Broken Voice Chat

I’ve noticed this happening to other people consistently. I do not know the cause.


Yeah that’s so annoying I hope they fix that issue


goofy ahh ow devs skull emoji times seven


OMG! That happened to me to it was SO annoying!


Yeah, glad that others can relate to what has been happening to me. Please interact with our forum please blizzard. I cannot live with not hearing anything!


Please fix this. This is very annoying to play with.


this is so true and must be fixed! please blizzard i am on my hands and knees begging.


ok hear me out, if an annoying person gets disconnected from vc it’s a GODSEND :heart_eyes_cat:


Blizzard it has still yet to be fixed. Please don’t skip over these posts and ignore it. We custom game kids matter. I want to listen to my besties say quotable things thanks <3

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This is also happening in qp and comp games making it very difficult to coordinate team fights. Blizz is unlikely to fix for a few weeks IMO as they want to push for OW2. :skull_and_crossbones:


I also have VC problems as right now, cannot connect to any voice chat, and on startup I get "Voice chat disabled (5027)


Even with the resolution options it gives that doesnt fix the issue either. Blizz is a sad company.

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Goofy ahh overwatch devs :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:fix this fuking game :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:you ugly poops :poop: :skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:

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Goofy :skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy :skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy :skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull: Goofy​:skull:

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Actually throwing :skull::skull: you don’t even show 1/4 of the skull emojis :skull::skull: suing

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Yeah no, fix this please. It’s very inconvenient and I’d like it fixed. I’d like to listen to my friends say dumb crap but I can’t do that if MVC is bugged out. Fix this as soon as possible, don’t ignore us. We’re players of the game like everyone else. Just because we play custom games doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to have bugs fixed for us too. Thanks for coming to my ted talk :grinning:


This happened to me as well, as earlier today my VC was working Just fine. Now after restarting my PS4 and game, I am kicked from VC without any rhyme or reason. Please fix


Was happening to me last night too. I found going into the social menu, removing yourself from the channel, going back to game, back to social menu and entering the channel and then returning to game worked as a workaround. Did take about 20 secs to rejoin when back in the game though.

Very annoying although glad it’s not a “just me” thing.


know multiple people having this issue

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If you have issues with voice chat after the update try setting your push to talk off. A lot of us are having issues where mic audio is switched from open mic to push to talk after closing Overwatch.