Opinions on Scatter vs Storm?

The projectile speed of his arrows is lovely isn’t it?

Again, he’s played as a mid-range character and with the buff to the arrow’s speed, you only have to lead as much as a Zen would with way more damage output.

Scatter was cheap instant-kill garbage. There was literally no reason why should a normal ability on cooldown be able to instantly kill Tanks and everybody else on the roster. Also sometimes he can kill you with it even if he shot it nowhere near you

Storm Arrow sure he can quickly melt you, but at least he has to actually shoot you in the body and you have time to react.

All of Hanzos dmg was burst. His primary and scatter both was burst. What other high damage could they mean?


You’re right, they’re not meant to be unkillable.
But with an ability on a short cooldown that can halve their health in a couple of seconds, what’s the point in being a tank?

Edit: To clarify my standpoint, Hanzo and Widow should be used interchangeably, leaving mid range combat to Soldier and McCree, since they are both rendered worthless because of Hanzo. Hanzo was a sniper but now he’s a better McCree than McCree is.

Isn’t it funny how the main complaints about Scatter came from Tanks…

It’s one thing being killable, quite another just being a punch bag for this Spam.

8 seconds is not a short cooldown.

The point of being a tank is that you press one a button and protect yourself against all the damage that is being shot at you. That is why Zarya has bubble, Reinhardt has a barrier etc etc.

Shouldn’t dps characters kill you if they find you with your abilities on cooldown? If this isn’t the case how else are you meant to kill a tank?

But Hanzo mains were so proud of their “mad skilz” with Scatter Shot…


All the Hanzo whine is starting to seem like lack of game sense.

Stop trying to face tank high damage when your cooldowns are down.

It’s faster than McCree’s flashbang and on the same cd as his roll. Both play a similar role now.

Not purely on their own. The main feature of tanks are damage mitigation and high health pools, they’re meant to be able to take more punishment as a result of having less kill potential.
Hanzo shreds half the health off of one because his team focussed their damage towards a barrier for a bit or because he used leap to quickly dodge around a barrier.

What about Hog and D.va who are meant to focus more around disruption than team protection and have 2 of the largest hitboxes in the game, with D.va having the easiest critbox to hit.

TBH storm is probably better, but I can’t handle this lack of geometry. :sob:
I need them to make a bouncing arrow ability or something :thinking:

So if Mccree has longer CDs than Hanzo it somehow makes Hanzo’s CD to be considered low? got it

Oh god focused fire is killing a tank heaven forbid. The team is working towards allowing their DPS to shred a tank, teamwork is so awful.

Both Hog and D.va have defensive abilities. D.va even has mobility. Both of them can kill Hanzo if he is by himself, both of them can survive against Hanzo with proper game sense.

Be nice if Scatter wasn’t on a shorter cooldown than my défensives, or if you couldn’t just sit and wait then out and still be free to spam in your 8 second window.

Are you sure they aren’t supposed to be one man army unkillable gods

I like Storm Arrow better it makes bad Hanzo players like me look decent when we spam arrow fire into the choke. lol!

I sux at Scatter very much :confused:

I have died a couple of times too often to a scatter arrow that wasn’t even meant for me. A few times I wasn’t even on Hanzo’s screen. So I do prefer storm arrow, although I agree it’s overpowered.

Also, it should be much more visible.

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I kinda like the idea of making him glow a little bit more High-Noon like. It would be interesting to test that on the PTR

Storm is better than Scatter in that you won’t suddenly explode because he aimed at your feet.

That being said, it is beyond ridiculous how powerful this ability is, to the point where it catapulted Hanzo into a must pick and one of the top DPS in the game.

A sniper should NEVER be close to top DPS in a competitive game.

When they both play similar roles and one has significantly longer cds, yes. If you compare it to many of the other cds in the game, it’s fairly average or slightly longer but has a much higher damage payoff than the others.

There’s a distinct difference between multiple damage sources dealing consistent burst damage to overwhelm a tanks defences and ultimately killing them and having a hero that can output more damage than some ultimates on a more consistent basis almost single-handedly (with some support help, he’s still the only considerable damage source) wiping tanks out.
Focus fire is an effective strategy, Hanzo single-handedly being a tank buster + primary dps + team wipe is overkill. The fact that you are even arguing against this is proof of your own bias.
McCree was sledgehammer nerfed for the exact same reason and for the exact same style of ability.

And both are much larger targets both in terms of priority and general size. Hanzo can shred most of their health off in under 3 seconds on top of any other damage dealt by the other 5 players on their team.
Hog’s “defense” capability is a self-heal which reduces some incoming damage, Hanzo can almost negate it entirely with storm arrows. D.va’s defense matrix was nerfed to be more of a panic defense/ult counter rather than a consistent defensive ability.

The salt is real. Seems like you are blaming all your woes on Hanzo, no Storm Arrow.

Bad tanks are getting shredded. Anyone with an aim will force the Hanzo to take a much more defensive approach instead of spamming into a bunch of unaware pin cushions.