Opinions on Scatter vs Storm?

Yes and yes, and Storm Arrow is far more fun to play with (and against) than the patented Hanzo cheap-shot Scatter Arrow. Burn in hell you cheesy mechanic.

I can track fine with D.Va’s pistol and Orisa’s fusion cannon, they’re slow projectiles and far from simultaneous.

Also, Scatter was only killing Orisa and Zarya, and even then only sometimes. Spam can reliably take down any tank, because of it’s lower cooldown then their defensives, more chances, and the capacity to just sit and wait for an opening once its activated. It needs its crit damage removed.

No removing crit dmg makes the ability hilariously bad and pointless to use. You dont only cut the damage potential in half and make it less effective against tanks, you also make it less effective against squishies than his primary. It would become an ability you basically never want to use.

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It would still be better than Scatter, as it would still have more potential than that, and more reliability than that. So yes, you absolutely would still want to use it.

He can still do plenty of damage with his primary fire against tanks as well.

Scatter 450 dmg in one burst. New storm arrow, 420 dmg destributed over 6 shots over 2 seconds duration assuming 100% accuracy.
No it would be worse than scatter in every way.


On an 8 second cooldown, as opposed to 10 seconds, and not a coin toss of hit or miss.

Cooldown doesnt matter if his primary is better and you never want to use it.
2 seconds = 2 primaries. Crits for 500 dmg.

Assuming 100% accuracy… Which is a silly assumption when crit rates even at GM are something like 15% at best.

Scatter ruined individual players experiences… storm ruins the team experience. They just shifted the frustration of playing against him to a different part of his kit… what they’re thinking in the Blizz balance team is a mystery to me tbh.

Yes, talking dmg potential here. Since you want to remove crits we’re talking about skilled players making use of it.

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To be fair I really hated it getting scattered. On Storm I have at least an idea how to counterplay it.

However I think the movement speed increase it what pushed Hanzo over the edge.

At this point you can reall think if Fall of damage might not be a good idea.

Skilled players don’t have 100% crit accuracy, stop pretending they do. On average, Spam is going to be better. If you know you have your moment to get the crits, sure, don’t use Spam; otherwise you’re applying pressure and Spam is going to give you better results. You use experience and skill to make those calls, same as McCrees using FtH or just going headshot.

Then having crits on strom arrows shouldnt be an issue.

It is an issue though because spam has a random element and tanks have large crit boxes putting it too much in favour of spam.

You said yourself you only spam against tanks, and that’s because it’s overly rewarding, particularly from crits that you didn’t even aim for or earn.

I feel like the (much needed) projectile speed increase is the real cause of people’s frustration and they’re misplacing it on the new ability. A body shot from any kind of arrow will get a Tracer to recall after all.

For me on both ends, shooting Storm and getting shot by it feels better. If you’re a tank you should just position closer to corners and use them for cover since you have the time to move… I think it’s just punishing bad positioning from tanks in a way that we didn’t see before. Maybe D.va shouldn’t be able to dive in whenever she wants like a DPS anyway.

I think it’s going to be a while until we see it go since Blizz just put the money into animating a new ability for him. I hope it stays too. I’m also fine with crits. I’m much more concerned by the proliferation of stuns. That ruins the fun almost as much as Scatter…

Except this can be fixed by decreasing the number of arrows without making the ability pointless to use.

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How would it? I mean the current damage potential is more than killing the Tank, reducing it a little though didn’t change that. Removing a couple of arrows will still leave most tanks more than dead.

Less arrows = less RNG in your favor of getting a lucky crit. Overall max dmg potential reduced, but still rewards aimed skilled play.

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A good Hanzo will also usually fire a regular arrow first. I get Tracer/Moira/Genji a surprising amount of times with just a body shot… and come on… it’s soooo easy to just accidentally dink someone with those logs.

Scatter Arrow shards never crit.

This was why it was a damage increase to scatter the floor in front of someone. You went from a 125 damage (max 250 with headshot) arrow to 6 75 damage shards in a shotgun spread for a max of 450 damage.

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