Overwatch 2 feels like a patch to Overwatch 1

Everyone keeps saying this, but the only thing generic is this vending machine saying.

You realize this saying is only effective to the lowest of the intelligence quotient right?

There were still possibilities to switch patches every new Competitive season so the metas would vary (and that’s what OW1 did actually). Goat could have been tweaked also.

Yeah, but even if they could fix that, then Tanks would be extra super duper unfun to play, and queue times would be double what they are now for DPS.

Believe me, I’ve probably put more time into solving that specific problem than anybody in the entire community that isn’t an employee at Blizzard.

There really wasn’t that many options forward for the game. Maybe like only 2 other approaches would be viable. (And the bottomline would be similar with a more deathmatchy playstyle with less peel for supports)

What I was trying to get at is that the official label to Overwatch is “FPS” because they based themselves on the POV which is a first person game.

What I meant by stating that it’s also considered as an “hybrid” was to make you understand that just because Overwatch is labelled “FPS” doesn’t mean aiming, positioning and moving should be the most valuable qualities like any other FPS games.

As a matter of fact, except for CS Go, there are barely any other FPS that only rely on those 3 qualities you mentioned 'cause the gaming industry is trying to create innovative games.

Well then I guess all good things come to an end :slight_smile: ! I still think PVP 2.0 should be a separate game we would select through the launcher (at the exact spot where we select current beta).

Losing 6 V 6 and the rest of the essence of OW1 is really a shame. It’s like deleting a great game forever. Can’t wait for Overwatch Classic in a few years when people are nostalgic about it :slight_smile:

So what would you call the gameplay mechanics that makes Valorant different from CS:GO?

Yes, it is. It is overwatch 1.2, not close to 1.5

Is there really a need to find them a specific label ? To me, it’s an FPS game close to CS Go that also happens to vary the gameplay to make it more diverse than it’s predecessor. Valorant is more in line with its time.

I’ve never played CS Go per se but I do play Valorant and I was asked to play some CS Go by my friends but it’s like playing a more Classic version of Valorant that is less appealing to me.

I wouldn’t call Valorant a MOBA if that’s what you’re asking me. It’s just an FPS what lives with its time. But Valorant is different from Overwatch for sure as all agents on Valorant need to use weapon within the same catalogue of available weapons and the 3 qualities you mentioned : aiming, positioning and movement are kept.

Well if we’re going to talk about the ratio of classic FPS mechanics to “Thing that probably needs a label” mechanics. Then yeah, it needs a label of some sort.

We can’t just act like these gameplay mechanics which I’m calling “MOBA Mechanics” don’t exist.

Well I don’t know then. All I know is that both Valorant and Overwatch are labelled “FPS”. I guess specifics such as ratio of classic FPS mechanics are not that relevant to mention since anyone can see for themselves what type of FPS games they truly are.

When I bought Overwatch (well a little bit before that), I watched videos of the gameplay and to me it screamed “FPS” because of the POV but I didn’t pay attention to the amount “classic” FPS mechanics the game had.

I think most people don’t even care, all they want is to have fun in a game and also to discover games that are innovative and bring new sensations. Overwatch managed that in 2016.

I’m not sure PVP 2.0 in 2022 (let’s hope 2023 tbh) will have the same innovative aspect because instead of looking for something new and original, they stoop to releasing something more in line with games that already exist and thrive in their own category.

it looks to me like a long-lost fight but I hope I’m wrong.