"Our DPS did nothing"

Yeah…reading that back I gave myself a good facepalm to “celebrate” how in the actual f did I wrote that, and to wake myself up more.


A big problem is trust as well

Tanks often will stand in chokes or around corners because they don’t trust the heals.

I can keep a tank up not always a damage cause I don’t have Dafran’s aim and I’m sure there are moments where I should’ve healed a damage to save me instead of trying to fight off the attacker. Sometimes, we just gotta learn to trust our teammates.


DPS are always the first to blame. It’s pathetic.

It’s always the really hardstuck tanks / supports with that sickly fake-positive demeanor that do it too.

Yesterday I watch Soon hard carry his team but still lose, he got only 4 wins that entire day, he was really desperated when he went offline.

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Literally just had a game where our Sigma was bragging in match chat about the fact he had gold damage. I never once found myself behind one of his shields. The one time I saw him was when he used a gravitic flux to catch an enemy tank who was next to his spawn.

This is so true! My best games on Zarya are usually because my healers do an amazing job keeping me alive and I have the confidence to play more aggressively. A good Ana in particular makes you feel invincible :muscle:


THAT is your flaw. The job of a tank is the get the team through the choke and onto the point or a brawl. If that does not happen and you are held at choke then it is largely the tanks fault

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Ngl, nothing pisses me off more when a tank talks about medals

because that’s gonna win us the game

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Don’t get me started :pleading_face:

Nano’ing zarya is everything to me

She’s charged, I give her nano, she gets her ult hella fast, then I give her another one as she and Rein soak up damage like a sponge in a lake :weary::tired_face::tired_face: the only thing to ruin that experience is Dumbfist/uncontested Ashe

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Heavy is the weight on the brow of those who wear the crown. DPS carry games, every one knows that. If you want to rank up without relying on any one else you have to go DPS. Not that the other parts of the team don’t help, but every thing is weighted in the game about killing the enemy.

You can’t cap the point if a single person is on it, you can’t win a game on defense again if a single enemy lives. The capture aspect takes only a few seconds. Push Q to win is a meme for a reason. Now it’s not always the DPS fault, but given they have the most impact on the team to make it do well yeah they tend to get a lot of the blame.

I usually start to think this when I notice a tank or support has gold dmg and/or elims. That I haven’t seen anything in the kill feed for the last two pushes except red. That I can “push W” as much as the team wants, but my health and shield are shredded while the enemy team’s can’t even be broken once.

It doesn’t always mean the DPS are bad, or doing nothing. It’s just not always what the team needs to win. Maybe they are out back flanking the enemy spawn and playing tag with a tracer. Maybe the Widow is having some epic duel with the enemy widow. Or perhaps they are a junkrat and refuse to switch against a Phara/Echo combo and are utterly worthless.

Perhaps your choice of DPS could be the reason you feel weak, therefore the rest of the team suffers.

I think every streamer doing an un-ranked to GM or in some cases, best spot on the game on roles other than DPS might argue otherwise.

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Eh those don’t really count for much. If your multiple ranks higher than where you are smurfing it doesn’t really matter. IF your double the rank your playing at you will do well obviously. That said even a Top 500 Mercy will find it hard to win bronze level games.

Mean while a even gold DPs could probably carry every match.

My favorite is when the other roll tells you you arent doing anything but you’re doing better than they are lol

Literally the best role at killing things, the only job they have is to kill things. Their entire kits are built around… killing things.

And you wonder why things not dying is blamed on dps?


People always discount things that don’t fit the premise.

Look, the reality is this: DPS is the hardest to rank up on due to the sheer number of players, almost every coach will tell you ranking up on tank is easiest then support followed by DPS.

Just had one of these games, just now! Open Queue Competitive.

Got a 3k at the start of what should have been our final push, killing an enemy tank, support and DPS within a span of about 10 seconds, but died to Genji. Our team has lost nobody else yet and is fresh on cool-downs. I called the kills out to team-chat, and waited to respawn. Made it back to cart… ZERO progress, my team is still fighting on cart, can’t get the kills to win the fight. One of the pair that has been duo-off-tanking all game goes Reinhardt with 30 seconds left on the clock. We lose the match. :expressionless:

Finish the game with 41 Elims, 3:1 E:D, 20 final blows, 21K damage.

Our Bap gets on all-chat post-match… TRASH DPS!

A top 500 mercy will carry bronze level games with their pistol lol.

Yeah it is hard and if the defending team has lots of firepower then shields go down fast but it’s a team game after all. Other teammates should help with the push after the tank initiates the push. You can use Immortality field or Mei’s wall etc. Tank can’t do it alone but the tank also can’t just stand at the choke waiting for others to get that miracle pick.

It’s one of the issues with 2cp design. Defenders need to win every teamfight to win while attackers only need to win once to get the point so defenders need to have the advantage. If it was easy to just waltz in or get picks then attackers would always win 100% of time. Even now most of the time in 2cp defenders don’t really try to win but instead just waste the other team’s time and then do the attack phase faster than them. It’s just flawed design.

And they are correct on that. You can’t trust anyone. At least, not with your survival and well-being.