Orisa Legendary Skins

Just saw the new Orisa skin and felt a little disappointed. Please give us some new ones that emphasize her cute eyes! Why does every Orisa skin have to look so aggro.


It’s literally a combat defense robot.


Her classic skin is a lot cuter. And it’s a combat defense robot who was given some personality and pizzaz by a little girl.

A lot of the skins seem more like different versions of OR15s instead of Orisa.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they are cool and all. But I’d also like some that showed her personality a bit.


Orisa is sentient, the little girl is not involved anymore.

This is overwatch, where Orisa has to defend a city in the lore, this isn’t My Little Pony.


Orisa has a personality, and that personality loves puppies, has the mindset of a little girl, and does cute things in her highlight intros. Her classic skins are also much cuter. Also, we have Mercy looking like a magical school girl and a mech for D.va, a korean military officer, that looks like a cat. So cute skins are already part of the game.



I’m just saying, there are a lot of people who actually like something mean looking, aggresive if you will.

We have plenty of “cute skins”. It’s nice to get something that isn’t always something a 12 year old would like.

Wait she got a new skin???

And I didn’t ask for those to be taken away. Orisa is already getting another one of those, it’s confirmed and leaked and you’ll have it during the anniversary.

I don’t think she’s gotten another cuter one since release. I don’t see why this has to be a thing where we can’t both get a skin we like.

A cute one is pretty inline with her personality and lore.


Another Orisa skin I’ll skip… Guess I’ll just stay with the blue quality / London Spitfire skin.

Fusion Driver - Orisa’s automatic projectile cannon delivers sustained damage, but slows her movement while she fires it.

Halt! - Launch a graviton charge which can be detonated with the same action. The sphere slows and pulls nearby enemies to it.

Fortify - Orisa temporarily reduces damage she takes and cannot be affected by movement-impairing effects.

Protective Barrier - Orisa throws out a stationary barrier that can protect her and her allies from enemy fire.

Supercharger - Orisa deploys a device to increase damage inflicted by allies within her line of sight.

Doesn’t really ring "cute’ to me, sorry I have to disagree.

Yup, for the anniversary.

Here are the leaked anniversary skins

I personally think it looks sick

But dat bastion skin tho

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That new skin looks AMAZING and I cannot wait to get it. A cool twist on Orisa for sure.


Tbf I can’t think of Legendary tier skins that would feature her eyes at all, Carbon Fiber and Beetle are proof that it sorta limits design

Those are her abilities, not her personality. This is the kind of thing that showcases her personality.


I’m fine with her personality, but it doesn’t play a part in her combat oriented abilities. I love dogs too, but does that mean I can’t join the army and be fierce? Do I now have to wear a rick and morty costume in war?

No. You could just not wear that skin? And you can wear the skin you like, and I can wear the skins I like, and we can both be happy?


This new skin the the best skin the game. I love it. Good thing I bought the Orsisa golden weapon a month ago. Its soooo beautiful.


oh crap her skin looks awesome
I shouldn’t have bought Null Sector
and Bastions

But look closely ! The eyes are on the skin ! You can see them

I really love the really magic aspect of this skin , and her cute eyes are there so it’s perfect imo