Open Queue vs Role Queue

I understand that each of the options that we have is all personal preference, but I would like to understand everyone’s point of view on them.

I personally think RQ is a lot better and OQ is hot garbage, I have noted a lot of my games are thrown with more lack of co-ordination due to people just picking what they want, refusing to swap heroes when they are being countered or when we lose the first team fight someone swaps from a vital role to something we really don’t need, which involves us getting stomped.

RQ feels more enthusiastic and people just seem to want to play with the team, as a team. But I do get some games which are complete stomps but not anywhere near as much and it actually feels like we lost because we weren’t the better team.

I dunno if this is just me or?


Same opinion pretty much. Open q is great mode on paper but horrible with overwatch community playing it.

Role q saved saved compwtitive which was getting worse and worse every month.


It actually ruined it, by player count numbers as per the various posts on the subject. They took away player supply/demand and borked hero balance (many hybrids scaled amazingly in open but get little value in forced 222). The evidence is in the numbers they reported, and ofc the queue times. Coupled with the release of Apex/Valorant which were all too eager to scoop up the alienated dps players.

Fast-forward to 2021, and despite spitting on dps mains and making tanks by far the most impactful role, people STILL want to dps 3x more than the other roles- which require bribes to fill.

They’re not saving competitive by keeping the forced role lockdown. 222 is wrong like math wrong, like why did u hire that guy wrong, and there is no supporting it.


Tanks are not impactfull role like two or more seasons.

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Debatable. Up to October patch Tanks were blatantly most impactful.

And they’ve been giving out bribes for longer than that (lootboxes for over a year before queuepass). The ladder is so lowpop high queue most nights and LFG was never this dead. You can’t even cash in their fiat currency most nights because well, broken and dead.

222 is a failed model. It didn’t “save competitive” as you suggest.

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Open q was replaced by role q, role q is most played comp mode, owl is role q too, open q was obviously failed model. And thats why it changed.

Open q is great only on paper with good behavig community, team spirit and players cooperation. We all know we dont have that.


I still think we can remove Role Queue.

To fix the issue of unbalanced comps and whatnot we add in a better LFG/Guild system.

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Wrong. The “dps” and “combined” average for RQ are most played. Tank and Support are less played than OPEN. This is confirmed for all server regions.

OPEN is more played than ROLE in ASIA, where gaming is basically more advanced and mistake-padding is a no-no.

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And yet you were complaining in past multiple times about too long queue times in open Q. Weird.

Ofc I’m complaining. They should be nearly instant in OPEN. But they still take 6-7 minutes because of the rigging. Not because it’s empty. Without MMR rigging, you find 12 people within an SR band and ship.

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Sure, its because rigging LOL. Ok no point of arguing with you anymore, have a nice day.

I have practicaly faster queue time in role on dps role.

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In open queue I can change to counter the enemy team and not have to rely on my idiots teammates.

Bastion killing everyone but no one changes to reaper, pharah, or soldier? I do it, screw those guys. OQ favors changing to meet the situation.


I enjoyed Open Queue because I’m a fill player but don’t want to be stuck in the same role every single match.

Unfortunately now, OQ is filled with people who just auto lock Dps since it’s a faster queue.

I’ve just got over the fact that I’m destined to be a tank player…

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For real, just play Ball in OQ, people wont complain, because your already picking a tank, but play like hes Tracer, it’s what I do.

As for RQ vs OQ, I play both, I enjoy both, if I feel like I want a structured game I’ll que for RQ, if I want to have fun and see what kind of weird yet working team we can come up with OQ is the pick. My personal favorite matches are OQ with 6dps huddled around a Soldier healing station.


It split the playerbase and now there’s less players in either queue nice

Open Q is just objectively the superior game mode. Let us have a look at the pros and cons:

Greater freedom
Shorter queue times
Greater skill cap
More varied compositions
Better balanced

Goats? I’ve never seen it but maybe they play it at a higher rank I don’t actually know.Although when I have played it I enjoyed it.

roll Q:

Track your progress across three separate roles

People not caring about their off-roles (not everyone is flexible)
Off-roles not being moved to proper ratings fast enough
Not enough tanks as characters, thus large imbalance in tank players vs damage (besides the fact that fewer people in general play tanks), which leads to tanks being thrown into matches well above and below their current mmr and sr, with wildly varying expectations both ways
Too many damage characters relative to other categories, that unless the very top of ratings, where tanks and supports use priority passes for faster queues, queue is overloaded with damage players, who play noticeably less games and are adjusted very slowly

It’s a wiki so you can edit this list

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I agree with this. I honestly use OQ as a warm up, not in the sense that I play what I want or how I want it, but actually playing the role that I want to Q up later on in RQ and being warmed up on.

OQ is good for high elos, where ppl know how to play multiple roles on a same lvl, are more aware of certain team comps, and know more about what works into want and are willing to switch up the comp depending on the match.

Low elo QP is a dumpfest and a fast track to the unpleasant memory lane that makes you pray to all the Gods (depending on what religion you belong to) and say thank you for ever receiving RQ.

I play it now more often than I did when it first came out, as previously said, as a warm up, and the things you see are the following: the same thing that made you roll your eyes as a support and a Tank main, and made you say “here we go again”. 4 DPS, one Tank, one support.

Now, just to be clear, I made my peace with any kind of Comp long time ago, and I do not get tilted anymore over whatever one feels like running, but if you go Pharah, and have a fear of heights and play ground bound Pharah, then even my blind grandmother can see that you have no idea whatsoever how to play Pharah, or yo get those DPS that know are trash in RQ so they feel superior while being a higher elo in OQ.

The thing is OQ now is seen as QP with Comp points where you can play whatever you want however you want it, win or lose and still get closer to that golden gun.

When OQ was the only Q we had, you definitely had more people who were willing to flex, or actually had the same mindset as you and wanted to win and improve, but now that Q is even more unbearable.

Even if you really try to coordinate anything, suggest anything, you are going to be met with “got to RQ if you want to win, I am just having fun here doing my own thing”.

It is basically QP but with chance to earn Golden guns. I would not even wish it upon my worst enemy.


I can only half agree with this, since true flex players still exist in OQ (such as myself), the problem I feel is most people, as you said above, treat OQ as a warmup instead of a competitive mode.

The people that say things like this, are literally the reason why RQ was needed, to that point however, the players actually trying to flex, or pick tank/support and lock it in at the start, are players who truly want to improve their overall gameplay.

I honestly wish golden weapons were removed as incentive to play competitive, as so many casuals, those who only want the points, don’t actually try to play competitively, and in my opinion, are ruining comp for the rest of the players.

Both can be alright, but I heavily prefer role queue.

Open queue could have creative comps and flexibility. On paper it sounds amazing. Switching to a hitscan from a healer to help with Pharmercy etc… oh wait, no one is willing to swap to a healer to fill up the spot! Now the only tank is swapping to dps aswell because there is not enough heals. And that’s about as far as ‘‘flexing’’ usually goes.

In open queue on a personal experience, I’ve filled many many times when the game starts and it has lead to others flexing too. Flex meaning healers and tanks only of course. With this I’ve had some great games that could’ve been terrible othervice. I can imagine if I refused to flex, my experience would be wildly different. Sure, 5 dps works… sometimes… but yeah no thank you.

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I instaclick support in OQ, because as I wrote above, it is a warm up for me on a role I want to Q up for RQ later, and again as I wrote above not in a sense that I want to play whomever I want or however I want, but actually heroes I play in RQ with the same mindset that I have in RQ. I personally do not look at OQ any different than I do when I Q up for RQ. I put the same effort in both of them. Not the same can be said for whoever ends up on my team, but it was not my intention to blame them or judge them, just to tell them how they do not have the right to complain about anything.

I was talking about everyone else. I do not think if you would even believe me if I told you how many games I had where I was the only support, while having 5 other players play DPS. Now I am not saying that the enemy is going to be perfect, or that they might not have the same issues my team is having or that 5 DPS comp, one support cannot win matches. I have won such matches. Pre RQ and in OQ, but I have lost way more with such comps.

And as I said previously, will repeat it again, I have not complained once about a certain team comp in OQ, even with 5 DPS and one support. At this point I am just going with the flow (OQ or RQ) and am concentrating on my own gameplay, but do not yell on VC when you are being dumpstered on by someone who clearly plays DPS better than you and you (by you I do not mean you personally) are using OQ to “play whatever you want, however you want it” because according to you “it is actually not the real competitive”.

The thing is you want to play however you want and whomever you want but not lose or die to someone who clearly is better than you with the role or hero you decided to play, so you tilt, yell, leave, leaving your team 5vs6 then Q up again (since you do not wan to Q up for RQ since it not only takes longer to find a match, but you know how much you do not work to work as a team, and consider OQ to be some kind of deathmatch), and repeat the process.

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