Orisa is Beyond Help

It’s probably time to admit that with a paper shield, any buffs you give Orisa will not help her viability whatsoever.

Someone wiser than me once said for balance you need to buff strengths and nerf weaknesses for distinct character balance, which makes perfect sense to me. Instead they’ve nerfed Orisas best strengths and buffed her weaknesses. Halt will never be as play initiating as it was with its old radius and even more her shield is irrelevant.

So to try and compensate her they’ve thrown everything they can from projectile speed, headshot immunity, halt cooldown etc but until they admit what all know makes her strong is what got gutted and no attention to the weaker areas of her kit is gonna make her meta I’m afraid.


Revert halt Cooldown change,

increase shield to 750 or 800.

Why does Sigma, a off-tank, get a better shield than orisa.


They can take the cooldown buff of halt if they give its original radius back imo.


Bruh… halt was literally so broken with it’s old range.


Do you think that Orisa would be good with just a shield buff? Better than Sigma?

Yeah. If we increase shield… and leave halt on a low cooldown, then double shield would 100% coming back.

That’s why we need to look at it, and chose 1.


I honestly think a 7s cooldown on orisas shield would be fine tbh.
Either that or 750 hp shield.

I think the rest of her kit is good tho. Oh yeah maybe revert the halt buff if we’re buffing her shield.

revert the halt buff, buff her shield to 900 hp and maybe a 11 second cooldown. for sigma, put his shield to 600 or 500 hp since its a launch/deployable shield or just remove it entirely

At least it it’s the Mcdonads wet napkin that brig has :weary:

“i mean she does need buffs, just not buffs to her health. I say buff her napkin tho because napkins need love instead of just being wiped on and thrown away.”

- SanitaryPads

I really don’t know what Brig needs. I play all 3 roles between 2700 and 3100 and she felt fine with when she had that HP buff, but the overwhelming consensus from the elite is that she was busted.


She needs a higher armor ratio-- or maybe not a wet napkin but an actual shield?

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Sigma’s not intended to be an off-tank, and in double barrier he is, in fact, the main tank. He’s the MT in most tank lines, actually.

If they gave Orisa a 2500 HP barrier on a 3s cooldown and nerfed everything else in her kit into the ground, she’d be even worse than she is currently. Like, why are people so bent on the “Orisa is a static position tank” thing?

Do you all not realize that rush comps are meta because they can just plow through static positions, and there are enough variants of it that making Orisa even more vulnerable to rush just means she’s even more worthless?

Without the ability to control engagement zones around herself and withstand a rush comp, she’s always going to be a meme pick; giving her more shield HP that enemies can literally speed boost right past and never attack is the wrong way to fix Orisa.


That’s true, but I still think they overnerfed her shield.
Although I agree we should not buff her shield into oblivion and nerf the rest of her kit to oblivion, she definitely needs a shield buff, imo.

Brig player here, I think she’s actually strong.

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I agree, she needs a better shield.

I think the cooldown could stand to be buffed, but the HP is fine. It’s intended to be a speedbump, not an impenetrable fortress to play poke wars behind. Orisa should be encouraged to go aggressive more often, so she’s high risk/reward for capitalizing on using cooldowns correctly.

It’s not exactly big brain to just plop a new barrier every 8 seconds and ride the payload while Bastion kills everyone in complete safety, and that’s why people hate Orisa jail.


It was notoriously obnoxious when it was like that. People referred to it as a mini-grav. There was clearly thought behind that change. Her ability in that form was kind of useless considering the CD. You probably shouldn’t have a nigh-useless ability on a hero when each ability is supposed to make you feel powerful. Now you can throw it out with less thought and it fits neatly into her ability rotation to make her a more engaging cow.

Her winrate and pickrate both went up reasonably too, though her pickrate should possibly be a little higher. It’s just hard to discern whether that will take more time for the meta to shift to her or if it’s just that it’s softcapped because people on average enjoy playing Orisa less than other heroes.

A little of column A and a lot of column B. All the pro players hate playing Orisa when they could be playing Rein or Winston, because her gameplay is quite a bit less dynamic and engaging than the other tanks.

That said, I think people are still sleeping on Orisa and the meta will come back around to her once they take Rein down another peg (revert the 85 damage hammer buff).

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Brig is pretty good right now. She just takes a lot of adapting from her old playstyle. She is broken if you can play her right.
Perhaps they need to rework her because she is misleading. She seems like a frontline Paladin who can lead the charge, but she’s actually a glorified babysitter who can cycle a new CC at you every 2 seconds.

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I think the barrier does need a buff, but I don’t think the HP is the place for it. I’d give it a shorter cooldown.

Static bunker play is dead, and rightfully so. Nobody really likes it except for a few old-school Orisa and Bastion players who are stuck in their ways.

how was halt broken? genuine question, I didn’t pay much attention to orisa after ball came out