"Our DPS did nothing"

If Moira doesn’t gain 80% ult charge with a damage orb into spawn, she’s throwing. /s

Had plenty of games as DPS where the enemy supports just did a great job and our tanks weren’t aggressive enough.

OW is so complex

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Maybe it’s lack of communication? If no one calls out, dps doesn’t know who’s low health and who’s out of position.

When I play with high level tanks, they are all pretty good at isolating a target and focusing fire. Low level tanks try to chase a low hp target who’s in the far back corner and got themselves killed, or call out the wrong target that nobody can focus.

Look - I play all three roles, pretty equally well, though I’m a bit higher on Tank/Support than DPS. I can tell pretty damn fast if the DPS have any clue what to do based on their positioning, their use of things like natural cover and high ground, and even their picks against the opponent. Actually DPS are #2 in making space, Supports are #3 behind Tanks. Tanks make space for DPS to then move in and help take more space.

I mean I have had trash DPS telling me “Ah gotz no spacez” when I am literally gold damage and have considerable gold objective time and know I made good space, they were just too unskilled to use it. I agree, its always easy to “blame the other guy”, and when no picks are happening, everyone starts finger-pointing. That being said, of all the three roles no question DPS tends to be the one that is least coordinated, doesn’t peel for teammates, and thinks just by getting elims they are playing well. Obviously this is true mostly under Diamond, but its true then for oh, about 80% of the playerbase. They also are the most resistant to any suggestion they switch despite having the most options I have noticed. I can’t count the times I have had to call-out focus Supports or Tanks because DPS are like dogs that just run after the first thing that moves then cannot stop and think that chasing the Tracer or WB is not going to help us take the point…

I get so tired of the “we need a shield” and I literally time and again watch that person then march right in front of the shield, always a DPS and strangely often a McCree or Soldier:76… :roll_eyes:


I would agree with your post entirely if they nerfed widowmaker.

I think this is a ploy of some people who say it after every game to get endorsements. I find that if I am DPS and someone says “DPS did nothing” or similar then I get no endorsements even if I have a full board of gold medals. I’ve seen at least 2 players who have said it in more than one game I’ve been against them so I’d be confident they always say it.

In reality it should be a bannable offense if you say it every game with an obvious view to getting some advantage from it.

When I’m the healer and gold eliminations is 2 or 6 at the end of a match, the DPS quite literally did nothing. Either that not swapping to heroes that work better for the encounter or something, they literally did nothing.

In the current state of overwatch, the strongest heroes on the team are the tanks.
The tanks are the teams carries and in most cases it comes down to who has the better tank players. They create the space for the DPS to assist in actually getting picks. They also negate damage to the team and allow the space for the supports to do their job.

The tanks are supported by the supports, if they aren’t being healed there is only a limit to what they can do. in this regard the supports are the second most important.

The DPS and this is coming from a DPS main, can’t really do that much. Even if I get gold elims and gold damage I’m essentially just a helper. Tanks have evolved in their kit over time to just be able to shut out all forms of DPS damage. With an exception to flying characters such as echo/pharah who then require in most cases a hitscan DPS character to shut them down.

But they have multiple times. It’s why she has a very low pick rate in comp now under 1% across all ranks in the past month (given she was banned for a week)

Her mobility is terrible now, the charge time change personally has thrown me off to the point where if I headshot someone they always have 10hp left because I’m still not used to it. Sigma/Winston/Dva/Ball all shut widow down.

Simple. Kevin ate nine ten.

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As a tank when I push through a choke my dps have all the room I can give them at that point hell they even have my barrier as back up.

But if they still cant get a pick then there is without a doubt a dps issue.

I can only hold that space for so long before I’m forced to back off.


I see dps just as often trying to point fingers everywhere else too, I rarely see dps accept that they had more room to switch to a more efficient dps or one that doesn’t require them to aim. Usually when dps are blamed it’s because they insist on “practicing” their Widow the entire time playing spawn simulator :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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One time I had a Reaper rage at me for not following them on their cool flank to the enemy spawn. They repeatedly fed and caused us to get rolled, but no, it was me being garbage at Mercy that was the problem, I think that’s when I stopped playing Mercy actually lol

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ngl sometimes those strats work and the game is way more fun when you take risks like that

those strats don’t work when your reaper is straight up repeatedly feeding against all 6 at spawn

there’s a time for pocketing but not doing dumb things like that, but you’re the dps defender tm and you might post me on your twitter so that’s all i’ll say on that :rofl:

I think it’s silly. I rather think that people make “mistakes” that can lead to losses, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s on you 100%. Mistakes happen, we’re not superhuman. I’m not mad if you C9, get killed in an ult or anything.

You could be doing extremely poorly and I’d still not put you in my avoids, why? because you’re displaying a level of trust that I enjoy seeing. People doing their very best. I usually only keep my avoids for people I hate, hate me, or are straight out not trying and it’s obvious. (Throwers).

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Sigma : His shield is weak as hell, and if you are standing in the backline eyeing down his supports he HAS to waste his shield on you.
Winston : Winston’s engages all 100% all in and extremely punishable.
Dva : Same as winston, but Dva’s damage is more burst-y as opposed to winston’s.
Hammond : Hammond, in my opinion, is the only character in the game that can take widow without overcommiting too hard. The issue I have with widow is less the 1-shot itself, and more the fact that if the enemy team picks widow, your entire focus must be on her and nothing else and that’s kinda boring.
It’s the same reason why I didn’t like old mercy’s ulti and the same reason I don’t like bastion comps. Too much funneling.

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Becuz most people think that the DPS are the ones that will do the killings for the team while the Sup and Tanks would just be helping them without needing to get their hands dirty. So basically if DPS players cant get a kill the moment an enemy shows up on the screen, they are considered useless and are throwing by the team in this ridiculous logic.

DPS have the most versatility in this game in terms of being able to counter anything the other team throws at them. If we’re running Rein Zayra, and they are running a ball. DPS have multiple options to change and slow down the ball. If you don’t swap then you better pop off, if not then don’t blame me for going hog because our dps refused to swap.

You want to wait 10 minutes for a game and play the character you want without contributing to the team fight? Then you better make up the difference for your lack of flexibility by putting out meaningful damage.


If most players can’t recognize when space is being made, how can they utilize it? If most healing is easy to overlook in a team fight then how can you know if you were being healed?

Threads like this show me that it’s never dps fault. If you didn’t get any kills, you had no space. If you constantly die, you didn’t get any heals. If you pop off, it’s 100% skill and only show ls how good you are at “carrying” the team.

Will a support have terrible positioning and target prioritization? Yes l, I’ve seen it.

Will a tank feed or play way too cautiously? Yes, it happens.

Will a dps miss repeatedly, play into their counter an refuse to swap? Yes again, its common.

What people need to do is focus on their own gameplay because even OWL pros make mistakes and chances are, you’ve made numerous mistakes throughout your match and dont have any room for finger pointing.