So, I’ve been waiting for a lil over 35 mins now to get into an actual game as DPS. First game, 8 min queue time, someone leaves at the start, back into queue. Second game, 9 min queue time, someone leaves at the start, back into queue. Third game fails to start after 9 mins, back into queue. Still waiting on the next pop, 35 mins later.
Queues are long because of demand and I think that’s fine… but for the love of god can they put canceled game players at the front of the line?!?
I don’t mind the long queue time, I know it’s because there are so many dps, and after doing several seasons of support main, I wanted to play a season of DPS. However, yes, getting a game cancelled after a 9 min queue, and then going to the back of the line just sucks.
It’s a very bizarre situation.
Blizzard say they’re looking into ways to lower queue times for Competitive; however, there’s a system already in game in other modes that would do exactly that as well as eliminate the problem of leavers completely - backfill.
Why they are not adding this to Competitive (with a few necessary tweaks) is absolutely baffling.
I’d personally love to select “backfill” as a queue option.
It’d be a blast to get bombed into games on the brink. Just halve the SR risk and reward.
something like this happened to me the other day. a canceled match followed by a starting error. I was literally waiting for 30mins and then when i did get a game we were steamrolled.
That’s a horrible idea. Imagine waiting 10-20 minutes in queue only to backfill into a game that’s a guaranteed loss.
With backfill it would no longer be a guaranteed loss because both teams would be at full strength.
And with backfill in Competitive there wouldn’t be 10-20 minute queues.
Not going to debunk your off topic idea any more here. Stop cross-posting something unrelated. That’s spam.
It’s not off topic or unrelated to discuss an idea to reduce queue times in a thread about queue times.
So no, not spam.
Muting you and flagging every time you spam this thread.
better than tanking 4 games in a row with horrible dps and supports.
edit seriously had agame earlier where as rein i was asked to stop pressing W. we had a 2 man advantage 5-3 and an opportunity for a great stagger. which we got. but seriously, someone asked me to not press W as rein … total first and today must have been bizzaro day. we still ended up losing.
why not try to add a “flex” player, instead of changing an entire structure and trying to rebalance it? 7 players for each side keeping the current 222, but the new “+1” will be a “flex” category it can be support, tank or DPS and this category will only be possible if you select all hero classes (with the team mentality) ). Obviously it will help the teamwork of the game, people will be more willing to play in all classes, the waiting list for DPS decreases and in the event of a fall, flex can try to cover the required category.
I had instant queues, and all the maps and heroes unlocked just a few seasons ago. The games were just as good or better than they are now.
Since then, Blizz has done nothing but make it so I hardly even want to log in any more.
Seeing as I’m not posting spam, that’s an abuse of the flagging system.
This. I spend more time waiting for the game than I do playing the game. Not sure how or why anyone is ok with that. 222 has not improved the quality of my games in any form. I’m a reaper main so all it did was pad my stats since I eat healers and tanks for breakfast, and most people don’t use reaper counters. I would gladly give up role que for 6v6 any role and just hero lock if you want to change a meta.
I’m at 32 min and still waiting.
This is what you (Blizzard) get for worshiping dps role and making others so miserable to play.
And the greatest success of the developers is that the playerbase will blame each other for it lol