Orisa should get damage falloff again

Give her a set effective range, similar to Sigma at around 20-22m. She’s already very strong in her brawling range and there’s no reason for her to have strong poke as well. Having no falloff just solidifies her tank bully role as most tanks have crap effective range and just eat ranged Orisa damage

It’s always the same case with the “braindead” trio (Hog, Mauga and Orisa) they get small idiotic buffs over time and eventually they add up


Give her a revert with her old soccer net back, or give us 6v6 (or both).


It’s the only thing making her less of a tank bully because she can pressure Squishies farther away. You nerf her falloff and she’ll shoot the tank more because that’s all she can shoot without mobility or range

I think they leave the falloff and just nerf her brawl elsewhere instead. Or give her better mobility. Let her be headshot in fortify and or reduce damage reduction. Also nerf her cds a bit perhaps so she doesn’t have perma uptime

What about Ramattra? He doesn’t have Fall-off damage either. Or is it just cuz Orisa is “supposed” to be a close range tank?

i mean majority of his value comes from nemesis form and his projectiles are also noticeably smaller and slower


Id rather keep the lack of falloff and just remove the bonus health from fortify and add another second to her spins cooldown. Maybe her spear too I think it’s good to give tanks more options to be threats at range, I think her cooldowns are just too forgiving and easy to cycle.


Both is good.

I’d rather just kill the damage reduction on the problem tanks. If Blizzard really wanted, they could buff killing potential as well. But, if I shoot them, they should die. Stops the yawn fests happening, at least.

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Genrally projectiles have no damage falloff, so Orisa is just following current game standards.

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True, However they have compromised on those standards before.

Sombra use to be able to emp all hardlight objects. Now Lifeweavers tree is no longer affected.


I could see a possible middle ground. Put the falloff damage back on, but then have Javelin Spin boost her back to no falloff for like 5 seconds after it is used (like she’s building power froom the spin and routing it to her gun). Sort of how Fortify boosts the cooldown of her gun as well. It would make it where you could use the spin to block long range shots then be able to return a few to force them back, but your not always able to duel the Widow.

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i think that in order to nerf her falloff we should buff her fortify to have a 2 second cooldown and give 350 hp when the ability wears off, and make javelin pierce through shields.

coming back to her falloff damage, i think in order to nerf it we should just not nerf it.

Orisa should just fall off a cliff would solve some issues, tired of starting as a tank, having more skill (was playing rein into hitscan and winning) to just have them swap Orisa… so i went Zar and melted them.

Damage falloff will not fix her. It changes nothing about how stupidly hard she is to kill even if she stands in the open. She is not frustrating because of damage distance.

She needs more windows in which she can be punished between CDs. Her downtime is way too short and she has 2 types of CC when she should really only have 1.

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In OW1 she didn’t have fall off; they added it in OW2, and then removed it again

They gave her 2 more damage though from her strongest in OW1

They’ve faffed around with Fortify and her gun, but IIRC have never changed Orisa’s spin in OW2. I think altering spin could go a long way towards making Orisa slightly less loathed by a lot of people. It turns her into a boop machine plus it has a low cooldown, both elements that feature a lot in complaints.

That was such a dumb change. EMP removes literally every ult, even Sym’s hard light ult but his tree ie exempt. No logic in that at all


Give her fall damage and then drop her off the side of Numbani.


Her issue is how she chains her CDs, as well as what they all do. Javelin, the singular stick, eats damage, spin-boops, does damage, knockback-throw boops, pins, does two more instances of damage for each, stuns (twice), and interrupts. Like that’s insane, if you think about it at all.

All that and they won’t even update its skin models.

Between that whole mess and damage reduction+CC immunity and cleanse on Fortify, and unlimited falloff it’s no wonder tanks despise playing into her on a role that is already frustrating enough, and I can’t even be bothered talking about the ult on top of all that.

Just rework or revert her, at this point. I miss Halt-pull (the longer one), and Drums.

its a magical tree, i dont see how hacking a tree removes it