I agree with this. I honestly use OQ as a warm up, not in the sense that I play what I want or how I want it, but actually playing the role that I want to Q up later on in RQ and being warmed up on.
OQ is good for high elos, where ppl know how to play multiple roles on a same lvl, are more aware of certain team comps, and know more about what works into want and are willing to switch up the comp depending on the match.
Low elo QP is a dumpfest and a fast track to the unpleasant memory lane that makes you pray to all the Gods (depending on what religion you belong to) and say thank you for ever receiving RQ.
I play it now more often than I did when it first came out, as previously said, as a warm up, and the things you see are the following: the same thing that made you roll your eyes as a support and a Tank main, and made you say “here we go again”. 4 DPS, one Tank, one support.
Now, just to be clear, I made my peace with any kind of Comp long time ago, and I do not get tilted anymore over whatever one feels like running, but if you go Pharah, and have a fear of heights and play ground bound Pharah, then even my blind grandmother can see that you have no idea whatsoever how to play Pharah, or yo get those DPS that know are trash in RQ so they feel superior while being a higher elo in OQ.
The thing is OQ now is seen as QP with Comp points where you can play whatever you want however you want it, win or lose and still get closer to that golden gun.
When OQ was the only Q we had, you definitely had more people who were willing to flex, or actually had the same mindset as you and wanted to win and improve, but now that Q is even more unbearable.
Even if you really try to coordinate anything, suggest anything, you are going to be met with “got to RQ if you want to win, I am just having fun here doing my own thing”.
It is basically QP but with chance to earn Golden guns. I would not even wish it upon my worst enemy.