OTP tanks are the worst

“Look I was playing so good, now I’m countered, but we are losing because DPS are bad and healers don’t heal”

If a damage dealer is countered and too stubborn to switch - another one can try to compensate, the same with healers. But if your tank is countered and doesn’t switch - game over.


“get a doomfist to swap” challenge. Level: Impossible


Be the change you want to see


If you want a tank that swaps to the tank you feel is best suited for the current lobby in your match, queue as tank.


Some people don’t like playing whatever’s easiest because they enjoy an actual challenge.

It is not difficult to counter-pick. Even chimps could learn to identify what the correct counter-pick is for the corresponding situation.


Yeah it’s almost like 5v5 is a joke.


More like entitlement and selfishness of OTPs is bad on a team game. This did happen in 6v6 too lol.


5v5 is fine, 32 tank passives is whats ruining the game same for hp increases.

6v6 never had this bs therefor any 6v6 is better.

I’d be fine with 5v5 s1 to s8

Perks/Passives are not a 5v5 thing. That format existed for years mate. Lets not start adding things to the table that are unrelated.

didn’t remember 32 tank passives when playing owc. :woman_shrugging:t3:
neither do I remember perks in overwatch ever. in 8 years.
but I guess you are right, mercy used to have 1 passive true. :rofl:
5v5 was fine until s9 happened. s12 was absolutely a nuke fest.

If there’s a race with multiple colored cars and the red wins, are all red cars faster?



Truer words have never been spoken.

I got nothing against counter pick tbh, nor against OTP.
But if you are being countered on doom against orisa, sombra, or hog, ana etc just adjust what you are doing at least.

In a situation like these its easier to play to what suits the best to that tank than to rant.

I have been playing tank for a week and I notice my supports will ask me to come to them to get heal, but they woont move 5feet to get the angle at me that is still safe.

and its just baffling. or a zen that wont heal and team is busy charging a Zarya while zen is like “i will discord her so you get her”

Sir, she is 100% and has a kiriko, mei, and 2 bubbles with her.
and I got you to for heals.

== Tank diff

Enemy team: 18k heals
My team: 7k heals

tank and dps stats are more or less matches in dmg dealt.
Yet, tank diff.

Support is the easiest to play role and is probably the more entitled one.


And that is one of the many problems the game has.

Ofc telling a OTP to switch is basically pointless because in the incredibly rare event that happens, those dudes tend to NOT learn anything else on purpose, so they are basically fodder.

And sadly its not their fault (sometimes). Its a MR video but this dude coaches OW too, and it applies to all Supps really:

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You know other roles can counter the enemy team too right? Why yall want to force the tank to swap while you atay on your 3-11 genji?


It doesn’t help when a tank is countered by another tank.

It really does help if you help your tank instead of letting them deal with everything

For example if im dva and the enemy goes zarya, i can still make it work if a dps goes mei or bastion and melt the zarya down, but no they gotta stay on genji even if zarya counters them too


Yeah, find some other excuses. Fighting in a disadvantage is not the same as fighting in advantage.

Yeah never help your tank then cause its clear you cant form a good argument against it

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I’m not a 1-trick, but here’s the deal. Swapping, especially late game swapping, also puts you at a disadvantage. You lose ult charge. You lose perks. You might be playing a tank you are less confident on. Even if your pick counters their tank, maybe their DPS now counter you. It’s not as simple as you make it out to be.

Also, others can swap. If they have a Hog, maybe our support should go Ana. If I’m the Hog maybe our support should go Kiriko to counter the Ana. If they have a Zarya, the DPS going Bastion might be the key to victory. It’s not ALL up to the tank.

Lastly, maybe instead of just blaming everyone who plays the role en masse, we could focus on fixing tanks by reducing the severity of counters so they don’t HAVE to swap. I would prefer not to swap most of the time, and I play lots of heroes but like I explained before swapping also loses my ult and perks. So, I would like to not have to do it. The fact that it is almost mandatory is a problem in itself.