Orisa is not OP, but annoying

i’m the one player giving the stats that finally convinced them to buff her i guess? jq is the only reason i’m still playing this game, was on the verge of quitting during doubleshield as a dva onetrick when beta 2 dropped :frowning:

then she showed up in my life and i did not play a single game of comp that season after that till beta 2 stopped, and i only played Junkerqueen

i can’t wait till dec 6th


The only thing that bothers me is that hitting her from the side while she is javelin spinning still makes your projectiles, even ults, disappear even though the javelin spin visually isn’t even coming close to it.

Other than that, supports die, she dies. And like you said, she’s not OP, just a bit annoying.


I agree tbh, she feels so stupid to play against at times. Her ult although underwhelming gives you Fortify. You can Fortify and, once that’s over, get it again when you ult.


This is what grav used to do, feels like nowadays no one dies when you grav. The time enemies stay in grav feels MUCH lower.

They did nerf that time

Junkerqueen stares and slowly frowns

Three boops?
Besides spin and spear what is the third one?

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the ult boops you towards her

oh lol I considered that more of a mild pull.
never really noticed it too much tbh so it can’t be that strong.

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it ISN’T that strong, but on a hero that ALREADY HAS TWO OTHER KNOCKBACKS it’s abnoxious af

Horse is braindead OP, they don’t nerf it just because there’s same braindead OP sojourn in game. For rest dps horse is completely untouchable, unpunishable, uncontestable.

Need to nerf her sustainability.

Hog, Orisa, and Sigma are very annoying; but they aren’t OP.

Select hero → Winston → Delete their backline

Thats she fortifies while using ult annoyed me more then once, but the changes were new so I wasted some shatter on her trying to counter ult just to be remembered that she fortifies.

But thats on me tho

That’s because Junker Queen is underpowered still.

Queen is fun but she needs a buff, then she’ll have a clearer win condition into things like Orisa.

My guess is something like:

  • Carnage needs to hit harder so it’s better into other tanks = don’t get in melee with her or have a plan to dodge the axe
  • Queen probably just needs either more health, or a stronger self-heal on her Shout

Then the interaction with Orisa becomes “If you stay at range she’ll wither you/your team down, but if Queen can close to melee, she’ll axe Orisa”

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I think new Orisa is super well designed and actually balanced, plus I find her less annoying to play against than most tanks. Orisa can feel very OP if you and your team are pumping her full of damage all game, because she’s incredibly survivable. I’ve found the best strategy to simply ignore Orisa as much as possible and try to take out the supports.

Her ultimate is pretty crappy, though. Could probably use a minor buff, but they may have to decrease some of her numbers elsewhere in her kit if her ultimate is buffed.

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