o.O You stay with that horrible recolor instead of one of the most detailed skins in the game? Ok your choice…
Yes! Her facial features is exactly what I like about her! I enjoy playing her a lot as well. Most of her Legendaries have skipped the one feature I really like about her, so yea, that’s why I stay with the blue recolors…
Dont like any of them to be honest <.<
I kinda like her “mean” looking skins.
She looks indimidating as hell, yet she’d rather hug you than kill you.
A nice contrast.
1st skin can’t load, 2nd seems to change the overall “shape” of Orisa, something that Blizzard wouldn’t want, and 3rd feels a bit low effort Epic that wouldn’t really fit Blizzard’s status quo of quality of skins.
But now that i looked at the new skin more closely, you can see eyelids, so she probably will have eye animations. Just that that look is her default eyes
I don’t want Blizzard to do any of those skins in particular, they were not suggestions. Just more to show that they can absolutely do cute skins.
I wouldn’t mind at all if they did one as an epic.
eta: second one doesn’t change her shape, just adds fur. I think they’ve already shown they don’t mind messing with the hairstyles, and Orisa’s shape is distinctive enough you’d instantly know it was her.
Told youuuuu
The eyes are there it’s a great skin ! Intimidating but cute when you look closely
I’m in love with her new skin personally. Honestly I think its one of the best skins in the game.
Yeah, I don’t know how so many people ended up missing that key component of her. Sure, Null Sector and Immortal Orisa lack the eyes, but the angle of her eyes in this new Druid skin is about as big of a hey btw she has expressive eyes don’t worry as the leak coulda gotten XD
Well, I’m glad the eyes are there. I’m less disappointed now. But I still want a cute skin that showcases her personality more.
I like having options. Some days I want to go all battle droid, some days I’d want something cute. I love that you can change skins at the start of the match now and do it all the time based on my mood.
It’s just fun to have options, imo.
Looks like a cool skin to me, though I’m a little disappointed D.Va didn’t get anything.
That’s just a fan skin.
I sure hope so. I was kinda really looking forward to a new event skin for her after as long as it’s been now.
They could make it real. They made that fan skin of reaper into that epic skin for normal boxes
And they also made Butcher Roadhog, which started as fanart
yea i agree.
its the same with zarya. her skins are also medicore and make her look like a freaking male.
I like her totally 80s though, lol.
I wonder how they’d do cute and still fit her personality. She’s a pretty rough and tumble gal. But I’d dig one if they could make it work.
eta: Actually I take that back, I remember a steampunk fan one I saw that looked amazing for her.
well she looks feminine in the summer sport skin.
they just need to give her a beautiful hair like in the 80’s (not short or messy looking) and a dress like in barbarian that looks more beautiful.
fe a dress like this one: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5f/1c/5e/5f1c5e5a8e8e650dd8ccb1c7b96d78ac.jpg
and a hair like this one: https://99px.ru/sstorage/53/2015/10/tmb_143788_2412.jpg
I feel ike that wouldn’t really fit Zarya’s personality, but I do like that hair.