Open mic going to push to talk

is anyone else having a problem when after you close the game you have the mic to open mic and when you run it the next day it changed it self to push to talk without you changing the settings has this happened to anyone else


mic setting revert back to “push to talk” from “open mic” everytime i closed ow application.


Also having this same problem…


yup, me / my brother / my sister are all having the same issue

Same. Glad it’s not just me :slight_smile:

yes, this happens to me as well, its annoying

same here, anoying af

Same. Affecting my friend as well. We’re both on PC.

yep. same here. always have to change the setting. annoying.

Same issue. Every time. I have to go into settings every time I launch the game and revert back to open mic

Can confirm, this is driving me crazy. Pls fix!

Same here. Always defaults to push to talk when loading the game.

Same problem here… :frowning: