Orisa should get damage falloff again

You good dude? There’s like 3 rant threads you created and then obliterated

No I am not okay man

Playing against Orisa all day will do this to a mf


This nerf will just make her worse against hitscans and have almost no impact against most tanks.

And speaking about Orisa vs other tanks, she is not that good against a lot of tanks, she is just strong against a couple of popular picks like Rein and DF.

This is a symptom of how much Rein/Hog/DF are picked more than anything else.


she also builds her ult ridiculously fast post-buff. i’ve seen very mediocre Orisa build it in 30 seconds after last using it. infinite ammo and no fall-off pinpoint projectiles don’t mix

I think fully reverting Orisa would be a step too far.

It’s easy to forget it now, but people loathed pre-nerf Halt. There was much rejoicing among non-Orisas when it was nerfed into a sad excuse for an ability. Jav is such an upgrade to post-nerf Halt in my eyes it’s not even funny.

I also wouldn’t go back to self-snare while using primary. I think a lot of folk kinda gloss over how annoying that mechanic felt while playing her.

I think the devs should just take a long, hard look at spin. I think just that ability alone could be changed to make Orisa both more fun to play as and less annoying to play against.

I won’t deny that Supercharger was a much better ult than Terra, though. Terra’s got to be one of the worse tank ults.

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Eh. Look around. People loathe everything about hero abilities in this game. Halt was fun and imo way less frustrating than Javelin, and it does less than a quarter of the things Jav does. I don’t think Orisa should get to knock people out of their ults in her current state. And you can no longer Halt-Hook combo in RQ OW2 (which I remember was a pain point).

She needs some drawbacks other than ‘beams’ of which there’s 3 in the game that do much to her, and two of those heroes are bad. I’m not too concerned ‘how fun it feels to play Orisa’ while playing her right now is just rolling your face on the keyboard to get value. I’m a tank main and I won’t touch her. I have her mythic and I refuse to swap to her because I feel unethical/nasty/cheap/dirty (nor am I alone in that). Like I defend playing Moira and Sombra… I think that should speak volumes.

Frankly, I don’t really care about Spin. It’s a few seconds of weak CC and doesn’t do much to me (unless I’m dumb enough to be by a ledge and let it happen). The only real issue I have with it (other than finding infinite damage soaks cheap) is how short the cooldown is. I’d rather it doubled, or preferably tripled.

I don’t lose against Orisae unless the matchmaker has saddled me with duds as I used to main Zarya in OW1 comp, but I will say it turns my stomach to watch the enemy tank getting dunked on by my Ball or Hog to swap to Orisa, or even start out on her. I get DPS and supports flexing to play tank gives progress, and I hate complaining any hero ‘is too easy to play’ (as I think accessible skill floors are good for the game), but Orisa is a huge problem and I think is making the tanking experience far worse, singlehandedly driving tank players away from the role. Sometimes an Orisa will swap to her and play so poorly I won’t have to switch, which is embarrassing for them, but it only makes me madder that they even bothered to try that instead of playing a fun hero they enjoy.

We agree on this. I also liked the drums and their sound! :long_drum: :heart_eyes:

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See, this is what I’m trying to get at. Changing or replacing spin opens the door to introducing more downtime into Orisa’s kit. Spin being as it is, short cooldown and all, makes everybody unhappy.

I don’t feel the same way. I can’t blame anyone for playing the anti-get-booped tank and frankly, from my tank pool of Ram/Sig/Zar, I would much rather face an Orisa than a Hog, Doom or Ball. Their displacement is far less pleasant to go up against than Orisa’s, imo.

I also can’t blame people for wanting to run with a tank that feels, well, tanky. Right now there are times when I feel like I can explode in the space of a stun; even if I don’t die then I can end up getting slammed to such an extent that I’m going to perish in very short order. If I was less stubborn then I’d probably play Orisa myself.

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I guess I’d say if you’re gonna change anything, make it Fortify. Or see the last point, below.

Different strokes, I guess. If a Doom or Ball is really giving me trouble I can easily deal with them on Hog and that’s been an interaction since OW1. Or you can mirror. I think Hog v Hog is a very fair mirror, but I probably would say that having a lot of time on Hog. Orisa v any of the tanks feels terrible, imo (maybe from both sides).

Perhaps the issue isn’t that Orisa is too strong with cooldowns that are too short, perhaps every other tank is too weak with cooldowns that are too long. I’d be more than happy to explore buffing them all up to her power level. It’d at least shorten that DPS queue a bit :wink:

Or, as people have been asking for a while now. Reduce all CC, stuns, and crits as part of the tank passive. I say go one step further give CC/lockouts diminishing returns on tanks.

Different strokes for sure. Personally, I find the prospect of mirroring Hog about as appealing as mirroring Orisa.

The thing is, Fortify’s already got a hefty cooldown. They’ve faffed around with it during OW2’s lifespan but IIRC it’s about 5s and it’s got an effective ~12s before it’s back up again. The trouble is that spin’s there to pad it all out. Spin, Fort, Spin, with Jav sprinkled in there feels like a whole lot. They have mucked around with Fortify and it hasn’t made anybody happy. Time to take a new approach, imo.

But if we’re talking about tanking in general: I’d say the problem is that a lot of power’s invested in the abilities and tanks absolutely explode when they’re not up. Which is all very well and good in theory, but it means there is absolutely no room for error. You were 0.01s away from cover when your ability ran out of steam? Well, that 600 HP is gone instantly, RIP.

I think it’s time for the devs to review armour and ask themselves: is it really doing the job it’s supposed to? Then after making it better at its job, changing the amount on each tank where necessary, and bring down the potency of individual tank abilities as needed.

Right now, I can’t imagine a new player trying out a tank and having fun when it’s so unforgiving of any sort of mistake.

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Over the years I’ve felt pressured to play Hog if I want to tank and either my DPS or support (or both) aren’t doing their jobs, so I guess comfort pick. I’m falling into the same pattern with Sombra as she can even hold space by making point progress easier than Soldier or Tracer (in terms of safe getaways, and Soldier is kinda boring). I have zero reason to play Orisa, because if someone already swapped to her to counter me, what’s stopping them from going to Zarya after I’m miserable on Orisa with too much ult charge to swap?

Agree on this. Just delete the horse ;). I frankly don’t know how best to rework her.

I keep bringing up that OW2 tanks ARE NOT EVEN NEAR the power level of two OW1 tanks, and they need to be in order for the role to feel ok. DPS would just freak out (which I do not care about in the slightest). I don’t think they need the damage passive, or they can keep it if tanks get the power level the role deserves.

It was time for devs to figure it out in S2, we’re now on 10. I do not have faith with how colossally slow they work. I crossplay with new console players who flex to tank and they have a hell of a time unless the MM lobs us a Mickey Mouse match (which they don’t feel like they earned, either… because they didn’t).

It’s a sad state.

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It was bad back in OW1, too. I remember a clip of… SVB, I think?.. trying to play Rein. He lowers his barrier to do one swing of the hammer at the enemy team, his Zarya bubbling him. He dies in the time it takes to swing the hammer, before it’s even possible to pull the barrier back up.

It’s all very silly.

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There’s hundreds of those clips but I think maybe you’re referring to the defence final corner of the first point on Rialto (or that’s the one that sticks out in my mind, anyway).

This is the reason I think tank debuffs need diminishing returns, or at least the passive should mit more for free. Zen’s Discord has needed a rework since OW1, though.

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She needs more smacks than that
Her defensive uptime is obscene
Her ammo may as well just be infinite
Her bully power makes her one of the most obnoxious unfun tanks to fight against, she doesn’t seem to have a real counter unlike all other tanks

I’m always seeing people swap to her when its obvious things are actually difficult and their team needs a boost

And queen and ram and hog and mauga and to a lesser degree ball. More than just a couple popular picks I’d say

With no falloff she can still fight them. With javelin spin she still has answers against hitscans. Making it so that the tanks team can poke out the orisa does make her worse against tanks because she can’t ignore everything and w key the tank, and she’s forced to use her cds and play more passively faster

Regardless, removing her falloff won’t fix how she is against tank just make her worse against everything else. We know this to be true because she spent like 7 seasons before she got the falloff change in ow2 and she was still meta 3 of those seasons and tank players hated her

She is good against more than just those 3. She is one of the best against Mauga. She can hold her own against Sigma, although he is quite good against her. She is only really a bad pick against Zarya.

And funnily enough it’s not even that bad for the zarya player anymore. 55/45 at best from what I’ve seen because if the orisa player knows the matchup zarya still loses a lot of the time

I agree. If I end up going orisa to mirror the enemy orisa and they change zarya I often don’t bother changing to match the zarya as I can do fine as orisa. If I go zarya against an orisa it’s often the case I can still do nothing if she is getting consistent heals.

She is basically broken just now and sucking a lot of fun out of the game. I’m enjoying some DPS time because of her, sombra and ana.

The Orisa mirror is such a dreadful experience on all roles

They could make a little mix between the two.

Either readjust Halt or keep Jav, don’t bring back the self-inflicted slowdown when shooting, replace the spin with her barrier and replace Terra with Supercharger.

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Every mobile tank with functioning braincells will know that they have to ignore her and dive her backline. Specially with all anti-flanker heroes basically dying in a ditch.

If Orisa was this giga tank with zero weaknesses she would be played more in high ranks and pro-play.

She is not.

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