Orisa Hog isn't a good comp anymore, guys

Nor does it make it wrong

You edited it, must have done it right before I quoted it

funny thing is, it isn’t.
one of their posts about reinhardt being too good got reasonably flagged because we’ve heard it all before from the same person

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Anyways, the point of this wasn’t that Orisa sucks. The point is, Orisa as she is now really doesn’t play well with Hog; she really needs an additional source of damage mitigation. Hog is about the worst tank to play with her honestly; Rein or Sigma is best, but even as an off tank I’d take Dva first and Zarya second.

That is not against the rules. I understand you are a rein main, and he complains about rein often. This is fine though, dude.

False flagging is wrong, right?
So yes it is wrong…

I did? I do not remember editing, apart from spelling/dumb mistakes.

Not false flagging though

Yeah, I recall quite clearly a different phrase

  1. spam is against the rules considering that was post… 25 i want to say? thats not even an exaggeration
  2. Torb main, Reinhardt secondary
  3. when these posts are made almost every week, it’s not exactly fine

You are though?
Here’s the definition of the flagging “spam”
It’s Spam

This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.

Not for what you quoted, I didn’t change that one at all.
Whatever though, it’s fine :sweat_smile:

If rein balance was a problem, then yes that is necessary, otherwise, how are devs going to see that he’s a problem?

It’s Spam

This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.

As far as I am aware that means he is doing nothing wrong tbh

Well someone had to say it

because this is simply ad naseaum.
Double Barrier is coming back into high-level play with no direct changes to any tanks. Reinhardt isn’t the problem, nobody seems to understand why Rein is the way he is, why Sigma and Orisa can’t be buffed so effortlessly, and why Reinhardt can’t be nerfed so easily either.


The forum flag is a broad generalization, we all know what spam is:

  • junkrat shooting 3 whole magazines into a choke
  • doomfist repeatedly saying “and dey say…”
  • and making the same post asking to nerf reinhardt every week
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No it isn’t


Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

Making threads that are all about Rein being too much or other tanks being bad and that you shouldn’t play them qualifies as spam.

Might have misread, my b

Yeah yeah, this isn’t about rein balance, you’re changing the subject, I was talking about how he isn’t spamming dude.

I was referring to the flag system, but you gave me a little laugh, so take this :heart:

If he was constantly making threads “rein is op” “rein is op” “rein is op” then yeah, It would be spam. Often his threads are about different topics and I already

adressed that above.

No probs dude!

You pull the rein/sigma up with orisa you pull someone from below with hog

Same line of discussion

Yeah, most of the threads are “Rein is too string” and/or “the other tanks are too weak”

I dunno, I looked at all the threads and most were pretty different.
I guess this is where we just subjectively disagree, which is cool.

I have to go now though, swimming.
Have a good one!

Mean while people at the T500 level are begging for Orisa/Sigma still for tanks.

You can rag on Roadhog all you want, but double barrier is still dominate at any coordinated level.

it’s go on well and that other control map with pulls

even though you made it to make a point, I actually found it useful to see all this info in one post . ty my friend you unintentionally helped everyone

have you seen hog, the only reason he has a high pick rate is cause dps players play him to death in order to play the game. I will be surprised if they buff any tank before hog at this time.

literally. the. best. balanced. character. in the entire game.
good when the meta allows him, playable when not. The only “real” problem he has is that you can specifically buid a team-comp (ladder) that fully shuts him down.
hog, sigma and orisa, reaper, mei, mccree, echo, even hanzo, moira, brig, ana and even zen can make his job almost impossible when enough of them are in play (zen and hanzo only with help, but if they get any, he will get shredded)