OTP tanks are the worst

The problem with this is that they have to become weaker against other things. There is a reason counters are played. A lot of this is because non-counters can’t do enough against them.

Buffing them against counters, and nerfing them against non-counters would probably be the best direction to go in this regard. Overly simplified, but the idea is there.

My sympathies to you, OP

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Why swap on tank? You are never going to escape the never ending cycle of counterswapping, so play what you find fun.


I quite agree with what is said in the video.

For my part, as support main, I had learned to manage this rise in bitterness by dint of reading the advice in this forum “focus on your mistakes, not those of others over which you have no control” + “you can only improve yourself during a match”.

My goal at the end of a match is not victory. I appreciate it, to say otherwise would be a lie, but it remains secondary.
My goal is to tell myself “I don’t regret anything, I did everything I could do” and “here are the mistakes I made, I must not repeat them in the next games”.

This is this notion of good mindset that coaches try to make us understand.
The one I have just described is mine, and allows me to keep my serenity and mental stability as best as possible.
As soon as I feel like I’ve reached my breaking point, I quit the game for the rest of the day.

Thank you for this video, which is particularly informative. It opened my mind to many aspects that I had not consciously understood, or partially.

Sometimes you have to know how to say things even if they are hurtful, not with the aim of intentionally hurting but to show reality, and above all you have to know how to hear them.
Too bad if the ego takes a hit. A wounded ego can be healed easily and quickly.

The trick is to tell the truth in a neutral and friendly way, without biased judgment. Like in this video.


I mean depends on how long they have played. I’d rather them stay at one tank until they really get it down then branch out usually they get picked up faster the more you learn. I wish a could be a ball otp but he is great until suddenly he is awful lol so I okay a lot of ram and sigma too. I feel between those 3 if it can’t be figured out then there was no winning anyway. That’s the extent of my willingness to swap I will play those 3. I’m not jumping on Zarya to counter a DVa, I’m not playing rein cause my team can’t figure out walls or whatever lol. But yeah only one tank is very hard to get away with. But for a new tank I’d actually recommend it for a little while

Omg, if you are THAT bad at math and don’t understand what “disadvantage” and “advantage” is, read:

Your tank is countered. Your advantage is -1.

Your damage dealers or healers could try to compensate it by countering their tank, but they can’t do it as effectively as tank. Even if they can, the best chance for your team is to make your advantage 0.

But don’t forget that the enemy team has no disadvantage (advantage equals 0), so their damage dealers and healers can also pick someone to counterpick your damage dealers or healers and easily increase their advantage.

So when your tank is countered, your team can only compensate it to 0, but your enemies are free to counter someone else in your team.

I just can’t blame my tank for playing something fun like Doom or Ball and not switching. If they are willing to endure the pain that is tanking in 5v5 at least let them have some fun.


Breaking news: teammate’s bad and causes loss! A shocking development.

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People have always cried about one tricks, because they need a target to blame and have no logical thinking ability.

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So? Its fair game , if you can only win with an advantage or a ceutch pick maybe then you shouldnt be at whatever rank you’re

This is a good idea, that way you don’t get the bad OTP tanks who try to force Doomfist and Ball when they are clearly getting countered after the entire enemy team swaps.

Seen it happens a ridiculous amount of times. Tank starts off with a OTP, does great for the first 2 minutes, and then becomes useless after the enemy team picks 3-4 counters.

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Here’s a harder challenge.

“Team play dive with your doom” challenge. Level: Impossible

I swear the amount of primates I can find in ranked that would rather bash their skull against the sig shield for 10 minutes straight in match instead of going dive with the doom and moving PAST the shield, is so high that I’m genuinely concerned for the overall intelligence of the overwatch population.

Same goes for when playing against orisa, rein, and hog.


If I successfully counter a Doomfist into swapping, I don’t even care what happens the rest of the match. I’ve already won.


Wait until hero bans are here and it’ll be even worse, as tank OTPs won’t even need to be hardcountered before being useless since the hero they onetrick can be banned from beginning of the match :rofl:

Still can’t believe they’re really pushing hero bans in Season 16 without even letting us switch roles during a match so people can adapt to whatever heroes were banned (the way Marvel Rivals does it - no Role Queue thank God, and it’s not even a game with a strong counterpicking systen, unlike Overwatch :sweat_smile:).

Reading the forum in April will be :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: time.

Was watching a Cyx video yesterday with him on Hog on Runisapi. They were winning and had pushed most of the way. Then the other team switched Orisa+Ana+zen and I think sojourn. They then started to push back and near the end he said “how are they turning this around”.

Duh! You are playing Hog into all his counters. Why do you think they have turned it around? Cyx won in the end but the other team did push to where they could see the enemy spawn. Clutch suzu in last fight.

Even GMs don’t switch when fully countered and don’t seem to realise that is the problem.


One day you’ll be able to read the whole message.

I got to T500 one tricking JQ, so…nah

As long as 3 things remain consistent.

  1. Tanks should be able to 1v2 a squishy, all tanks, no exceptions, at least in 5v5.
  2. All tanks should be relatively at the same power level with each other.
  3. Tanks should be weaker in 6v6 than 5v5, but they should still be able to 1v1 any squishy.

I just want the hard edges removed so that they aren’t nearly undefeatable when no counter is played but basically useless when the counters are played. That’s not good design.

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As Tracer. This topic is about tanks.


I didn’t know Junker Queen was Tracer