Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

Guys, this instantly worked for me… I had been waiting about two hours with nothing appearing.
You need to follow the steps on the website for clearing battlenet cache and restart the launcher.

Coming up on 2 hours for me - have done everything you mentioned. I linked my Blizzard account about 40 minutes after my drop. (I wasn’t aware that I had to link accounts from both ends).

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To everyone worried they’re not gonna get it if you changed your name/twitch name was different; I was in the same boat and just got mine. It’s installing atm, guess there’s nothing to do but be patient and pray to the RNG gods.

everythings linked but ive still been waiting over 2 hours ;/

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yes… keep simping for a faceless corporation for free… refuse to criticize anti-consumer practices… i see blizzard ceo smiling down upon you for your staunch defense of a horrible company, surely you will be rewarded with many lootboxes…

why can’t players just get beta access instead of jumping through these hoops though


2 hours 30 minutes. Still no access slow clap


i have done all of this and its been over 2 hours :frowning: just watching my wife play since i cant join her… If this could be looked into i would really appreciate it. Idk if something is wrong but i triple checked everything yesterday as well as today… SkyTooFlyy#1972


i have done this many many times and no joy. YMMV

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After claiming the drop for the beta, I was able to get my 2 free Legendary Loot Boxes via Twitch Prime. I got the Loot Boxes IMMEDIATELY, but I’ve been waiting 2 and a half hours for Beta access. Nothing is wrong with my connections.


did you change your name after claiming the drop?

This may have been answered already, but if I claimed the drop before linking my Twitch to my Battle.net, would that restrict me from getting the beta? I don’t mind waiting at this point but just want to be sure I’m not doing anything wrong or waiting for nothing.

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Would be nice if I could access my account settings on battle.net to check


Shoutout to the Community/CS Team, and a reminder to everyone else that the CM/CS team can do absolutely nothing about the codes.

Just breathe, take a moment, remind yourself that it was a free code, and move on. It’ll show up when it shows up.

HAHAHA IT’S 3AM TO 11AM FOR AUSTRALIANS, and twitch tags were misleading us into thinking drops were enabled about 8 hours beforehand. so I watched for hours back then, only to discover I was lied to when I woke up at 7:30am and had 0% progress and not enough time to earn the drop.


lul everything is connected my dude. I received my 2 legendary loot boxes from twitch prime today. been waiting way over 2 hours and idk I’ve seen a load of people saying they aren’t getting it.


Hi Andy. Multiple people reported that their account was linked but the Battletag has changed a long time ago. We were able to claim the beta but got no access so far. Is it still processing or just did the key disappear to nowhere? Is there a fix for this? Is the old bnet traceable to the new one (same account just renamed)?

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Yep absolutely not working. It’s on Blizzard’s side (for a change) not ours.

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ive had everything ok for almost 2 hours 30 minutes i know its all good as event drops would always go to my Account but im still getting nothing

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Already did, saying I’m 24% of 4 hours. I think that answers my question lol.

Someone watched ML7… :smiley: