Open mic reset to push to talk after restart

Same here.
Any fixes?

Doesn’t seem like it. It looks like a client bug so we will have to wait for a patch. :frowning:

This is becoming extremely annoying and widespread. A lot of people I run into on group finder have the same issue. Over a week and no fix though.


Same issue - Why hasnt anyone from Blizz responded. If you said something anti-political they would be all over it but when a widespread bug appears its quite as a church #deadgame


Same here. Please let us know when there’s a fix, devs.

I don’t think they’re monitoring this sub at all.

Spoopy has had the same double topic up for 20 hours now and they haven’t even swooped in to tell him “one thread at a time, bruh” like they do so swiftly everywhere else.

Edit: Lots of threads about this, no response from Blizzard yet.

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glad to see they are quick to resolve the bugs in this game… still an issue

I wasn’t part of the beta, yet have the issue of it switching to push to talk every time I restart the game. It’s super annoying

same here, issue has been happening for about a week

Yeah this has been happening for a few weeks now, to the point that, when I first sign into overwatch I reflexively go to sound settings and switch it back to open mic without thinking about it.

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sad situation. still no fix.

Same issue. Please fix this.

its been so many days.
cant even fix a simple issue, but plan to change 6v6 to 5v5.
blizzard really gg


Yeah this is still messed up. I bet all their devs are working on OW2.

Still an issue here.

Same issue. Very annoying.

Same, up. Any feedback from devs here ?

Confirmed problem not resolved and taking forever Blizzzard!!!

Same here. I think My sens also rest, but would have to test that to be sure

BTW, I played the OW2 Beta and thats when this bug started.

I still have it installed, even known It can’t run. Maybe this is related?

It happens every time I restart my game.