Orisa is too hard too take down

Shoot the healers first? Personally, I’m fine with a gameplay loop of “character can’t die because supports are healing them” as long as the supports are killable.

Tanks should be cycling their defenses to not die, but we all know how weird people get on here when it comes to tanky tanks.

I swear when I’m playing Tracer and Orisa uses her gold, it’s like shooting a mountain with gummy bears and I can’t do anything! :sob:

Bearing in mind I sound like a daedric prince, so I tend to get what I want c;

Depends on your playtime. I’m an Orisa main. xD

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Orisa is so much fun now and yeah I think she can be pretty strong when played right (like most of the other tanks)

When I hear this though, all I can think is “then you should target the supports first!”

There are many good flankers and even snipers/poke heroes who can pluck off Orisa’s backline. The map and the enemy support’s positioning may determine which damage will be more effective but either way, if you can’t melt Orisa faster than she is healed then it sounds like targeting the support would be a far more valuable option.

Seriously - that is exactly what I said to myself earlier. Someone mentioned that tanks lost their strategic gameplay and my first thought was about how some of them gained more options/freedom at the cost of it.

I love playing Orisa and feeling like I can use javelin to counter a dive/ability or disrupt a Pharah/sniper. Juggling that tool with the spinning javelin just gives me a lot of stuff to “play” with. Junker Queen may be feeling weak to most but design wise it feels similar - she has a lot of flexible tools and weapons she can use from one skirmish to the next.

I like that direction a lot more than feeling like I have to just sit and ‘wait’ to pop my defensive cooldowns (even though I used to love the idea of a defensive orisa). Winston doing aerial shots while diving down, Rein charging in and canceling to bop the backline aggressively – it feels fun to have flexible tools to make space with.

Yes, very much so and I love that her voicelines highlight this now. She went from holding hands to delivering claps and she won’t have any of your nonsense :joy:

tank battles are a thing of the past. bury it.

forget tank. go for squishys. non mobile ones

Orisa has a weird dynamic with the other tanks. She goes kinda even with rein and generally loses to dva and zarya. However against df, jq and RH she bullies them.

She can stop dooms punch with spear or gold armor and stop his block with spear. Backed up by an Ana and zen df struggles hard, not to mention her base armor and gold armor just makes her tankier. Her defensive options are just better and her spear makes dooms punch look like a joke.

Jq thing is getting the team to push up. Orisa doesn’t care and pushes back. She can block the knife or resist the pull and bleed really doesn’t bother her. Jq ult is actually the best counter to Orisa granted there isn’t a kiriko. Not to mention getting a 5man with that ult can make jq super tanky and allow a solid dive onto supports.

Roadhog gets bullies. He’s already feast or famine but Orisa really pushes him towards famine. With proper management Orisa can stop a pull on herself and an ally getting pulled can be saved with a spear. Honestly, just wait his pull out and light him up on a miss. His heal can easily be canceled with a spear as well. I normally love playing df but since hog can bully df I swap to orisa to bully back. Honestly hogs best option is to bait out spear and hook a healer or push past orisa.

Orisa is fine and can hold her own against any tank, she just bullies the lower ones.

Never. It’s been 6 years and people still haven’t learned that the win condition to every fight is kill the supports first. They’ll never learn.

I’m astonished that the dev team has not done any tweaking to orisa. she dominates every game she is in, if they have even semi competent supports.

She’s not overtuned at all. Anyone that struggles with a orisa is straight up not taking advantage of her head hitbox or ignoring the pocketing supports.