"Our DPS did nothing"

Yes! Yes x 100. The only flaw with that is even solid numbers aren’t always an accurate scale to go on. Like, I’ve used this example before, but a Sombra can stand behind a Reinhardt’s shield and shoot a Roadhog at the choke all game. She’ll have way higher-than-average damage numbers for a Sombra … but will be useless.

She’d be more useful if she actually did zero damage, and instead hacked 40 enemies.

So it’s a fickle system. But yes, I agree the current one is atrocious and leaves you not knowing what went wrong. It sucks. :frowning:

I think at the end of every game, every person needs to think about what they could’ve improved on their own performance. Regardless of roll and how well they think they did. I mean, that’s realistically the only thing each of us has control of anyway. Raging at teammates and playing the blame game accomplishes nothing.

I’d also like to note that no one can stress enough how important good tanks are to DPS performance. I didn’t really understand it until I was paired with some god-tier Winstons and my job became significantly easier - it was like I was playing against AI.

Similarly, I’ve had games with bad tanks where I literally can’t do anything. As mentioned above, the game does a poor job of letting you know when that happens, or if you’re just bad, though. I only started really noticing it through experience.

Basically, I look at it like … if I’m playing Soldier:

  • Can I get into a position to get some decent shots in on the enemy?
    If yes: Then it’s my fault crap isn’t dying.
    If no: Then my tanks aren’t moving in where / when they should.

If I’m playing Tracer:

  • Am I getting “alone time” with the enemy supports / squishies while the rest of their team is distracted?
    If yes: Then if they aren’t dying, it’s my fault.
    If no: Our tanks are being too passive and not drawing enough attention / causing enough chaos.

(Seriously, you would not BELIEVE how much a good Winston is noticeable to flankers. We see you, and we <3 you.)

So yeah, it’s not always the DPS’s fault. But similarly, I think we should show more appreciation to our tanks and heals when we do pop off. Most amazing DPS PotGs are made possible because of proper support, and it’s cool to achknowledge that… I don’t mean worship the ground your healers / tanks walk on, but maybe if more of us started saying thanks and such more often, the stereotype of DPS being selfish, egotistical, jerkwaffles would go away. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Speaking of stereotypes…

I actually don’t think it’s true that toxic players pick DPS, percentage-wise. I mean, DPS probably has more total toxic players just simply because it’s the largest role. But I’ve met plenty of jerks from every role, spread out pretty evenly.

As far as kids picking DPS - I think that’s only because the way the characters are marketed / designed. I mean, if they’d make the cyborg ninja and cowboy as tanks, then the kids would still play them. :rofl: Oh, and the Ghost-Rider wannabe edgelord. That’s a popular one, too.

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See this is a great example of tanks not understanding how to tank. Standing in choke as an attacker is bad. You need to push through the choke, claim space, give your dps and supports room to work. If you are standing on choke you are waiting for miracle because the defending team always has the edge by shooting from better position. Yes pushing chokes is hard and it can feel suicidal but standing on choke will end up in a loss unless you get carried by a dps getting crazy picks. You can search really good tanking guides made by high tier/pro tanks and they explain how to handle chokepoints.


The problem isn’t the DPS. We all know DPS is a complicated role to play: lots of pressure on your shoulders, the cry from the teammates who think you are bad because you didn’t kill every enemy on the first minute of the game. The problem of the DPS are the bad DPS players that see the match goind down and keep playing heroes that aren’t make any difference in the match. I see a lot of Widowmaker and Ashe mains who keep trying to get their POTG with 3 headshots even if a tank is being the Top Damage of the team and a Reinhardt/Orisa/Sigma keep blocking their shots, making them useless in the match.

We all know that DPS is something difficult to play, but there are a lot of DPS mains that ruin the role. Of course there are bad tanks, or bad supports, and people need to keep in mind that fact: if the tank ou support aren’t make difference or simply tanking or healing, they’re playing wrong and need to think how can they change the match flux.

DPS are not villains of the queue. The bad DPS players are the ones that are ruining the whole role.

You can’t take any space if you just get deleted. I can’t tell you how many times I have organized a “ok let’s push forward and take some space” (actual verbiage used) and as I move forward using corners and shield getting in their face the dps are in the back not point forward. Now this doesn’t happen all the time but the most heartbreaking thing as a tank is to make space and have nobody take it


Exactly if everyone coordinates and freaking focus fires things would die easily

This needs to be in the game. Like, seriously - it actually needs to be taught in the tutorial. So. Many. People. do not understand this, and get angry when their McCree or Soldier can’t burst down some picks at the first Hanamura choke. Like, they think that’s the criteria for them going in - once a few things are already dead.

And I know tanking is hard. That’s mainly what I struggle with while tanking, actually … handling chokes and knowing when to push. So I’m not trying to bad mouth tank players - I’m fully aware it’s a difficult job. But god yes, the arrogant ones who just stand there … dear lord.

Yeah, that’s not great. However, when a player keeps refusing to switch, I think it’s often because that’s the hero they feel the most comfortable on. I see tanks do this pretty often, too, actually.

As long as they’re not doing it to troll or to just be defiant. ie: “Lolz ThIs AcCoUnT iS tOrB oNlY sO i CaN’t SwAp.”

^ That’s selfish and dumb. But if they’re just unable to play an optimal hero, then you really can’t fault them too much. There are loads of times Reinhardt is the optimal tank pick, but if you get a D.Va and Roadhog main on your team with 5 minutes on Rein … well … sucky situation, but not really anyone’s fault.


Yup, there is only so much pressure a single tank can create against a simi coordinated team when your town team is not.

Much like my post above too if the enemy dps is applying a ton of pressure and our dps is not then there is literally nothing I can do as Orisa/Rein/Sigma.

People have that dumb running theory that Roadhog players are really just dps trying to skip cue but as a tank main I can tell you that it is FAR more likely that this is just a tank main sick of depending on his dps for support.

A choke I cannot break as a team depended barrier tank I can often break as a solo Hog. As a long as I land a key Hook on a tank, support, or propped up dps (Bastion, Reaper, Mei, JR or whatever) I can break a coordinated choke hold solo.

Also Half the time I go Hog just to have someone who actually breaks barriers. I mean good god. I’m sitting at Plat/Diamond, barriers have never been weaker, and people still refuse to focus a barrier down.


If they ever say that, switch to Bastion.

Here’s the problem in Overwatch; nobody knows what’s going on.

For example, you’re a DPS, and shoot an enemy hero. That enemy hero is now at critical health but is taking cover and you can’t finish them. Your hero should automatically call out that “X is low!” rather than needing to use a bind or call it out in voice, because as we all know… not everyone uses voice.

There are people that load into a match and immediately leave voice and maybe squelch their whole team to boot. Others just play for “fun” so they don’t do any call outs and it doesn’t matter if they win or lose to them. So (at least in competitive) the call-outs need to be automatic and unable to be silenced.

Things like “I need healing” should be automatic as well, if at least to stop healing spam and people at full health abusing it. If someone wants a support pocket they can ask for it in comms rather than slamming the “need healing” button a thousand times.

Furthermore, the state of your team and the enemy team should always be visible. The kill feed disappears after moments… why? The top row visual showing how many of your team and the how many of the enemy are dead should always be available so decisions can be made without polluting the comms channel with chatter as you try to figure out the state of the game every push. Ideally, the health of everyone will always be listed as well.

The game plays like blindfolded darts because there isn’t enough information conveyed properly so it’s headless chickens all around unless you get that magical random team that communicates like trained professional gamers.

If Blizzard wants to make ladder competitive actually FEEL competitive, they need to adjust the game to the fact that teammates are largely random and the coordination is just NOT going to be there for 99% of the players, 99% of the time.


I have lost at least 500 sr thanks to what you described in panel one.

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Pies, and that is TERRIBLE.


The only thing that can be considered an indication of lack of dps impact, is their final blows.

If I see my team losing and a dps can land some final blows before dying, it’s not his fault.

If I see my team winning but dps does not pop up in killfeed left side for a good number of engagements, I know they are slacking and tanks/healers are the carry.

In the end, dps’s main job is confirm kills, not what the name suggests to do “dps” cuz other roles can handle that too.

P.S. I play all 3 roles, dps time longer than other 2 but other 2 combined longer than dps.

That seems kinda unfair. Tanks feeding/standing in choke and healers in terrible position/missing heals never shows up in the kill feed. But it will result in the DPS having a much harder time getting kills.

But it’s easier to blame damage out of expectancy. People want, essentially, to just be carried. And the damage role has the largest potential as you can’t counter being headshot by bootymaker.

I think every match has its instances, but overall my experience includes a lot of tanks not really doing much and blaming everyone but themselves.

Heck, my last match had a toxic Zarya who flamed our dps for being slow on ults, high on deaths and low on picks despite him being just as slow on his ult, wasting it when no one was even alive he was real quiet then lol and barely picking up energy until 5 seconds before his death.

It’s amazing how people hold standards higher for others than themselves

I actually didn’t!

Oh pardon me, that was meant to be “my team winning”. I think my brain being just boot up messed up the conditions.

And that does solve the problem, cuz if those 2 roles slacking and dps not getting killfeed presence, it’s impossible to win a fight.


Oh my! My apologies then. I’ll read it now since you are unlike…every other forums user ever

Edit: glad I liked the post

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Now that makes more sense :rofl:

Thanks! I try not not bash anyone in my posts because constructive criticism is way better than being toxic :+1:

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Few hrs ago I had a Winston and Hog insist on going solo into a Mei and McCree/Hanzo. Which instantly melted them and offered that sweet ult charge for Mei over and over.

Which is funny because the Winston was spamming group up, but ended up diving in alone. Lmao.

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:nail_care:t5: I see you

Sometimes, the truth is simply how it is though

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