My bad, missed that part. I saw your tracer video and came to the conclusion. So you are T500 as Tracer or as JQ?
Both. Though I don’t play Tank nearly enough to consistently get T500 on it. I did it once to prove I could and haven’t tried again.
Tracer is my one trick. I’m just good at flexing to other roles
Looks like you are too good for this game, as good as an exceptional case
Well thanks, but my point is that you CAN one trick on Tank.
The Tank pick doesn’t matter either. I’m friends with a T500 Hog OTP named One Hook, Dmon on here is a T500 Dva otp…it’s not like it’s not doable
As LazyDragon said, you can win, but it will be a sweaty job for your team, and it will not be your achievement, but theirs.
That’s not how that works. When I was climbing on Tank I was consistently diffing the entire lobby. Which is exactly what One Hook and Dmon tend to do as well.
Tank is not actually a hard counter role. Whiny MFs just like to pretend it is.
I played against One Hook on my alt the other day. Absolutely crazy Hog player.
Ooh, what is your alt named? You might’ve faced me on Support as well lol
And yes, One Hook is insane. For sure the best Hog I’ve ever seen
One of my Coinkydink accounts. It was a game played a game as Hanzo on Numbani. I won
I’ll have to check back in my replays but we did have a Numbani game lol
Was OH constantly in the backline and the DPS on his team were doing…well, nothing? That game made me mad. DPS going negative tried to flame him when he had the best KD on the team despite playing with no help at all
Before that, we played Runasapi and got rolled, if that helps.
I don’t knowwww
Dude I wish I wasn’t at work rn
I gotta check my replays
Dammit I didn’t get to face you
Not the first time I’ve played against him. Hogs like One Hook are the reason I’d never want to see Ana nerfed lol
Seriously lol
Ooh, I have a question for you. Are you a Hanzo otp?
I used to be. He’s still my most played hero by far, cuz I just love playing him!
Wanna join a scrim team? I’m trying to form one of all otps. So far it’s just me and One Hook!
I wish I could, but real life be happening. I already had to quit all of my last teams because of the lack of time I can give them these days. Do remember me, though! Things could change!
On one hand, I get the frustration of getting stuck with a bad tank selection.
On the other hand, playing tank is one of the most masochistic experiences in OW. It’s either feast or famine for them as far as their team working with them. So if they want to stick to something they enjoy, and the team be damned, that’s fine by me too.
If it bugs me enough, I’ll queue tank to be the change I want to see in the world. It never bugs me enough though, even watching baby Diva dying to beams for the umteenth time. Fight on little soldier. Fight on. You’re more nobile that I.