"Our DPS did nothing"

If dps have no medals whatsoever and the tanks and healers are way above what theyre doing, then yes, the dps are throwing


so you are saying, if the tanks and supports over excel, than the dps is throwing? thats not throwing

If the damageboosted dps is literally not giving me any damage amplified stats, that’s when I’m switching to Moira since my utility is wasted on the dps.

Its a classic:
Supports and Tanks can hide behind the fact that there are no scoreboards to see their stats, so they can claim they are doing their job. If nothing “dies” then DPS are the “only ones to blame” because like we all know, DPS are the ONLY ONES that can do damage, right?

Its not like Zarya, Hog or Rein can get 1-2 kills just pressing M1 for 1 second and assisting kills where the DPS did 180 damage and its missing a bit.

Nah, its the DPS :rofl:

PS: Imagine how bad is the blame game to DPS, that even developers had to make an OFFICIAL POST addressing it.


When the fight enters 30 seconds (the pure fight team vs team) and nothing is dying… then the DPS suck often times. And that could be the case for BOTH teams…

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I’ve been playing a lot of tank lately and can tell when my DPS aren’t doing anything since 3/4ths of my combined playtime is on DPS. If I’m using two clips to break Rein shields as Roadhog, then I know the DPS aren’t even trying to help with shield break. If I’ve got gold damage as WINSTON, then I know the DPS aren’t doing anything.

Personally, I just need space and proper protection and healing. You don’t have to kill anything on tank if I have field of vision and don’t get jumped by 3 people at once.


so you are saying, if the tanks and supports over excel, than the dps is throwing? thats not throwing

had a game yesterday, where we had a dva as tank, no healers, and no other tanks. this dva was excelling over our entire team, at the end of the game, the dva remarked “trash team gg”


I’m going to point fingers at the Ana that misses every shot and the Mercy only dmg boosting the Rein when the DPS really needs the heals to take down their Pharmercy and Torb turret. And the Hog that’s running in alone.

We had a Mercy yesterday stuck to a Rein. And the Ana was doing gosh knows what.

Ofc I’ll also sigh heavily when the other DPS is trying to 1v6 every single time as Genji. But fails. I’ll also blame myself for not doing anymore than I am.


They are doing badly in comparison to the tanks and supports then. Thats not throwing but they are the reason why.

Even when you do do something and lose, you still “did nothing”.

I had a game recently where I played Echo. Some guy is yelling at me before the match even starts, telling me not to play her because I won’t know what I’m doing.
He carries on berating me every time the slightest thing goes wrong and when we eventually lose (after a close-ish match) he’s yelling “everyone thank the Echo, let’s all give them a clap for singlehandedly throwing the match”.

Me: “Dude, I have 26k damage, you need to find another scapegoat”

I went back to the replay and saw our Moira was damage only and key fights we won were flipped into losses when she didn’t heal teammates before the enemy attacked again.


tanks don’t use their head
dps don’t follow their tanks or tank shield
and healers don’t counter pick

If I’m a tank and I end up with gold damage in a loss, yeah, I’m going to assume the DPS didn’t do a good job.


Depends what DPS your team has. A Mei won’t have gold dmg very often. She works more like a CC tool for others to follow up dmg. Or a Sombra who hacks for her team to follow up, or her attempting to flank the supports. DPS doesn’t mean pure gold damage rather than what they’re contributing to a fight.

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I still did better than both of my DPS. If neither of them picked a high damage hero, it’s still on both of them to swap.

High damage doesn’t always win fights.

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Your DPS didn’t do anything, that’s not a lie.

But it’s also not telling the whole truth either.

Your DPS did nothing in comparison to the top 500 smurf in your game a few days ago. This Carpe-like player literally gets a 3k without any assistance EVERY fight. And you, the lowly tank scrub, sat on the point observing it all.

Now, when you actually have damage players that are ON YOUR LEVEL and not soon to be pro players, it inconveniences you that you don’t get to sit on the point and receive a win. you actually have to use your brain, move around and PLAY THE DAMN GAME. But no, you want what everyone here wants, spoonfed entitlement.

I agree, but with two DPS on my team, I shouldn’t beat both as a non DPS.

When I blame DPS, it’s because most of you don’t know how to micro manage target/objective prioritization. You take bad engagements, don’t help shield break, out of position often, Take damage for free, don’t peel/communicate with healers, and a good portion of you don’t make synergistic picks, you just want to lock in your WIdow/McCree/Soldier experience because you were in Q for 10 minutes, etc.


Dps Moira player
“These DPS sucks seriously, I had to DPS in order to kill”
Also DPS Moira player
Has been dpsing since the match started

I am so tired of these threads. Each situation is individual and unique, sometimes dps really don’t do anything sometimes healers and tanks are bad at enabling them. It’s not a hard concept you can’t just say this happens and done, it’s not constant, it’s ever evolving and changing with the players and different combination of players.