Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

Damn still on the 8 hour streak and almost past it :cry:

Almost 8hrs :frowning: Hope you guys get it done so you can go rest!

8 hour gang, currently 1AM. Gonna stay up for a few more hours in hopes to get a little bit of play time in!

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Reporting for duty, sir

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So when am I allowed to play? I work nights. I was asleep at 9am est. I woke up at 1pm est. I got the drop by 5pm est. Still waiting to play while all my friends have been enjoying it. Why am I being punished for your mess Blizzard?

Hopefully people will get an chance to be individually reviewed. I can’t imagine how much chaos just going down a thread of names is.

It’s literally been 12 hours since I started watching the streams. Silly of me to think that I’d actually be able to play after my 4 hours of watch time.


I’ve never participated in a twitch event but iv been apart of OW since its release and just want to enjoy it like everyone else.

I feel like a crack addict whose dealer stood them up rn.


Let me in please! ID is CptBootyClap#11923

where did i cry? i simply stated whats happened. if your not here to help or contribute then why are you here

While I appreciate the reply, the way you stated this seems to be an assumption. It would be nice to get a more up to date official statement from the horses mouth. @PlayOverwatch Last contact was >2 hours ago. AndyB last contact >1 hour ago.

all aboard the 9 hour gang express


Shoulda been there at 10

Pixeldreamer#1805 in case something can be done about it. Claimed the drop around 3:05 MST. 8 hour gang. Hopefully will see something in the morning. GGWP

Wow, it finally arrived. Thanks all, best of luck getting it. Took an entire day, but it’s finally over.


Still waiting here, linked everything, watched from start time, claimed and nada. 8 hours so far

sad choo choo train sounds


tech support just replied 7m ago, not much help but theyre here

Yeah, can relate, he even offered me to play thru remote acces yesterday and today was his birthday he had plans for us to play all day long after i got a drop but here I am :cry: