"Our DPS did nothing"

Dps shouldnt be out performed by tanks or healers

The most realest comment on this thread, yes, but you making this thread signifies the biggest problem in Overwatch and online gaming in general. Blame culture which feeds into toxicity. We as a community need to be educated and ask ourselves why are we playing. If your goal isn’t mastery and looking introspectively to examine how one can improve… then it’s always going to be someone else’s fault and it’s the feedback loop that this game and online gaming will always have.

Let me guess, your performance marker is medals? Then you are the problem because a fully charged Zarya will 100% out damage a dps in any game. Medals are the weakest argument anyone can bring to the table. There are plenty of games where I’d sit behind as a dps and simply peel for my healers an entire game because they would get dove on. My numbers would not be flashy or may not even get a medal but keeping your healers alive means your team can sustain. When your team can sustain, your tanks can make space. If you are effectively neutralizing the enemy flankers you are performing your duty. There are multiple ways to win games as a dps. Most just think its click heads, some fail to see that sometimes all you have to do is deny enemy team from making plays…

No, my performace marker is on fire time, accuracy, ult efficiency and deaths

Dps needs tanks to create space and supports to enable and assist them in order for them to do anything. Without one of the other roles doing their jobs it makes the dps job a lot harder than it neds to be. This also what leads to dps players being generally considered the most “toxic” type of players, dps players generally feel the need to always blame others before they get blamed, this way they can turn their team against someone else thats not them. Dps can carry yes even if both roles do nothing but realise the amount of unecessary pressure you put on them and the finesse it requires of them to kill things consistently. Also a big misconception is that only tanks create space which is wrong, if you choose the right dps you can create space as well, whenever I feel like I cant do anything at all because our frontline keeps getting pushed back and I cant see any opportunity to make a play or get a kill, I go tracer and harass their backline forcing them to pull back and help or run the risk of loosing a teammate. I do this to do the tanks job for them if they arent creating space at all for us to do anything, and almost all the time without fail when I do this my other dps player on my team starts killing again, what a coincidence that when we get space we perform lol.

If DPS are doing nothing, it’s only half-bad. If they keep dying, it’s a lot worse.

You are given biggest guns in game for a reason, so if you aren’t having golds for damage, it raises some questions.

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A: a hot take is a hot take for any role
B: I haven’t posted a screenshot since early march
C: heres examples of what I’ve actually put on there
“MMR is segregation”
“Genjis ultimate is pretty much reapers ultimate”
“Good players in lower ranks” (oxymoron)

I don’t just post anything that goes against what I think lmao

That’s because it’s much easier to get initial value out of tanks and supports at the start of a fight, than it is DPS.

What do tanks have to do to create value? Hold up shield/damage blocking abilities, and push W?

What do supports have to do? Heal anyone who takes damage/and or prevent damage by preemtively heal.

What do DPS have to do? Somehow find an opportunity through the enemy team doing the aformentioned tank/support stuff and thread the needle to somehow secure a kill. DPS is arguably the most difficult role.

Also, people at lower ranks need to understand that getting kills and getting gold medals isn’t everything. A DPS can get a ton of value just by holding an angle and being an intimidating presence. GM Widows do it all the time, and it brings a ton of value, and sometimes it means they won’t even have bronze medals. High level players understand this, but if you do it at low ranks, it goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Never mind the fact that tanks themselves are also fat DPS that they themselves can get a ton of kills. But if they do, they use that as ammo to shame DPS and say things like “I got 3 gold medals! Do something DPS!”

And by the way, I’ve been in plenty of matches where the tanks aren’t tanking properly, and the supports aren’t healing much, and the DPS still get blamed.

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The enemy tank is also doing the same thing. You can’t expect DPS to be miracle workers.

What that means is, just because you’re doing everything right as a tank, doesn’t mean it opens up free kills for the DPS. You’re in a competitive environment. Sometimes you lose team fights even when you’re doing everything right. Sometimes you lose team fights and it’s no one’s fault! Shocker, right?!

Pointing fingers and playing a blame game doesn’t help under any circumstance. You don’t get a free pass to complain and blame just because you played your part and held up a shield.

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other than wait times this is another reason i wont really play DPS in QP hell playing your favorite DPS character can get ya reported sometimes…believe me ive seen the posts of people getting reported for playing there character of choice

Rein AD spamming in the choke, alone

That’s kinda what the last part of my post was about. Instead of blaming dps all the time maybe it’s better to look at your tank/support play to see how you could have done better. Even games where my tanks/supports did bad I’ll still try to look at where I messed up too because I’m no where near a pro player so I’m bound to have made a ton of mistakes every game.

And ironically enough, the biggest fault of losses is usually on tanks. Played a game the other day on genji and had all the golds I could get all game WITH 6k potg and several other successful blades and we still lost. I get 3 picks but our tanks are too scared of Reinhardt to just press W and capitalize. PSA to any tanks here: stop playing like a f@#!ing p%@$y

I only really notice bad DPS when they are carelessly feeding or have chosen heroes that don’t make any sense at all with the rest of the team comp. I think DPS get a lot of blame for that reason since it’s usually obvious when they are throwing hard. Like playing in front of the tank, or playing a flanker that keeps dying or playing a hitscan into two shields etc.

Much more nuanced are losses due to passive tanks or supports that can’t prioritize healing correctly - these also make winning team fights impossible, but often it’s not obvious why.

