmas themed! The worst part is, I’d have considered grabbing some of those, had you actually kept your black friday pricings. But no, of course you wouldn’t treat your players kindly like that. If there’s one time of year to treat your players like actual people, and not wallets, now is the time. But yeah, no. Still see us and treat us the same as the cattle that some of our wallets are made of.

No wonder you guys lost your GotY to Splatoon of all games. And it’s no wonder why you guys are getting panned by critics as one of the worst battle pass games of the year instead.


Recycled content again, with all the new skins appearing in the predatory shop. What a joyous time of the year!


didnt we get told events were going to be better than ever with OW2? :skull:


Hey, I’ve being playing for 2 years and this is my first forum reply: this event and its rewards are the most depressing thing happening this Christmas.


It’s like they know their game is crap so they want us to watch streamers crap for hrs.

Yeah it’s like they used us and threw us and want a new toy to play with.

Just like the cake is a lie. This too is a lie.

Agree, this change mainly texture rework with minor model edits. (Bird and gum drop hat.) This would have met the definition for an Epic skin in OW. It seems they have some staff on the marketing/shop team that is taking a quick glance at the skin and deciding to upgrade them to Legendary tier. Moira looks like a mime now, a whole different thing, Legendary. (Failing to notice this is just a texture rework to add striped arms, some make-up and minor model work to create a hat.)

tl;dr Forecast:

We’ll never get events as worthwhile as the OW 1 events again.

Are y’all going to acknowledge the red flags and stop playing or not? We’re not going to get anywhere if you guys log in to get this mediocre Brig skin.

Now it’ll be like 500 bp exp if anything…

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remember when all the shills said that this disgusting monetization was to pay for new modes and a live service game - ha. ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Winter Wonderland is a heart-warming celebration

“so give us your money” - blizzard

Rare is it that a “sequel” is worse than the original in literally every possible way imaginable.


Well every one is talking about saving the earth by recycling and finding clean energy. This is how blizzard is doing their part by recycling old skins

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:radioactive: Devs pls fix Dva’s missing star legging pattern in her all star skin :radioactive:

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No thanks, Blizzard. Not going to play these recycled events for 1 skin and the rest being locked behind $$$. Improve the game first, then I’ll consider putting $ into this game, otherwise, I’m not going to spend a single dollar until I see improvements. But then again, indie company, I don’t see any improvements coming for the foreseeable future.

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I understand needing to monetize due to the switch to free to play. But if everything is locked behind paywalls, free rewards are minimal and usually recycled, and ranked lacks a feeling of progression since everything is hidden, people have nothing to play for and thus won’t PAY for cosmetics since they’ll be playing other games. If I planned on spending my money on cosmetics; I don’t, this would incentivize grinding my job, not the game.

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Oh, god… we have to play the worst brawls in OW1 history to get the new and ONLY skin?

Can we please just go back to the 3/6/9 wins per event week when you give us a spray, icon and then an epic skin? Its so easy to do and you would give people a reason to play and earn some nice stuff.

Its not that hard to make an event enjoyable, but to lock EVERYTHING behind the stupid brawls and give the players who play the NORMAL MODES (QP and comp) nothing is just… not fair.

Merry Christmas… you know… the time of the year when you GIVE something to people. I am surprised it was not a “coal” spray and nothing else.

Big L and it would not really take much effort to make it better.


I hate the fact that Im forced to Play mei bs and Frozen elimination. I dont like any of this game modes.

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To many stars, graphic engine cant handle that, sorry OW2 upgraded graphics demand it.


Why can’t I flag Blizzard’s posts?