Opinions on Alec and the rest of the balance team?

I honestly feel like they are struggling. I am not sure what exactly is going on behind the closed doors but my main issue since OW2 was released are things: stale metas and some drastic, big hero changes to heroes that don’t need it.

My main issue is a hero receiving multiple (big) nerfs or buffs at once, without any testing at all, clearly underperforming or dominating after them.

And also stale meta and few same heroes being picked and dominating, without much variety.

I can’t say that i am really happy with how things are. I hate Hanzo not being touched at all for so long, i hate Orisa being picked and counter picked constantly, i hate how they are ignoring Moira being so meh in every way, i hate what they did to Illari and how they sucked out the fun out of her, i hate dealing with new Sombra…


It’s interesting how many people loved the beta, and how many people are dissatisfied now. I wonder if they had kept things in the beta state if people would still be happy with it, or if that would have gotten old.

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first impressions are not the same as final impressions…

anyway alec is doing no better or worse than geoff was in all honesty…the balance will always be “off” because everybody has their own warped vision of what balance in this game should look like…and even if it meets some peoples expectations, it will never satisfy everybody’s…

and just to add to it…guess which group of people are the ones that tend to be vocal about it


Nah its because they are slowly ruining the game by rebalancing it to be more “casual friendly”


I think they are doing ok. My only real surprise is that they have been waiting on buffing the tanks harder.

I thought they would have been in doing that earlier than they have.

Another way to see this is balancing it to get and retain new players, which is 100% what they should be doing.

If the casuals are not having fun, you don’t have a game.

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Many of which are more harmful than beneficial to the health of the game and playerbase…


I find that hard to believe. You can lose people who want it to be a hitscan mobility fest and not impact your player numbers all that much. But if you don’t get and keep new players, you have serious problems.

There is a reason all of the successful overwatch type games balance this way, and the same reason why the ones which did not, no longer exist.

Hero shooters as a Genre are littered with the corpses of the “we should cater to the high skill crowd” designs.

The ones which are left, either pick balancing for casuals, or have heroes which are in practice almost identical, and are not really hero shooters.


I hate them for destroying Sombra. I also think they’re not very good at balancing for the reasons you listed. They want to switch things up every season so it doesn’t feel the same from one to the next but what that means for this balance team is to make some heroes OP to force a meta rather than balancing the crew to allow for more diverse metas. I can’t say anything about them when it comes to tanks and the counter-swap metas that happens there, that’s just the natural consequence of the awful decision to remove a tank so it wouldn’t matter if they had the best balance team in the world because it can’t be properly balanced to remove counter-swapping without destroying everything OW is.

Not every game and gamer are a good fit for each other…

Right, but if you want a successful game, it is pretty obvious which group you have to cater to for the style of game overwatch is.

None of the ones which tried otherwise has survived the process.

Complaining that Blizzard doesn’t follow them down into the graveyard is not a thing Blizzard will take seriously.


Yep. And thats the exact opposite of what blizzard is doing…

They are using a competitive game to pander to a casual audience…

Because the casual audience is easy to get money out of…

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Which is the ONLY successful formula in the hero shooter genre which has worked.

Yes, and the companies which have not learnt this lesson don’t have games now.

Complaining that Blizzard is doing this, is a VERY weird choice.

Literally going down the other path is CRAZY harmful to long term health for the game. As shown by the number of games which tried, and it killed them.

How many clones of Quake champions / lawbreakers / brink / etc / etc / etc
do you need before you realize there isn’t a market for it.

Building games for the group which you will get no money out of is bad for your games health.

The casual player base is literally the only playerbase which actually counts for anything, and if you want your game to be healthy long term, it is the only crowd you 100% have to have on board.

ANY other choice is ruinous.

TF2 was successful, Paladins has been successful, Overwatch has been successful. They all have one thing in common, which the unsuccessful did not do.

You can NOT have a game if you don’t make it work for casuals. Saying “screw them, we only balance for the high end” is a god damn death sentence.

It is like PvP only MMOs, they either move their focus to PvE or they die, and there is nothing outside of that.


The issue with beta was it came after long content drought so everyone will be hyped and they also make exceptions thinking a lot of fixes will happen.

Your the one failing to accept what Ow is… i mean its not like the Owl existed… or that the game was balanced at that level of play and worked well for years.

Along comes overwatch 2. And suddenly every heros masively unbalanced… some of which who were mid teir in ow1 and still are, are suddenly the most broken heros in the game despite having little to no changes…

Blaming format change or aruging its a diffrent game is just s cop-out…

The audience ow2 panders to does not have the right mindset for a game like this, and many of which would rather cry and throw tantrums than adapt to it…

And yet, OW2 gains players, where OW1 only lost them.

There is a reason Blizzard has made this choice.

What do you mean, they have the right mindset for it, you are the one crying and being upset at how the game is balanced. The casuals are playing and having fun.

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Technically R6 is a hero shooter and it is a serious game and heavily balanced for skill.

It has worked.

Gains players that are bad for it…

A large playerbase does not mean its a healthy playerbase… go spend a few hours on valve ran tf2 servers… youll see what i mean…

I already covered R6.

Games like TF2, Paladins, Overwatch where the heroes are VERY different from each other all land

More like “commercially successful”, with a “larger playerbase”, and “more popularity”.

Dude they technically self sabatoged the game with no content for three years which is when it lost players.

Ow2 isn’t gaining players now despite content it’s just not back to last days of ow1 yet