Definitely usually has an issue where it should be looked at more internally.

As for why DPS? It’d say they’re just an easier scapegoat because they provide a role that technically every role can provide (but it is always misinterpreted).

DPS provides damage… barrier breaking and killing. That is all that is really expected of them, and technically Tanks and Support can provide that too (they’re just overwhelmingly inefficient at it by comparison).

So when people want to dish out the blame, DPS is the easiest target to blame. Of Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. DPS gets to be Piggy.

Sorry, I can’t help the enemy didn’t pick a counter.
Signed echo :slight_smile:

I don’t see ppl complain about dps anymore then tanks/support. Certain dps comps, tanks duo’s, support behavior usually draws out complaints.

The thing is when you have two flanker dps who aren’t flanking and can’t kill very divable supports people raise an eyebrow. When the kill feed is nothing but tanks getting kills people start to worry.

When the enemy has double barrier and you are stuck with a Soldier+Widow you start to worry.

I remember in a game just before the new set of hero bans I was playing Orisa on Volskaya Attack. The enemy was running Winston/Rein with Bastion and JR.

Our dps was Soldier/Ashe. We were getting shredded without being able to get near the choke and our dps say’s “We need more barriers”. They have like 100x more barrier break then us and you want to try to play a barrier breaking war? Not all dps are this dumb but dps requesting barriers when they dont need them or they wont help is a common headache tank mains have to deal with.

I ended up going Hog and breaking the point by getting a couple of Hooks kills and pushing in when they were weak. Why? Because our dps refused to swap and they werent doing jack shiz against the enemies barriers.

When a dive is coordinated between Winston/DVA/Hamster and there’s no kills during all the chaos…we tend to get a little cranky. They are all chasing us around like chickens and dps can’t pick a target and focus fire during the dive?

Now obviously this isn’t EVERY game, but when I play tank, this is the kind of stuff I see. I just had a game attacking point A of Kings Row. Our Rein gets nanoed and I go in with him on DVA…and our Reaper/Doomfist go hard right and up the stairs for some secret mission. HUH???

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i end matches with 15-25 final blows and still get DPS did nothing.

usually just tanks/supports shifting the blame

Firstly, nothing creates more space than killing a potential threat. A good Widow or Hanzo, for example, can create a ton of space before the fight even starts in full, by making it a 5v6 or even 4v6 before the enemy team can even meaningfully react (depending on their comp, of course). But this applies to all heroes capable of dealing damage at any point of the fight. Killing an enemy increases the amount of space for everyone on your team. Since DPS generally deal most damage, this also applies to them the most.

Secondly, tanks in this game do not have very good defenses compared to tanks in other games. The best they can do is delay the enemy team’s damage for a few moments, creating small time windows for their own team to use. Supports can prolong those windows or create their own through healing or utility. If DPS spend those time windows twiddling their thumbs, focusing inefficiently, or just not hitting their shots very well, at some point the defenses go down. Barriers break, DM and Bubble go on cooldown and so on. If you didn’t manage to get any kills or at least take some ground until that happens by forcing the enemy team to retreat in some way from the threat you are putting out, you are just not being a good damage dealer, sorry. If everything you do is easily outhealed by the enemy Ana while she even has time to land 'nades and darts on your team, then you are contributing nothing.

Of course games are also lost because tanks and/or supports do not create enough of those windows for their DPS to use. Or maybe the enemy team is just better, that also happens. But I have seen enough games where people on the enemy team just stand out in the open spamming ADAD and not getting killed while they pick off their targets. That’s just shoddy DPS work on my team, no matter how you put it.


The reason dps players usually gets blamed is because the statistic of each role players.

Ofcourse tank and support players can be bad and i’ve seen plenty of them.
But if you look at the “weaker” part of overwatch playbase, toxic players and small children they would usually go for the dps role because of the dps role doesnt need as much healing or protection compared to other roles, also the dps pick is much more important in a lot of times.
the tank role is just broken. if it’s not a shield it’s gonna be bad in term of protection 99% of times.
So the pick is not that important.
and in the support class most support heroes don’t need much in order to heal.
Sure support pick is important as well since some utilities are super effective.
but the chances to pick the wrong hero is much smaller because of lack of support heroes.

Don’t get me wrong.
tanks can use their abillities wrong or not lead well.
support can be targeted or not use their utility well or even not heal enough.

But in the dps class it’s eaiser to carry since you have MUCH more choice to pick from.

Another general mistake usually dps players make but tanks and support can be responsible for that as well is not playing agressive enough or deffensive enough.
In some matches staying behind and shooting is not enough and in other times pushing too agressive is a suidice.
Tanks are the leaders and usually according to their pick the playstyle is chosen.
Support will follow the tanks since they cant do much by themselves.
So usually the ones not to use the team members or follow are the dps.
Once again im repeating the fact the both support and tanks can make this problem as well.
Using ana on 2nd temple of anubis attack is usually a Horrible idea and I’ve lost too many games cause of that, and some tanks just refuse to go dive for some reason.
But in a lot of times because of the player base split and big roaster dps wil gonna be the ones making the mistakes.

Not to mantion most heroes with higher skill floor will be part of the dps class…

Most tanks are very clear in term of how to be played, same for support.
and even though dps have this situation as well there are much more dps that require some skill.