Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops Troubleshooting - UPDATED INFO

all aboard the 9 hour gang express

choo choo :steam_locomotive: :train: :train: :train: :train:


Anyone else excited to join the 10 hour club :slight_smile:


Dude I got it in the first 4 hours when the drops were enabled and I still have no overwatch 2 access. This hurts man because I did what I had to do but I get shafted by this

I volunteer my twitch account to be poked around in, as long as you don’t get me banned or sub me into any sus streamers. I’m trying to keep that recommendation feed clean.

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nothing for now, just gonna add my name to the list! PoEtiC#11689

Now that’s a classic meme

Welp, on my way to the 9 hour club. Finally hit midnight here. I’m giving up. Can’t wait to check in tomorrow morning and see what’s become of this thread :eyes: night and good luck, y’all

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just another post to reup my account in the list of accounts still without access after claiming asap.

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Still not in :crying_cat_face: 8 hour gang represent

I still haven’t gotten anything, #OkacaCA1463

not sure if latest wave is over yet, if it is im still not in after relaunches, etc. tag is SySTeM#11330
(8 hour gang btw)

Anyone else manage to figure out “Unexpected Server Error Occurred” I thought it was about the server being overloaded but I had friends who downloaded the game after me and was able to go into it with no problems.

I logged into my friends computer and still can’t log in from there but on the flip side he was able to log in from mine computer.

So it seems like its just something wrong with my account?

Still no access TheGigaChad#1834

might as well just add to the list lol
Nebula #11207

I have the game but my friend had an issue i gave him my account he downloaded it then it appeared on his account, if you guys have an issue and know any1 get their accounts just to download the game.

Something’s gotta be borked. Too many of us in limbo.


I’m going to bed guys. Best of luck to you all. I have class in the morning. I wish you all the best of luck in gaining access. <3

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12 hours since I started watching the streams. Over 8 hours since I claimed my beta. Still not showing up in the launcher… This is whack. ID: VinnyVonDoom#1609

I still haven’t given up. Charmz#11694