Orisa is Beyond Help

The problem Orisa has always suffered from is how the game works. By and large most encounters are 20m or less, rare is the line of sights in a fight longer than that. Add to that tanks need to make space and push forward in most situations. Being fairly slow to move and held back by a fixed shield Orisa reacts poorly to a changing battlefield.

The biggest issue though is her lack of threat. Her dmg just isn’t that great and she folds like tin foil when pressured. Unlike Rein she doesn’t have the instant kill charge or high dmg hammer to scare people off.

So even if Orisa had a 2000hp shield, she’d still be a bad choice of tank.

It’s basically a mini-grav every 6 seconds.

With the old range, it had like a 10 meter pull radius… yeah.

flying sigma is always an option~

Simple solution - take away Sigmas barrier and revert Cow to the state she was pre-Sigma. Even when I like the headshot resistance though… but yeah.

Mostly because of the easy synergy it had with other abilities.

The popular one was hog’s hook, which basically guaranteed a kill, but it also synergised super easily with basically every aoe ability and was extremely powerful for setting up easy kills.

You can still do these things after the nerfs, but the increased travel speed and reduced grab radius means it’s considerably harder to coordinate with teammates and reliably execute.

If you think Sigma is an off tank you don’t know what main tank means

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Orisa, I don’t think, is in the dire of a situation. Her position’s arguably better than Sigma’s. Plus, don’t forget about Bastion-Sym. They’re position’s…not pretty, to say the least.

They can only buff Orisa’s shield so much without triggering another double shield meta.
You can thank Sigma for her current state.

I find Orisa to be fun to play and a strong pick, especially in games where people can’t figure out how to stand behind cover.

I agree to the changes, but I wouldnt say Sigmas shield is better

Orisas shield is like Monkey on a CD and you get another shield while your shield is active. Sigmas shield needs to be down in order to recharge.

Sure, you can argue that Sigmas shield is better because its replaceable, but at this point its not a usefull comparison anymore and the 150hp wouldn’t change that either

Assuming that old Halt is not on the table, I’d take buffs to make Halt feel more responsive. It’s currently got a 0.45s activation delay according to the wiki, they could lower that so it’s more snappy and useful against faster characters. If that doesn’t help, they could also revert the snare nerf.

I’d rather have a Halt that felt like it had a clearly defined purpose every eight seconds than the current hodgepodge every six seconds. That might be just me, though.

The only way to play Orisa well is to have an abnormally high accuracy with her and fragging. It sucks.

Orisa has the most satisfying dink dink dink headshots in the game for my money.

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Combined with a supercharger it is glorious :heart_eyes:

Because its not better.
80 restores per second AFTER two seconds. And he constantly has to put it back out.
It’s more flexible at the cost it can’t block spam damage or any real damage very well. it’s for blocking important cooldowns.
Orisa’s will recharge while it’s out AND has about as much HP.

700 or even 900 shields won’t change that her issue is nobody has to respect her space unless the sightline is really long.
They’re making the right changes.
The halt cooldown buff really helps with small kill confirms and keeping enemies off you and the fortify buff helps her survive ON TOP of the projectile speed that made her more lethal
It’s not quite enough yet though imo. But it’s DEFINITELY the right direction.

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Orisa is beyond help, because too much stuff needs adjusting. And the current design guys don’t have it within them to rip the bandaid off and change her properly. Everything is baby steps, and alll the while months go by where she’s awful.

Her shield has ZERO flexibility. You cannot ‘play’ with it or game its position or HP. That kind of predictability–added to her slow movement–is awful.

They need to be brave, and fast-track her to the end goal.

But even so, in a world of Widow one-shots and insane Ashe/McCree damage, I’m not sure she can even tank with the shield she has. She can’t protect anyone. And she can’t clutch anything.

Not really. Revert her HALT! radius and she’d probably be quite good.

Yep. She will continue to be a trashtier pick without a proper barrier. The fact that she’s suffering in the D-tier a.k.a. Dog*-tier just because Sigma was released upon the game and initially broke it almost entirely is very disgusting

I wish they’d remove Sigma’s shield all together or make it super weak but have super regeneration or something that would mean double barriers wouldn’t be a thing without Orisa’s shield

I wish Orisa was able “rev up speed” if she doesn’t change walking direction.

The April fools buff of her having 250% walk speed was actually really nice. I Orissa walk slowly sped up, and at Max Speed she can charge/boop people or something.