Orisa is too hard too take down

All I read here was:

Wahhhhhhhhh!!! I can’t 1v3 Kill an orisa! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Actual definition of get good.

Ignore her. If you’re not on a flanking dps/tank, swap to one. Orisa can’t really help her back line that well

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Have you seen Roadhog? Orisa is a Junkrat in his ultimate compared to Roadhog

Zen’s Discord orb helps wittle her down pretty good.

Headshots are her. Weakness but overall she is very good

Orisa was created to stop Doomfist, but decided that he had the right idea and became better than him at his job

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She became the very thing she swore to destroy.



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orisa and Zarya are too much over-tuned at this point. I fully agree they need to be reverted.

Orisa is not even top 3 in terms of tanks. Zarya is hard meta and DVA is meta when you cannot play Zarya and I cannot think of a single time or reason I would ever go Orisa. What does she do that is good? She is not particularly good at damage, she has zero mobility, a terrible ultimate, and without her CDs she is very vulnerable with her spin being very easy to get around. Basically her only utility is spear and that is simply not enough to make up for everything else.


Damn I wish that were me. Unfortunately my healers as of late like to go play DPS instead so when I try to go aggro I proceed to get baleeted instantly.

…lawnmower mode knocking people off ledges/environmental hazards is THE best thing though.

Just cause you win with her dosent mean shes good. I have a 80% wr on doom and everyone agress he is pretty much the worst tank in the game rn

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Orisa is very tanky yes, either a well timed anti-nade and/or keeping her perma-discorded will usually do the job. Alternatively, just play defensively while one of your dps tries to kill the backline, maybe push while the supports are peeling for each other and arent focused on healing Orisa.

Sounds like enemy supports doing their job


Thats like her only strength, but then you have Zarya that is also immortal but does 2x her damage, can actually protect her teammates in a valuable way plus have the strongest ultimate in the game…

I for one think Orisa needs a bit of help both on her game-flow and ultimate, heres what i would do: (shameless plug time :skull: )

Did you try going for the supports in those 3 minutes?


have you considered shooting her supports instead of her


Kill the healers first


Steps to win against Orisa:

  1. Pick Sojourn
  2. Use Orisa as a charged shot battery and kill her team

That’s it. Picking Hog or Orisa into Sojourn will basically kill your own team.

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zarya? yes. orisa? not so much.

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